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Baku Seeks For New Ways Of Laundering Its Petrodollars, NKR MFA Says

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  • Baku Seeks For New Ways Of Laundering Its Petrodollars, NKR MFA Says


    08.08.2008 18:13 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Baku misinformation on building a settlement of
    Nargiztepe for refugees on the occupied territory of NKR Martouni
    region, obviously, pursues propagandistic goals. It is not accidental
    that, first, this information was promptly denied just by the
    Azerbaijani party. However, some of its points were "resuscitated"
    and introduced in a rather different angle, as it is often practiced
    in Azerbaijan, said Marsel Petrossian, Chief of NKR MFA Information

    "A reasonable question arises in this connection: why is Nargiztepe
    settlement being built just in the Arami desert, 2-3 km from
    the contact-line, an area, which, according to the Azerbaijani
    side, is permanently fired at and is not absolutely adapted for
    habitation? Couldn't they find a more favorable inhabitancy than
    this severe desert for the refugees from Nagorno Karabakh who are
    more developed than the citizens of the Azerbaijani regions? This
    "initiative" should be qualified as a couldn't-care-less attitude
    towards the mentioned section of the population," he said.

    "Probably, Baku decided to organize another military-political
    provocation - to draw informational-propagandistic "fire" to the newly
    created settlement, and in fact - reservation of 5 or 6 thousand
    of forced settlers (according to our data, this is the number of
    refugees from Nagorno Karabakh living nowadays in Azerbaijan) and
    shift the guilt to the Karabakhi side."

    "During the war between Azerbaijan and Karabakh, there were many
    instances that the Azeri authorities urgently populated different
    settlements and then turned them into military control points, thus,
    actually creating a "human wall" for their servicemen and dooming the
    peaceful population to death. The Karabakhi side, which is concerned
    about its former Azerbaijani citizens, expresses its regret that
    for 20 years the Azeri leadership has taken no steps for thawing the
    relations between the two alienable nations," he went on to comment.

    "Maybe, Baku merely seeks for new ways of laundering its
    petrodollars? And the searches have obviously brought to the
    desert. Actually, we have no doubt and would like to warn the
    societies that the Azeri propagandistic machine will start including
    the above-mentioned settlement into its Defense Ministry's round-ups
    as a place, which is under the NKR Defense Army's heavy fire," Mr
    Petrossian resumed.