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Messiah Caught On A Wet Wicket?

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  • Messiah Caught On A Wet Wicket?

    Arthur Hagopian

    The Age
    Aug 9 2008

    It is possible that cricket, a game venerated all over the
    Commonwealth, is older than currently thought. In fact, Jesus may have
    played the game (or a similar bat-and-ball combination) as a child,
    according to an ancient Armenian manuscript.

    Long before the English launched cricket some 300 years ago,
    similar games were being played as early as the 8th century in the
    Punjab region, Derek Birley writes in his Social History of English
    Cricket. But an Armenian scholar says there is good reason to believe
    that similar games were played in the Middle East long before that

    Dr Abraham Terian, recently a visiting professor at the Hebrew
    University of Jerusalem as Fulbright Distinguished Chair in the
    Humanities, points to a rare manuscript as his source.

    He notes that in the Armenian Gospel of the Infancy, translated into
    Armenian in the 6th century from a much older lost Syriac original,
    a passage tells of Jesus playing what may well be the precursor of
    cricket, with a club and ball.

    Dr Terian discovered the manuscript more than a decade ago at the
    Saint James Armenian Monastery in the Old City of Jerusalem.

    His English translation of the book has been published by Oxford
    University Press.

    He says he has now identified the same passage in a couple of other
    manuscripts of the same gospel, of which some 40 copies exist in
    various archival collections in Europe and the Middle East.

    Dr Terian says the gospel relates how Jesus, at the age of nine,
    had been apprenticed to a master dyer named Israel in Tiberias,
    on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

    "Jesus is instructed to watch Israel's house and not leave the
    place while the master goes away on a tour to collect clothes to be
    dyed. But no sooner has Israel left the house, than Jesus runs out
    with the boys," Dr Terian says.

    "The most amazing part of the story of the nine-year-old Jesus playing
    a form of cricket with the boys at the seashore, is that he would go
    on playing the game on water, over the sea waves," which Dr Terian
    says echoes allusions to Jesus walking on the Sea of Galilee, as told
    in the gospels.

    "But the apocryphal story shows that for a ball game even Jesus would
    forget work and would go to have fun with the boys!" he says.