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Village Headmen's Institute Should Still Take Place

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  • Village Headmen's Institute Should Still Take Place


    NKR Government Information and Public Relations Department
    August 02, 2008

    The address of the next regular working visit of the NKR Prime Minister
    Ara Haroutyunyan was Martakert, where on August 1, the head of the
    NKR Government was present at the session of the regional council
    adjunct to the regional administration, then visited a number of
    construction objects of Martakert.

    A.Haroutyunyan had a concerned participation in the discussion of
    issues included into the session agenda.

    Speaking on the report about the situation existing in energetic
    system of the region the Premier emphasized, that it is necessary
    to decrease the quantity of recorded technical and commercial losses
    and reducing it to an average republican index. He noted that in the
    result of weak management great sums continue to be misappropriated
    and dispersed still. Importance was attached to equipping the system
    with modern techniques and replenishment with qualified specialists.

    At the session of the regional council a report on implementation
    of the community budget 2008 in the first half year was
    presented. Collection of private incomes has increased, though many
    communities have still considerably underfulfill the tasks. The
    inhabitants repay the received credits very slowly. In comparison
    with the same period in 2007 the collected credit sums are very
    small. Responsible persons of the region explain it by the fact that
    many of large-scale credit borrowers are out of Artsakh at present
    and it is difficult "to call them to order". Today Martakert region
    has 189 mln drams credit debts.

    In the information about harvesting in the region it was noted that
    crop capacity this year forms 20.1 centners per a hectare which has
    nearly doubled in comparison with the index of the previous year. Hay
    mowing is being conducted without losses and will soon come to an
    end. On lack of agricultural techniques in some villages was also
    spoken. To which the Prime Minister A.Haroutyunyan commented that it
    is necessary to apply for state assistance in time.

    In view of forthcoming autumn sowing works, the NKR Vice Prime
    Minister, Minister of Agriculture Armo Tsatryan spoke on present state
    programmes. The main principle was repeated like a serious warning:
    only those land users and communities will receive state assistance
    who keeps (observes) rules and terms of land cultivation and who has
    no credit debts. It was emphasized that henceforth parallel to corn
    production special attention will be attracted to maize cultivation
    too. In 2009 for this culture sowing the state will render compensation
    equal to 35 thousand drams per a hectare.

    The theme was continued and the Prime Minister has mentioned that now
    great state sums are assigned at the development of agriculture and the
    aim of each community head is that people conduct efficient activities
    in their land areas. Martakert region has all the best conditions for
    successful agricultural activities, and for prosperous solution of
    the problem is on their responsibility. In the Premier's estimation
    the institute of active village headmen's in Artsakh hadn't come
    about yet, though their activities must be spurred. A.Haroutyunyan
    has announced that this year a competition of village headmen's
    will be conducted, and the main mark for the work will be given in
    accordance with agricultural results. Singled out village headmen
    will be greatly honoured.

    After the regional council session the Prime Minister had a talk to
    those community heads, having irrigable areas with high crop capacity
    perspective for maize cultivation. A.Haroutyunyan assigned the village
    headmen with task to conduct explanatory work among land users and
    spur their activity in this way.

    Then the NKR Government head had visited territory of new hospital
    being under construction, separate sections of water passage and
    gas pipeline exacted the proceeding of works and gave corresponding
    assignments to competent officials.

    The Prime Minister was accompanied by the NKR NA Vice-Chairman
    R.Hyusnuts, the Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Agriculture
    A.Tsatryan, the NKR Deputy Minister of Agriculture V.Zakiyan, the
    head of Martakert regional administration S.Ohanyan, and responsible
    officials of "Artsakhgaz" and water industry companies.