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ANCA: Obama Accuses McCain Of Compromising Ties To Big Oil Companies

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  • ANCA: Obama Accuses McCain Of Compromising Ties To Big Oil Companies


    06.08.2008 14:25 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ In a new campaign unveiled today, Democratic
    Presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama underscores his presumptive
    Republican challenger's compromising ties to big oil companies, a
    point driven home by the revelation that Sen. John McCain has already
    received more than $1.1 million in contributions from oil companies
    and their executives.

    In a major policy speech Monday, Obama discussed America's "addiction
    to oil" and delineated an energy plan, which among other elements
    proposed a windfall profits tax on big oil corporations that would
    be used to provide a $1,000 rebate to people struggling with high
    energy costs, the ANC-WR told PanARMENIAN.Net.

    The new ad campaign also drew a linkage between the environmentally
    destructive and economically unsustainable policies supported by
    Senator McCain as a member of Congress for the past 26 years and
    the large-scale generosity of the energy industry in supporting his
    campaign for the presidency.

    The policies pursued by Senator McCain would ensure that the
    U.S. remains a hostage to nations, such as Azerbaijan, which have
    large oil and gas reserves but are major human rights violators and
    remain sources of regional instability.

    "It would be more of the same with a McCain Administration in the White
    House. The Arizona Senator would - as he has for the better part of
    the last three decades - continue supporting big oil companies that
    profit from high gas prices and are pouring billions of dollars into
    countries like Azerbaijan, which lack the basic principles of human
    rights," said Areen Ibranossian Chairperson of Armenians for Obama.

    In his major policy speech on energy Monday, Obama urged Americans
    to look inward to resolve the energy crisis and proposed concrete
    steps to wean the US from foreign oil dependence in 10 years.

    "The Armenian-American community appreciates the innovative approach
    to this very critical global issue and believes that progressive
    approaches such as the ones presented today by Sen. Obama would ensure
    a safer more prosperous future for all Americans, while discouraging
    big corporations from investing in undemocratic regimes such as
    Azerbaijan," added Ibranossian.

    Armenians for Obama is a nationwide voter registration, education, and
    mobilization effort dedicated to electing Barack Obama President. Based
    in Los Angeles, and with chapters and affiliates in all 50 States,
    Armenians for Obama will harness the energy and enthusiasm for Barack
    Obama's candidacy to ensure record high Armenian American turnout in
    critical battleground states.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress