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Merkel calls for ceasefire in Georgia

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  • Merkel calls for ceasefire in Georgia

    Independent Online, South Africa
    Aug 10 2008

    Merkel calls for ceasefire in Georgia

    August 10 2008 at 02:12PM

    Berlin - German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday called for an
    "immediate and unconditional ceasefire" in Georgia, in a telephone
    call with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, a spokesperson said.

    She also urged the withdrawal of all military forces "to their
    positions before the outbreak of hostilities" and said Russian air
    attacks on Georgian territory must be stopped "without delay".

    Merkel spoke to Sarkozy - whose nation holds the rotating European
    Union presidency - ahead of an emergency meeting of EU foreign
    ministers in Brussels on Wednesday to discuss the bloc's response to
    the conflict in the Caucasus.

    "The chancellor expressed once again her great concern about the
    further escalation of the situation in Georgia and the dramatic
    consequences for the suffering civilian population," her deputy
    spokesperson Thomas Steg said.

    "She issued an urgent call for an immediate and unconditional

    Merkel said Georgia's territorial integrity must be respected and
    expressed support for the efforts of the French EU presidency to end
    the conflict with a political solution."

    "The chancellor and President Sarkozy agreed to continue closely
    coordinating on the issue," Steg said.

    Georgia declared what it called a "state of war" on Saturday as Russia
    bombed the former Soviet republic and their armies battled for control
    of the separatist, pro-Moscow region of South Ossetia.

    Germany was a vocal opponent of Georgia's bid - championed by the
    United States - to obtain candidate status for NATO membership at a
    summit of the transatlantic alliance last April in Bucharest, in large
    part due to Georgia's unresolved conflict with Russia.

    Germany heads a loose alliance known as the UN Group of Friends of the
    Secretary-General which has been trying to cool tensions between
    Moscow and Tbilisi over Abkhazia, another breakaway Georgian republic.

    German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier visited Georgia,
    Abkhazia and Russia in July to present a three-step peace plan, but
    received a cool reception.

    On Sunday, Steinmeier urged all sides to step back from the brink,
    warning that the fighting could spread "like wildfire" throughout the
    Caucasus, in an interview in the Bild am Sonntag newspaper.

    Deputy Foreign Minister Gernot Erler accused Georgia on Saturday of
    breaching a 1992 South Ossetia ceasefire agreement, monitored
    essentially by Russian peacekeepers.

    The foreign ministry on Sunday issued a travel warning for Georgia,
    noting that there had been "bombing of strategic sites such as
    railways, ports and military installations outside the conflict areas

    It said on the ministry website that nationals currently in Georgia
    may not be able to fly out as many flights have been cancelled. It
    recommended taking the land route to Eriwan in Armenia for those now
    in eastern Georgia.

    Germans in this west of the country should travel to Sarpi on the
    Turkish border, it said.

    dlc/rom - AFP