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Big Powers Urge Russia To Accept Truce

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  • Big Powers Urge Russia To Accept Truce

    By Matthew Lee

    Associated Press
    Monday August 11 2008

    WASHINGTON (AP) - The world's seven largest economic powers on Monday
    urged Russia to accept an immediate cease-fire with Georgia and agree
    to mediation over the crisis as Russian forces continued advances
    into Georgian territory.

    With conditions deteriorating despite similar repeated calls, Secretary
    of State Condoleezza Rice and her colleagues from the Group of Seven
    leading industrialized nations pledged their support for a negotiated
    solution to the conflict that has been raging since Friday between
    the former Soviet republic and Russia, the State Department said.

    "We want to see the Russians stand down," deputy spokesman Robert
    Wood told reporters. "What we're calling on is for Russia to stop
    its aggression."

    President Bush has criticized the violence, calling it unacceptable
    and that Russia's response was disproportionate. Bush planned to
    make a statement about Georgia on Monday evening at the White House,
    shortly after arriving back in Washington from Beijing where he was
    attending the Olympics, the White House said.

    Ahead of that, Rice and the foreign ministers of Britain, Canada,
    France, Germany, Italy and Japan spoke in a conference call, during
    which they noted that Georgia had agreed to a cease-fire and wanted
    to see Russia sign on immediately, he said, adding that the call was
    one of more than 90 that Rice has made on the matter since Friday.

    They called on Russia to respect Georgia's borders and expressed deep
    concern for civilian casualties that have occurred and noted that
    Georgia had agreed to a cease-fire and said the ministers wanted to
    see Russia sign on immediately as urgent consultations at the United
    Nations and NATO were expected, according to Wood.

    The seven ministers also backed a nascent mediation efforts led by
    French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, whose country currently
    holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, and Finnish
    Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb, whose country now holds the chair
    of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, he said.

    The Group of Seven, or G7, is often expanded into what is known as
    the G8, a grouping that includes Russia, but Russia's Foreign Minister
    Sergey Lavrov was notably not included in the call.

    Wood said the United States was hopeful that the U.N. Security Council
    would pass a "strong" resolution on the fighting that called for an
    end to attacks on both sides as well as mediation but prospects for
    such a statement were dim given that Russia wields a veto on the
    15-member body.

    A U.S. senior U.S. diplomat, Matthew Bryza, is now in Tbilisi and
    working with Georgian and European officials there on ways to calm
    the situation.

    Bryza plans to stay in Georgia for several days and doesn't plan to
    travel elsewhere, according to Wood.

    Meanwhile, the State Department said it has evacuated more than 170
    American citizens from Georgia. Wood said two convoys carrying about
    170 private U.S. citizens along with a number of family members of
    U.S. diplomats based in Georgia left Tbilisi on Sunday and Monday
    for neighboring Armenia.

    The U.S. Embassy in Georgia has distributed an initial contribution
    of $250,000 in humanitarian relief to victims of the fighting and
    is providing emergency equipment to people in need, although those
    supplies will run out later Monday, the department said.

    The developments came as swarms of Russian jets launched new raids
    on Georgian territory outside the initial conflict point of South
    Ossetia and Georgia faced the threat of a second front of fighting
    with Russia demanding that it disarm troops near the breakaway province
    of Abkhazia.

    The Pentagon said it had finished flying some 2,000 Georgian troops
    back home from Iraq on C-17 aircraft at Georgia's request.

    It said it had informed the Russians about the flights before they
    began in order to avoid any mishaps, but Russian Prime Minister
    Vladimir Putin harshly criticized the step, saying it would hamper
    efforts to resolve the situation by reinforcing Georgian assets in a
    "conflict zone."

    Wood rejected the criticism, saying: "We're not assisting in any

    Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman said the U.S. flew the
    Georgians out of Iraq as part of a prior agreement that transport
    would be provided in case of an emergency.

    Pentagon officials said Monday that U.S. military was assessing the
    fighting every day to determine whether less than 100 U.S. trainers
    should be pulled out of the country.

    There had been about 130 trainers, including a few dozen civilian
    contractors, but the civilians had been scheduled to rotate out of
    the country and did so over the weekend, Whitman said. The remaining
    uniformed trainers were moved over the weekend to what officials
    believe is a safer location, he said.

    Whitman said Defense Secretary Robert Gates had spoken in the last few
    days to both his Georgian and Russian counterparts, but he declined to
    say what they discussed. He said Gates also spoke twice to Georgia's
    president - both times about U.S. help in getting the Georgian troops
    back to their country.

    The conflict began there on Thursday when Georgia tried to regain
    control of the breakaway region. The United States recognizes it
    as part of Georgia but it has been under de facto Russian control
    for years.