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Tour This Olympic City

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  • Tour This Olympic City

    New York Sun, United States

    Tour This Olympic City

    By ELLEN BORK | August 11, 2008

    The long awaited Beijing Olympic Games began Friday with an imposing
    display of choreographed performances, music, and fireworks. However,
    the sight of the American athletes marching into the stadium led by
    teammate Lopez Lomong, a refugee from the genocidal Sudanese regime
    that is supported by China, provided a reminder of the environment in
    which these games are taking place.

    For all of President Bush's insistence that he is attending the Games
    solely as a sports fan, Mr. Bush cannot escape their political
    significance. Nor can the rest of America. The Olympics invariably
    take on the character of their host country and the Games in Beijing
    are no exception. Take for example, the arrest of Hu Jia and other
    dissidents critical of the Games, repression of "petitioners" seeking
    redress from the government, and tougher restrictions on the Internet.

    The spectacle of the opening ceremonies cannot obscure the
    uncomfortable truth that travelers to the Games are visiting a
    one-party communist dictatorship. Nor can the physical transformation
    of Beijing, a city that less than 20 years ago was the site of an
    appalling atrocity. In the spring of 1989, democracy protests began in
    Beijing and spread throughout China. Students were soon joined by
    Chinese citizens from all walks of life, including workers,
    journalists, civil servants, and members of the Communist Party. When
    the regime decided the threat was too great, it sent in the army on
    June 4, 1989. The number of dead is unknown; estimates range from
    several hundred to several thousand. The crackdown afterward swept up
    tens of thousands of innocent citizens.

    Afterward, the regime denied its culpability, calling the
    demonstrators counterrevolutionary criminals. To speak about Tiananmen
    publicly inside China is to risk everything. Dr. Jiang Qisheng knew
    this, but he spoke out anyway, calling on his fellow citizens to honor
    the victims on the 15th anniversary of the massacre. He served four
    years in prison as a result. A journalist, Shi Tao, received a 10-year
    sentence for forwarding abroad a directive from the propaganda
    department instructing reporters not to write about the June 4

    The most unrelenting critic of the regime over Tiananmen may be the
    mother of a 17-year-old killed on the night of June 3, 1989, Ding
    Zilin. A few years after the massacre, Ms. Ding and other relatives
    formed the Tiananmen Mothers. They provided the information about 188
    victims that was used to create the map that accompanies this article.

    I met Professor Ding on a visit to Beijing last summer. I hadn't
    expected to be able to see her. The apartment where she lives with her
    husband, Jiang Peikun, is usually manned by security personnel who
    keep away foreign visitors and journalists. I asked her to show me
    where her son died on my tourist map. She drew a small circle around
    the Muxidi subway stop in western Beijing. Her son, Jiang Jielian, and
    others killed at Muxidi are listed on the map at location no. 10.

    The regime denies the truth of what happened at
    Tiananmen. Fortunately, human beings are equipped with memory. Being
    remembered is a particularly human need. "I should like someone to
    remember that there once lived a person named David Berger,"
    Mr. Berger, a Jew, wrote to a friend from Vilna (Vilnius), Lithuania,
    where he had fled from German invaders of Poland. He was shot in Vilna
    in July 1941.

    To remember is also a human instinct, hence the Yad Vashem memorial
    for the victims of the Holocaust, the Omid database of victims of the
    Islamic Revolution of Iran, the organization, Memorial, for victims of
    Soviet communism, and efforts to honor the victims and the events of
    the Cambodian, Rwandan, and Armenian genocides.

    Partly inspired by the example of Gunter Demnig, an artist in Germany
    who installs plaques bearing the names of Holocaust victims outside
    the homes from which they were deported to concentration camps, this
    map is a small gesture to remember them and the many millions of
    victims of Chinese communism. Some day, Chinese citizens will not face
    imprisonment to remember and honor the victims of the Tiananmen
    massacre. Until then, it is a small thing for the rest of us to do
    what they cannot.

    Ms. Bork works on China and human rights at Freedom House. The map was
    designed by Philip Chalk, design director at the Weekly Standard
    magazine. Tian Jian, who participated in the democracy protests of
    1989, translated the information provided by the Tiananmen Mothers.