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Governing Council Of Millenium Challenge Account-Armenia SNCO Met

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  • Governing Council Of Millenium Challenge Account-Armenia SNCO Met


    RIA Oreanda
    Aug 8 2008

    Yerevan . OREANDA-NEWS . On August 06, 2008 the Governing Council
    of Millenium Challenge Account-Armenia SNCO met, presided at by GC
    Chairman, RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, reported the Official
    website .

    The session discussed and approved the shortlist and the invitation
    of bids for the Ararat valley drainage system design and construction
    monitoring as part of the MCA-Armenia Irrigated Agriculture Project
    Infrastructure Activity, the evaluation results of combined technical
    and financial proposals on consulting services for the next stages
    of survey of farming activities under the monitoring and evaluation
    component of the MCA-Armenia Program. The above-stated shortlist,
    the invitation of bids and the results of combined technical and
    financial proposals on consulting services will be submitted for the
    MCC approval.

    The meeting has also reviewed and approved the MCA-Armenia SNCO
    staffing plan and organizational structure. The decision on increased
    level of staffing was said to stem from the requirements stipulated in
    the reference note on the further activities of the MCA-Armenia SNCO
    as discussed at the previous Governing Council meeting of July 23,
    2008 in connection with the revision of the Irrigated Agriculture
    Project Infrastructure Activity.

    In particular, the MCA-Armenia is going to recruit design and
    construction engineers to ensure implementation efficiency and quality
    supervision for the Irrigated Agriculture Project Infrastructure
    Activity. Also, there will be hired an organizational strengthening
    specialist and a number of experts for environmental and social impact
    assessment, monitoring and evaluation activities at the rate of one
    specialist per each activity.

    The Governing Council-approved staffing plan and organizational chart
    will subsequently be handed over to the MCC for endorsement.

    Upon receipt of such endorsement, they will be forwarded to the
    Republic of Armenia Government Staff for approval with the latter
    being MCA-Armenia SNCO authorized representative under the compact.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress