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BAKU: "Turkey At Crossroads On Armenia" - Trend News Expert

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  • BAKU: "Turkey At Crossroads On Armenia" - Trend News Expert


    Trend News Agency id=1262674&lang=EN
    Aug 5 2008

    Azerbaijan, Baku, 4 August / Trend News corr. R.Hafizoglu / Armenians
    implement an active lobby activity to restore their 'obedient nation'
    image, like in the period of the Ottoman Empire.

    For this purpose, Armenia did not need political maneuvers. The recent
    events in Turkey have proved the activity of Armenians in the territory
    of the country.

    It is not by chance that Turkish President Abdullah Gul was invited
    to watch the football match between the Turkish and Armenian teams
    in Yerevan on 6 August by Armenian's Serzh Sargsyan. Actually, such
    a step by Armenians may drive Turkey into a corner. Gul's rejection
    to visit Armenia may be evaluated as Turkey was not ready to launch
    a dialogue with Armenia, and Armenians consider the possible visit
    of Turkish President to the country as the start of dialogue between
    the countries.

    A serious popularization was carried out in Turkey before Gul was
    invited to Yerevan. Dismissal of Pf.Yusuf Khalachoglu, who attempted
    to prove the invented pretensions to 'Armenian genocide', from the
    chairman position in the Turkish History Department, gave an impact
    to extend the Armenian popularization in Turkey.

    The scheduled festival Yeshil Yayla through support of the Armenian
    Government in the Rize City, is one of the lobby activity of Armenians
    in Turkey. The Christensen Fund (TCF) supported by Armenian Diaspora
    has allocated â~B¬200,000 to hold this festival. The funds were
    allocated to support hemshins, who reside in Turkey and state about
    their Armenian origin.

    Ismayil Dinchar, the Head of International Force Unity Platform, said
    that the scheduled festival by Armenians in the Black Sea region was
    directed to reinforce their lobby activity and to prove hemshins the
    unity of historical origins. Furthermore, Armenians, who attempt to
    prove hemshins that they have the one historical roof, state that the
    Armenian Churches and churchyards in Turkey were in a bad situation.

    These statements were published in the Turkish magazine Evrensel
    Hayat. "There are hundred of our Churches in Turkey, and they are
    in a bad situation. Our main Church is the cloister on the Mereto
    mountain and Church Maria Mother of God in Gulse. Turks do not respect
    our graves. Gravestones are installed with the names of Muslims,
    while there is not any sign on the graves of Armenians. This must be
    stopped," is stated in the magazine.

    There are other evidences about the Armenian lobby activity in Turkey.

    Some 70,000 Armenians illegally work in Turkey. Former MP of Armenian
    Parliament Stephan Grigoryan said the following about Armenians
    illegally working in Turkey in the interview to the Star newspaper:
    "I normally perceive that Armenians work in Turkey. We will solve this
    problem as soon as we will restore the diplomatic relations with this
    country. Armenians have good working conditions in Turkey. Turks and
    Armenians have one culture, music and traditions. In spite of Dashnaks,
    we should start the dialogue with Turks from the common issues rather
    than problems."

    Grigoryan has positively evaluated the invitation of Turkish President
    to Yerevan and touched upon the importance of such a step to develop
    relations between the two countries. "I do not believe that Gul
    will visit Yerevan, but there is a message to Turkey beyond this
    invitation. Our further development depends on Turkey. Turkish
    political elite is very intelligent. Turkey understands that it is
    an ally not only for Azerbaijan in the region. We should use of this
    chance and to take the initiative to our hands," former Armenian
    MP said.

    Furthermore, Armenians hope that the Turkish-Armenian border to be
    opened in the near future.

    Gregoriy Vanyan, the Chairman of the organization World Initiatives
    of South Caucasus, has evaluated the opening of the Turkish-Armenian
    border as a very significant step to stabilize relations between
    Armenia and Turkey and to solve the problems.

    Another evidence of development of the relations between Turkey and
    Armenia is an opening of the Armenian language and literature faculty
    in one of the Universities in Nevsher City.

    Turkish Education Ministry has opened the Armenian language and
    literature faculty after an official permission by the Foreign
    Ministry. This was said by Pf.Mehmet Metin Hulagu to the information
    agency Habertime. Hulagu hoped that the faculty would play a role of
    bridge between the two countries. Taking into consideration that there
    are few specialists in Turkey, who can speak in the Armenian language,
    such specialists will be attracted from Armenia.

    It would be simply-minded to take actualization of the Turkish-Armenian
    relations as by chance. European Union is also interested in
    normalization of the Turkish- Armenian relations and opening of
    borders. EU's main demand from Turkey is to open borders with Armenia
    and to restore relations with this country in response to support
    the Turkish ruling party.

    All the aforesaid make us to think that the deadlock period between
    Turkey and Armenia have passed. Armenian's prospectus depends on
    Turkey. Turkey faces another historical choice.
