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AAA: 2008 Summer Internships in DC, Yerevan Have Robust Experience

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  • AAA: 2008 Summer Internships in DC, Yerevan Have Robust Experience

    Armenian Assembly of America
    1140 19th Street, NW, Suite 600
    Washington, DC 20036
    Phone: 202-393-3434
    Fax: 202-638-4904
    Email: [email protected]


    August 04, 2008
    Contact: Michael A Zachariades
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: (202) 393-3434


    Washington, DC - For over 30 years, the Armenian Assembly of America's
    (Assembly) Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship Program (Program) has
    given participants the ability to travel to the Nation's Capital and
    be part of a unique class of students for an unforgettable educational
    experience. At the same time, the Program also affords the students
    the opportunity to develop and enhance their professional abilities
    and gain a competitive edge for the future.

    "One of the goals of the internship program is to bring us together to
    discuss and review current issues facing Armenia and the Diaspora,"
    said Haig Kherlopian, the Assembly's 2008 Washington, DC, Intern
    Coordinator. "The interns travel to DC, adapt to city-life, settle-in
    and develop a greater understanding of Armenian issues, and as a
    result will advocate for Armenia in their respective fields and

    This year's intern class is a diverse group of 18 college students who
    reside in all parts of the country and abroad, and they are pursuing
    degrees in political science, law, journalism, humanities and
    history. What binds them together, however, is their personal
    commitment to their Armenian heritage.

    While in Washington, students intern in offices on Capitol Hill, with
    government agencies, non-governmental organizations and media
    outlets. The program also gives students a full schedule of
    educational activities, presentations by journalists, professors, and
    lawyers, as well as meetings with Members of Congress. "What's most
    interesting about the Assembly's internship program is the sheer
    diversity of both the job placements and the participants involved,"
    said Assembly intern Lisa Haidostian. "The result is a patchwork of
    personalities and experiences, fostering an environment that's

    Already in its second month, the interns have met with Hayk Demoyan,
    Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute; John Hughes,
    Editor of ArmeniaNow, "Independent Journalism from Today's Armenia,"
    published every Friday, online; Noris Balabanian, U.S. Department of
    State, Bureau of International Law Enforcement Affairs; Victor
    Vartanian, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Immigration &
    Customs Enforcement; Mark Krikorian, Executive Director of the Center
    for Immigration Studies; Representatives Adam Schiff (D-CA); Jackie
    Speier (D-CA); Ed Royce (R-CA); Joseph Crowley (D-NY) and with the
    Co-Chairs of the Armenian Caucus Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) and Joseph
    Knollenberg (R-MI), as well as attended Congressional hearings for the
    South Caucasus region and the Senate committee hearing for Ambassador
    Marie L. Yovanovitch, who is the Bush Administration's nominee to
    serve as the U.S. Ambassador to Armenia. The interns also visited the
    White House, the Armenian Embassy and the Library of Congress, where
    they met with Armenian and Georgian Area specialist, Dr. Levon

    "Thus far, I've been privileged to have worked in a House office
    building; watched hearings; participated in briefings; lead tours of
    The Capitol and meet with numerous Members of Congress," said Assembly
    intern Ari Zartarian. "I have been fortunate to witness first hand the
    efforts and involvement needed to craft policy and enact
    legislation. It is an experience for which, I will be forever

    During the concluding week of the program the interns will meet with
    Dr. Rouben Adalian, Director, Armenian National Institute; Dean
    Shahinian, Senior Counsel, U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing
    and Urban Affairs and Representatives John Sarbanes (D-MD) and Zack
    Space (D-OH). The interns will also participate in an Assembly Young
    Professionals Panel, where former interns will share their stories
    about interning at the Assembly and life after graduation from the

    Assembly Internship Program, Armenia

    Yerevan, Armenia - The Assembly 2008 Summer Internship Program in
    Armenia is in its ninth-year, with eight interns participating. "The
    Summer Internship Program in Armenia provides an opportunity for
    interns to experience life in Armenia and better understand the
    challenges, and opportunities, Armenia and Karabakh currently face,"
    said Arpi Vartanian, Assembly Country Director for Armenia and Nagorno
    Karabakh. "It is an absolutely unforgettable experience, providing
    lifelong memories, and changing the interns' lives forever," added

    Since the program's inception in 1999, fifty-seven interns have
    participated, working in various government offices, media outlets,
    hospitals, non-governmental organizations and think tanks.

    "This is my first time in Armenia and I didn't really know what to
    expect," said Tatiana Gumuchdjian. "I am interning at ArmeniaNow media
    agency and National Geographic Traveler-Armenia (NGTA), as a
    contributing journalist, and I had a story published on the ArmeniaNow
    Website within five days of my arrival in Yerevan!" Keep an eye out
    for several more articles by Tatiana, which are expected to appear on
    ArmeniaNow in the coming weeks. Tatiana has completed an article about
    ancient Ani, and expects to soon complete an article about the 10th
    century Amberd Castle in Armenia. Both these articles are expected to
    be published in upcoming issues of National Geographic

    Michael Morel, from Merrimack College and Vram Kherlopian, from
    Bentley College, spoke and understood very little Armenian when they
    arrived at the onset of the Program. Yet, in just a few short weeks of
    immersion and effort, they learned a great deal, and can understand
    and speak much more than they did upon arrival. They are very excited
    to be interning at the Armenian Center for National and International
    Studies (ACNIS). Both were given the freedom to choose their own
    research topic; Michael is researching the history of Armenian-Russian
    relations and Vram is studying the influence of western musical
    culture on modern Armenian music. Vram also interns at the National
    Competitiveness Center of Armenia (NCAA), where he proofreads
    documents and edits the NCCA Website. "This internship is a great way
    to visit Armenia and experience as much as possible," said Vram. "The
    excursions, meetings with politicians, and all of the other activities
    offered are all great ways to immerse oneself, as much as possible, in
    the Armenian culture," added Vram.

    Tsoline Avedisian, from Widener University, also interns at the
    recently-established NCCA. She translates articles to English,
    proofreads documents and updates the NCCA Website. In addition, she
    interns at National Geographic Traveler-Armenia, established this
    year. Tsoline, whose major is Business Management and Marketing, is
    developing means to increase the sales of the magazine in Armenia and
    abroad. "Over the years I have heard many positive things about the
    Armenian Assembly and so, I decided to participate in the internship
    program this summer," said Tsoline. "The internship program has turned
    out to be a great learning experience, as well as a lot of fun! Even
    though I have previously been to Armenia on several occasions, this
    program has allowed me to visit places that I've never seen and most
    importantly, be able to give back to my country as an intern."

    Liana Mayilyan, from the University of Texas at Austin, is interning
    at both the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund and the Human Rights Defender's
    Office. At both offices, her proficiency in reading, writing and
    speaking Armenian prove invaluable as she translates and proofreads
    documents. At the Human Rights Defender's Office, she also monitors
    Armenian cases pending in the European Court of Human Rights. "The
    Armenia experience so far has been very rewarding," said Liana. "It is
    very interesting to be part of the Armenian workforce. I am very much
    enjoying my time working and touring the country."

    Sarkis Balkhian, from Clark University in Massachusetts, is interning
    at the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute (AGMI), and at the Middle
    East Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Sarkis's
    proficiency in Armenia, English and Arabic prove useful at both
    organizations as he reviews, edits, and translates documents, and
    updates the official Website of the Armenian Genocide
    Museum-Institute. At the Foreign Ministry, he has been tasked with
    providing comparative analysis of relations with middle-eastern
    countries, and proposing ways to enhance Armenia's relations with
    countries in that region. "My Armenian Assembly internship in Armenia
    has provided me the opportunity to experience the nature of
    professional life in Armenia," said Sarkis. "While interning at the
    Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute and Armenia's Foreign Ministry, I
    was able to utilize the knowledge and skills of an apprentice at the
    field of politics and international relations, to a professional
    level. In addition, the internship provided me the invaluable
    opportunity of experiencing life in Armenia, not as a tourist, but
    rather as a resident. Above all, the internship reignited the fire
    inside of me to fight, live and work for our beloved Armenia," added

    Aline Mnayan, from University of California, Irvine, is interning at
    the Ministry of Education, where she edits and translates the
    Educational Cooperation Program between Armenia and Georgia. She
    assisted in organizing, and also attended, the recently-held
    All-Armenian Educational Forum. This forum provides an opportunity for
    Armenian teachers around the world to discuss educational issues
    facing the Diaspora. "Though I have been to Armenia before, I have
    never worked here," said Aline. "I am really involved in the projects
    and I constantly learn from the people I work with." In addition to
    her internship at the Ministry of Education, Aline also interns at the
    Millennium Challenge Armenia office, where she is involved in project

    Zaven Sargsian, University of Utah, is interning at both ACNIS and the
    Ministry of Finance. In addition to proofreading and translating
    documents at the Finance Ministry, Zaven has a unique opportunity to
    become acquainted with international trade agreements of the World
    Trade Organization, the European Bank of Reconstruction and
    Development and the Asian Development Bank. At ACNIS, like Michael and
    Vram, Zaven selected an independent research topic: "Economic
    Conditions in Armenia and Dollar-Dram Exchange Rate Fluctuations."

    "I breathe Armenia, I hear Armenia, I live Armenia," said Zaven. "It
    is in Armenia where one feels life, where one feels whole and
    complete. I came here thinking that I might affect Armenia somehow,
    but realized that Armenia has affected me. And throughout all this, if
    you were to ask me what I would change, all the difficulties,
    disagreements, and inconveniences I have had here, I would say
    'Nothing.' I would change absolutely nothing," said Zaven.

    Interns are encouraged to greet each day as an exciting, new
    adventure. During their time in Armenia, interns also visit places of
    cultural and historical interest throughout Armenia and Nagorno
    Karabakh, and meet with a variety of people to discuss current issues
    facing Armenians today, all while working and experiencing everyday
    life in Armenia.

    To date, interns have visited St. Etchmiadzin, as well as the Khor
    Virap, Noravank, Haghartsin, Goshavank, Haghpat and Sanahin
    Monasteries. They swam at Lake Sevan, toured Gyumri, visited
    Tsakhkadzor, and saw the ancient ruins of Ani from afar, at the
    Armenia-Turkey border. They visited the Zvartnots Temple, and the
    Sardarapat Memorial and Ethnographic Museum. Interns celebrated
    Vardavar (Water Holiday) at Water World. They toured the Yerevan
    Brandy Company and the Areni Wine Factory, and visited VivaCell, (a
    mobile phone company operating in Armenia). Just days ago, filled with
    unforgettable memories, they returned from a 3-day trip to the
    Zangezur Region and Nagorno Karabakh.

    In addition to their daily work schedule and weekend trips, interns
    meet with government officials, spiritual leaders and other prominent
    individuals. So far, the 2008 Intern Class met with His Holiness,
    Catholicos of All Armenians, Garegin II; Prime Minister Tigran
    Sargsyan; Parliament Members Davit Harutyunyan, Hranush Hakobyan and
    Raffi Hovannisian; Deputy Mayor of Yerevan Vano Vardanyan; Officials
    from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia; U.S. Charge
    d'Affaires Joseph Pennington; NKR Minister of Foreign Affairs Georgi
    Petrosyan and Head of the USAID-FAR Humanitarian Mission in NKR
    Andranik Sargsyan. During these meetings, interns learned about the
    inner workings of the Armenian and Karabakh Governments, the Armenian
    Parliament, the significance of the Armenian Church in the history of
    Armenians and the important role of the Diaspora in their homeland.

    Interns share their impressions and thoughts with the Armenian public
    through interviews with local Armenian media. This provides an
    opportunity for the Armenian public-at-large to become better
    acquainted with Diasporan youth, their thoughts, perceptions and

    "This internship program provides Armenian-American youth an
    exceptional opportunity to interact both professionally and socially
    with counterparts in Armenia. They gain a better understanding of what
    they can do to strengthen their Armenian communities. Many interns
    return to Armenia with their friends or parents. Some of them have
    even established their own internship or assistance programs," said
    Summer Internship Program Coordinator Vram Karakeshishyants.

    Assembly Internship Descriptions

    In 1977, the Assembly launched its pioneering internship program to
    give college students of Armenian descent an opportunity to live and
    work in Washington, DC, for eight weeks each summer. Interns gain
    exposure to the policy-making process in our nation's capital.

    Thanks to a gracious bequest made possible by the Memorial Fund
    established through the generosity of Aram Terjenian, Annie Thomas and
    Florence Terjenian, the internship program was re-named the
    "Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship Program" in 2003.

    In 1999, the internship program in Armenia, which aims to introduce
    college-aged students to life in their ancestral homeland, and to
    foster the skills needed to help them become the next generation of
    leaders, was launched.

    Assembly Internship Participants

    Washington, DC

    Adrine Akopyan, University of California, Los Angeles, Congressman Adam Schiff
    Helen Avunjian, University of California, Los Angeles, Armenian
    National Institute
    Maral Balayan, Misr International University, Cairo, Egypt, Armenian
    Assembly of America
    Armena Ballard, University of Pennsylvania, Congressman Joe Sestak (D-PA)
    Vatche Cherchian, City University London, Armenian Embassy
    Hamazasp Danielyan, Yerevan State University, Policy Forum Armenia
    Carissa Greenberg, Gonzaga University of Law, Armenian Assembly of America
    Lisa Haidostian, University of Michigan, Climatewire
    Talar Hovnanian, University of California, San Diego, Center of
    Immigration Studies
    Teny Josephbe, University of California, San Diego, Library of Congress
    Allison Khederian, Williams College, Armenian International Policy
    Research Group
    Sarah Khederian, George Washington University, Senator John Kerry (D-MA)
    Elina Khodorkovsky, University of Southern California, Office of the
    Nagorno Karabakh Republic
    Allison Sadoian, California State University, Fresno, Congressman
    George Radanovich (R-CA)
    Lauren Sarkesian, University of Michigan, Senate Sub-Committee for
    Ari Zartarian, University of Michigan, Congressman Joseph Crowley
    Christie Chorbajian, University of Maryland, Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr.
    Amalya Hovsepyan, Yerevan State University, Voice of America, Armenia Desk


    Tsoline Avedisian, Widener University, National Competiveness Council
    of Armenia (NCCA), National Geographic Traveler-Armenia
    Sarkis Balkhian, Clark University, Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute,
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Tatiana Gumuchdjian, New York University, ArmeniaNow News Agency,
    National Geographic Traveler-Armenia
    Vram Kherlopian, Bentley College, Armenian Center for National and
    International Studies (ACNIS), National Competitiveness Council of
    Armenia (NCCA)
    Liana Mayilyan, University of Texas at Austin, Human Rights Defender's
    Office, Hayastan All-Armenian Fund
    Aline Mnayan, University of California, Irvine, Ministry of Education
    and Science, Millennium Challenge Armenia
    Michael Morel, Merrimack College, Armenian Center for National and
    International Studies (ACNIS)
    Zaven Sargsian, University of Utah, Ministry of Finance, Armenian
    Center for National and International Studies (ACNIS)

    Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest
    Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public
    understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. It is a 501 (c) (3)
    tax-exempt membership organization.



    Photographs can be viewed on the Assembly's Website at the following link:

    2008 Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Interns with Jackie Speier (D-CA) es/PR_-_2008/June-July/Rep.-Speier-CWB.jpg

    2008 Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Interns with Representative Ed Royce (R-CA) es/PR_-_2008/June-July/Rep.-Royce-WB.jpg

    2008 Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Interns with Joseph Knollenberg (R-MI) es/PR_-_2008/June-July/Rep.-Knollenberg-CWB.jpg

    Armenia Ambassador to the United States, Tatoul Markarian, with the 2008 Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Intern class s/PR_-_2008/June-July/Embassy-WB.jpg

    Armenian Assembly Interns: Lisa Haidostian, Allison Sadoian, Lauren Sarkesian and Armena Ballard pictured with Chris Matthews at a Georgetown eatery es/PR_-_2008/June-July/Chris_Matthews.jpg

    Dr. Levon Avdoyan, Armenian and Georgian Area specialist, giving the 2008 Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Interns a tour of the Library of Congress ages/PR_-_2008/June-July/Library-of-Congress-CWB.j pg

    2008 Armenia Interns at Shushi es/PR_-_2008/June-July/Shushi-EWB.jpg

    2008 Armenia Interns meet with Nargorno Karabakh Minister of Foreign Affairs, Georgi Petrosyan in Stepanakert, NKR PR_-_2008/June-July/NKR-Minister-of-FA-CWB.jpg

    20 08 Armenia Interns at Sardarapat Memorial, Armenia ges/PR_-_2008/June-July/Zvartnots-Sardarapat-CWB.j pg

    2008 Armenia Interns at Tatik-Papik Monument, in Nagorno Karabakh ages/PR_-_2008/June-July/Tatik-Papik-CWB.jpg

    2008 Armenia Interns: Liana Mayilyan Tsoline Avedisian Vram Kherlopian Michael Morel Zaven Sargsian Sarkis Balkhian and Coordinator Vram Karakeshishyants meet with His Holiness Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II at the Residency of Catholicos, Etchmiadzin, Armenia ges/PR_-_2008/June-July/Etchmiadzin-Catholicos-CWB .jpg

    2008 Armenia Interns outside in Etchmiadzin, Armenia ges/PR_-_2008/June-July/Etchmiadzin-1-WB.jpg

    2008 Armenia Interns enjoying some down time at Lake Sevan, Armenia ges/PR_-_2008/June-July/Sevan-Haghartsin-WB.jpg

    2 008 Armenia Interns pose with Khatchars at Lake Sevan, Armenia ges/PR_-_2008/June-July/Sevan-Haghartsin-5-EWB.1.j pg