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Ergenekon's case a test of democracy for Turkish society

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  • Ergenekon's case a test of democracy for Turkish society

    PRESS TV, Iran
    Aug 10 2008

    Ergenekon's case a test of democracy for Turkish society

    Sun, 10 Aug 2008 14:21:40 GMT
    By Yusuf Fernandez, Press TV, Madrid

    On July 25, a Turkish High Criminal Court in Istanbul formally
    accepted to indict the underground ultranationalist and secularist
    terrorist network known in the Turkish media as Ergenekon.

    The indictment accused 86 people - 47 of whom are currently in prison
    - of forming or belonging to a terrorist organization or of trying to
    provoke an armed rebellion to bring down the government of Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    The 2,455-page document also accuses the suspects of possessing arms,
    explosives and classified documents. The arrests took place after a
    yearlong investigation that began when the police discovered a house
    full of ammunition and guns in Istanbul's Umraniye district in July
    2007. According to liberal-left newspaper Taraf, the investigation may
    lead to new waves of arrests.

    Among the defendants are some high-ranking ex-military officials, such
    as retired senior generals Hursit Tolon as well as Sener Eruygur, who
    heads the Atatürkist Thought Association (ADD). The objective
    of Eruygur's association is to spread the thought of Mustafa Kemal
    Ataturk, the ultra-secularist founder of Turkey. The ADD helped
    organize `republican rallies' ahead of the July elections last year to
    protest against an Islamist becoming president of Turkey.

    Other members of Ergenekon included civilians, state bureaucrats,
    journalists, academics, politicians and even members of organized
    crime groups. Members of the judicial system were recruited to give
    the network legal immunity. The chairman of the powerful Ankara
    Chamber of Trade, Sinan Aygün, and the controversial
    ultranationalist lawyer Kemal Kerinçsiz, who has filed
    countless suits against writers and intellectuals at odds with
    Turkey's official policies, are among the people detained for links to
    Ergenekon. This is what the Turkish media has called the `deep state.'

    The suspected leaders are now in prison on charges of having attempted
    a number of coups and using illegal methods to influence the political

    The founding charter of Ergenekon was propagated by Turkish media
    outlets as well. It contains criteria for recruiting agents from among
    the `trustworthy' members of the Armed Forces. `These agents have to
    be ruthless people with the ability to perform independently. They
    should take orders directly from the commander of Ergenekon and they
    should be unknown to higher-level administrators, the organization's
    personnel and its agents.'

    The document also claims that the only way to protect a country is to
    stop politicians that act counter to `ideologies that violate
    principles of a regime in place,' claiming that the most effective way
    to stop such politicians is to `assassinate' them. The Turkish `deep
    state' has its origins in what is commonly known as `Gladio'
    operations. This network was set up during the 1950s and was made up
    by indigenous stay-behind forces in NATO countries, which were trained
    to conduct insurgent operations in the event of a communist invasion
    or takeover.

    Turkish Gladio groups were involved in covert operations against
    leftist forces in the 1970s, when the clashes between leftist and
    rightist groups brought Turkey to the brink of a civil war. They
    gathered intelligence and were responsible for many political
    assassinations of members and sympathizers of some leftist and Kurdish
    organizations in the country.

    In the late 1990s, the network changed its target to combat what it
    saw as `the anti-secularist policies of the Justice and Development
    Party (AKP) government' and the increasing erosion of Turkey's
    sovereignty as a result of its application for EU membership.

    Actually, some secularist forces refuse to accept the fact that the
    AKP is one of the most popular political parties both in Turkey and in
    the Muslim world. Its ideology combines both progressive and
    conservative elements and its economic and democratic achievements
    have played a key role in its popularity. In the eyes of the Turkish
    people and other people in the region, the AKP represents two very
    important things: Firstly, respect for the society's traditional and
    Islamic values, and secondly, a strong desire for change, development
    and democracy.

    Ultrasecularist parties have lost all the elections to the AKP since
    2002 and have also lost their hopes for a short-term electoral defeat
    of this party. Therefore, hard-line secularists of Ergenekon have been
    seeking other ways to topple the AKP government, and break apart any
    Islamist force in the country, put an end to the EU accession process
    and set up an authoritarian state.

    Several Turkish papers have reported that former General Sener Eruygur
    had held plans for an imminent military coup. According to these
    reports, the conspirators planned demonstrations in 40 cities. Snipers
    would be hired to shoot at demonstrators and murder well-known people
    in order to create an atmosphere of terror, thus giving the military a
    pretext to intervene and topple the AKP government. Sympathetic
    journalists were expected to support the operation.

    This operation would have led to the isolation of the country or even
    to a civil war as the Turkish public would not have stood silent
    against the kind of coup Ergenekon would try to provoke and this could
    have led to the lynching of the secularist opposition. AK Party deputy
    Avni Dogan believes that if the Ergenekon organization was not
    discovered, Turkey would have fallen into anarchy and chaos. `This was
    the target of the organization. They planned to create a country of
    anarchy and chaos,' he told the Turkish daily Zaman.

    The indictment document points out that Ergenekon cooperated with -and
    in many cases had both created and subsequently controlled- some of
    the main terrorist organizations in Turkey. The prosecutors accuse
    Ergenekon of having ties with the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party
    (PKK) and its jailed leader, Abdullah Ocalan. Some experts hope that
    the true nature of the Ergenekon-PKK relationship will come to light
    in the following months.

    The investigation is likely to result in the reopening of cases that
    have long been closed. Prosecutors accused Ergenekon of being behind
    2006 attacks on Turkey's administrative court and the pro-secular
    Cumhuriyet newspaper allegedly carried out by `Islamists'.

    These attacks infuriated secularists and led to demonstrations against
    the Erdogan government. Ergenekon was also reportedly behind the
    attack on former Human Rights Association (IHD) President Akin Birdal,
    who managed to survive. The founder of the ultranationalist Turkish
    Revenge Brigade (TIT), the organization that carried out the
    assassination attempt against Birdal, is currently in prison as an
    Ergenekon suspect.

    Other crimes that could have been committed by Ergenekon would be the
    assassination of the head of a business conglomerate, Ozdemir Sabanci,
    who has reportedly been shot dead by militants of the extreme-left
    Revolutionary People's Liberation Front; the assassination of the
    secularist journalist Ugur Mumcu; and that of academic Necip

    The indictment also says Veli Küçük, believed to
    be one of the leading members of Ergenekon, threatened Hrant Dink, the
    famous Turkish-Armenian journalist, before his murder in 2007, a sign
    that the network could also be behind his death.

    There are also claims that the Ergenekon gang was planning to kill
    some leading members of the Kurdish nationalist Democratic Society
    Party (DTP) and even Nobel Prize winner Orhan Pamuk, who has been
    subjected to a hate campaign by right-wing media outlets.

    The indictment against Ergenekon has produced mixed reactions from the
    Turkish political community. For some reformists who support the AKP,
    the indictment is a key step towards further democratizing the
    country. Former AKP Parliament Speaker Manisa deputy Bülent
    Arinç thinks that the ongoing Ergenekon investigation is also
    an opportunity for an in-depth analysis of the past 50 years in

    The indictment has been hailed by most Turkish media outlets as a
    historic event, which may finally reveal the criminal activities of a
    secret network with deep roots in the army and the security forces.

    The newspaper Sabah, for example, has reported that the indictment is
    a turning point for democratization and demilitarization because it
    may put an end to military coups. The secularist paper Milliyet is one
    of the few newspapers openly critical of the arrests. It has accused
    the Erdogan government of trying to achieve political benefits with
    their operation.

    Most Turks also back the government's campaign against Ergenekon. They
    think that the ongoing investigation has managed to remove the threat
    of the `untouchable deep state' working against Turkish democracy and
    stability. According to a poll published by Zaman, 65% of the Turkish
    public consider the indictment a necessary measure to save the country
    and its political system. 6&sectionid=3510303