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Georgian Ambassador To Armenia: Georgia Doesn't Want To Be At War Wi

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  • Georgian Ambassador To Armenia: Georgia Doesn't Want To Be At War Wi


    2008-08-11 15:18:00

    ArmInfo. Georgia does not want to be at war with Russia but
    the situation in South Ossetia left practically no alternative,
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia to Armenia
    Revaz Gachechiladze says in an interview with ArmInfo. Presenting
    Georgia's viewpoint on the developments, the Ambassador said that on 8
    August the Russian Federation made a direct and full-scale attack on
    Georgia: both the territory of its province of South Ossetia and the
    territory rather far from the conflict zone. Russian planes bombed
    the towns of Gori, Kareli, Poi, Senaki, Marneuli, Tbilisi and the
    airdromes of other tows. 'It can be called nothing but a strategy
    of aggression. It is very distressing that I have to speak in such
    way of a country we perceive as friendly and we have common history
    and even fraternal relations with. But now, unfortunately, it is
    nothing but aggression. 'Peace-enforcement' as Russian Federation
    representatives call this cannot be legitimate without relevant
    decisions of international organizations, specifically the UN Security
    Council. It is known that UN Security Council could not adopt any
    specific decisions on the issue since many countries insist that not
    only Georgia but also Russia be responsible for it. All the norms
    and principles of the international law were violated.

    Russian Federation makes a challenge to the international community
    again and threatens to the established international order and
    stability in the Caucasus. Naturally, 'blast' in one region in the
    Caucasus may have negative response in other regions. A question
    may arouse why everything happened. Of course, Georgia undertook
    an action a day before to establish constitutional order inside the
    internationally recognized borders and did not exceed its territory
    by a single centimeter. Georgia intended to disarm the bands of
    separatists to create conditions for peaceful development of the

    Georgia is known to have developed the so-called 'road plan'
    of settlement of South-Ossetic problem that was approved by OSCE
    Ministerial Council in Ljubljana. The plan provided for rehabilitation
    of the region and very great economic assistance to that region. But
    the region, of course, was to remain in Georgia having very wide
    autonomy. By the way, at the first stage the RF Foreign Minister also
    approved the plan. However, quite a few days later, when the text was
    studied in the Kremlin, they understood that the plan might become
    a real settlement to the problem and created all the conditions in
    order the marionette regime in Tskhinvali refuses from the plan',
    the Ambassador says. He says that despite that Georgia continued
    diplomatic efforts for the following two years proposing the region
    unlimited autonomy as part of Georgia and economic rehabilitation. Many
    diplomats in Tbilisi visited Tskhinvali, studied the situation and
    proposed settling the problem.

    However, Tskhinvali refused from everything. Moreover, Moscow
    increased the military aid to Tskhinvali regime and a great quantity
    of military equipment was delivered there which was not stipulated
    by any agreement. 'Starting from 2000 Russian passports were actually
    distributed in the separatist regions of Georgia and the greatest part
    of the population adopted Russian citizenship. That was a fact of gross
    interference into the internal affairs of Georgia. After the greatest
    part of the population in South Ossetia and Abkhazia become citizens
    of RF, peacemakers on the border with Abkhazia - formal peacemakers of
    CIS that were Russians in reality, and peacemakers on the border with
    South Ossetia from CIS and North Ossetia turned from neutral mediators
    into supporters of one of the conflicting parties. Russian leadership
    has repeatedly stated that it intends to protect the rights of its
    citizens whenever they were in the world. By the way, there were many
    citizens of Russia also in Israel, but Russia does not take any measure
    to help those people for some unknown reasons', the Ambassador says.

    'How Georgia fell into its enemies' trap?' article by Edward Lucas
    published in London Times on 10 August was very proper. Lucas describes
    the scenario of the trap: at first to provoke, then to wait for
    response and then to reply with a prevailing military force. To say
    that Georgia wants war is to say nonsense. President Saakashvili has
    repeatedly stated that war with Russia is fatal for Georgia. We had
    no intention and desire to war with Russia. We do not need that and
    it is very dangerous. But the situation in South Ossetia had left no
    alternative actually', the diplomat says.

    He said that on August 7 presidential representative, Minister for
    Reintegration Temur Yakobashvili was sent to Tskhinvali to negotiate
    with local leadership. Representative of Russian Foreign Ministry
    Popov was there as well. 'Yakobshvili was not received. He was
    ignored. In addition, the president called on ceasing fire from
    Tskhinvali at Georgian villages. Maybe it was not intensive fire,
    but it was constant and unbearable. Evidently, it was done to involve
    Georgia into military actions. Georgia went to military actions and
    established control almost over the entire region within a day.

    It would allow starting peaceful development and rehabilitation of
    the region. However, about 24 hours later RF sent an army, planes,
    tanks and other military equipment to Georgia. To see how Ossetic
    was the so-called 'South-Ossetic leadership', suffice it to look at
    the list of its leaders.

    There are citizens of Russia, mostly ethnic Russians sent to
    Tskhinvali by Moscow. Actually it turns out that the leadership was
    not local by appointed by Moscow. Naturally, Russia began to protect
    the separatist regions of Georgia and establish 'order' there. What
    takes place is very painful but international community cannot be
    in a role of observer. Many countries have declared their support
    to Georgia. Not only the USA, but also Great Britain and many other
    countries- members of UN Security Council support Georgia.

    Unfortunately, many international media rely on the misinformation
    by Moscow that represents Georgia as an aggressor and outlines
    'ethic purges'. In the meantime we have repeatedly stated that we
    have nothing against the Ossetic people who peacefully reside also
    in Tbilisi and other towns and villages of Georgia. Moscow tries
    to diabolize our leadership whereas devils sit in quite a different
    place', the Ambassador says.