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Society Will Be Informed About Legal Acts

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  • Society Will Be Informed About Legal Acts


    NKR Government Information and Public Relations Department
    August 05, 2008

    On August 5, a regular session of the NKR Government chaired by the
    Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan took place.

    Before passing to agenda issues, the head of the Government
    congratulated all those present at the session with lossless
    harvesting completion in the Republic, in the result of which more
    than 73 thousand tones of bread grains were stored. The Prime Minister
    expressed gratitude to all those who had organized and assisted in
    haymaking successful completion.

    Words of gratitude were also said to the NKR Defence Army,
    Rescue Service, regional administrations and representatives of
    communities. "We had worked together and achieved good results. Not
    a single hectare of harvest was burnt or lost",- A.Haroutyunyan

    Passing to the agenda issues, the Executive, first of all, adopted
    a number of resolutions concerning introduction of changes into
    previously affirmed resolutions on State property privatization and
    alienation. In particular, the tenement dwelling building in Shoushi,
    in 63 Ghazanchetsots Street and the former tourist centre were passed
    into management of the NKR Defence Ministry. The State Property was
    privatized by "Razmik", "Grunt" companies and other privately owned
    enterprises by means of direct sale, which will carry out investments
    at tens of millions drams in the objects passed to their management
    in the defined terms and in accordance with their shares and must
    create new work places.

    >From July 1, 2008, the NKR Ministry of Economic Development is
    allowed to alienate different types of property being an estimated
    state property of different departments (a number of motor-cars and
    equipment of "Artsakhkap" CJSC) by means of classic auction.

    The Government had introduced changes and additions to the 446
    resolution "On Lotteries" dated 2004 with the aim to provide
    implementation of the NKR law. According to the new order a license
    owner is obliged to keep guarantee deposit at the rate of not less
    than 6 mln drams in the bank during the period of all its activity.

    By presentation of the NKR Minister of Finance S.Tevosyan the Executive
    had adopted a whole pack of resolution projects by which issues
    connected with maintenance, replenishment, examination, evaluation,
    usage and stock-taking of precious metals and stones in the national
    treasury will be systematized.

    The Minister of Finance had noted that though such treasury is not
    yet founded, but formation of needed legal and normative base is
    necessary for continuing further works.

    At the session the Government had affirmed the new list of state bodies
    and organizations in subordinated objects of which state safeguard
    will be carried out. To the former list of objects the office on
    Human Rights, National Statistic Service, Museum of local lore,
    history and economy and the Republican Library will be also added.

    The order of stock-taking and notification of legal acts were also
    adopted at the session. Notification must be provided within a month
    period from the date of official publication.

    The Executive proposes additions and changes to the NKR law "On
    Geographical Place-Naming" According to the approved law project naming
    and state recording of the name-changing of the NKR geographical
    objects are conducted by authorized bodies on the basis of adopted
    legal acts. In particular, naming or name-changing of a region,
    a community, a settlement is retained the NKR NA.

    Changes and additions to the resolution 13 of the NKR Government "On
    Affirming Form of Licensing and Order of Licensing of Activities on the
    NKR Topographic and Cadastre Cartography, Estimation of Immovables",
    dated 2002, were introduced.

    The Executive had introduced changes into the temporary scheme
    of land use in the village community of Dahrav in Askeran region
    too. 1.7 hectares of agricultural importance land were converted from
    pasture into the category of habitable for public constructions and
    for alienation in 2008 through auction.

    The Government had adopted resolutions on appointing regular and
    extraordinary elections of community leaders and elders' council
    members in some village communities.

    The last issue of the session agenda concerned the sphere of education.

    The Executive had attached strategic and experimental importance
    to programmes on foundation of high school in the NKR. Passing to
    12 year secondary school in the Republic is one of transitional
    undertakings of the reform, realization of which had started in 2006
    and is foreseen to be completed in 2012. Within the frames of this
    process from 2009-2010 school year introduction of three-year high
    school is foreseen. This year implementation of the new proigramme's
    sample stage will start in schools N1 in Martakert and Martouni. The
    Prime Minister had charged the NKR ES Ministry with a task to conduct
    explanatory work among the population of the Republic, specifying
    the essence and the importance of the reform in details.


    After the Government session, the Prime Minister A.Haroutyunyan had
    conducted a conference with participation of authorized officials
    with regard to autumn swing and urban planning issues. Heads of
    regional administrations of the Republic had reported information
    on started fallowing, the first ploughing and works proceeding in
    constructing objects.

    A.Haroutyunyan had notified once again that state crediting will be
    rendered to those land users who will finish the first ploughing
    for autumn sowing by September 10. Then he had assigned a task to
    the Mayor of Stepanakert and heads of regional administrations to
    justify the list of objects to be included into the programme of
    capital construction 2009. The Premier had announced that current
    not voluminous repair works of objects will be retained to regional
    administrations a Stepanakert city administration. From now on the
    predominant part of construction will be competitive,- the head of
    the Government stated.-It will reduce the corruption risks and will
    facilitate the supervision over construction proceedings.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress