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Ossetia Sets Up Its Precedent

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  • Ossetia Sets Up Its Precedent


    RIA Novosti
    11:37 | 12/ 08/ 2008

    MOSCOW. (Alexei Malashenko for RIA Novosti) - The recent developments
    in South Ossetia provoke mixed feelings, first, compassion. At the
    same time when you regularly watch on television scenes that are
    reminiscent of Chechnya it causes irritation and at times anger. But
    that is the emotional side. It is far more important to understand
    rationally what has happened.

    In fact, it is hard to say who was the first to pull the trigger. I
    have a hunch that emotions have played their sinister role, at any
    rate, on Saakashvili's part. At a certain point he felt that he could
    make it, that he was strong enough. I think he acted without counseling
    with his "senior partners." Up until yesterday their reaction was
    unclear. It looks as if the United States has been caught unawares.

    The same is true of Russia, hence the delay with the eventual tough
    reaction. Russia could not believe that Saakashvili could risk
    sending his tanks and Grad rockets.... That sense of bewilderment
    passed. A decision was made and, as far as I can judge from the public
    reaction, the overwhelming majority has supported the government's
    tough response.

    But as events unfold other questions crop up: is there an alternative
    opinion or, as in former times, one has to glean it from foreign

    As soon as it occurs to you, you feel that it is not a black-and-white
    situation. The Western media give a strange coverage of this war:
    Russia alone is to blame for everything. Western officials, as usual,
    apply double standards. The present situation in Southern Caucasus
    inevitably brings associations with Kosovo and Yugoslavia.

    It turns out that what some can get away with others cannot. So,
    I would not say that the European and American positions are
    adequate. I have a feeling that in addition to double standards,
    they also have a hidden agenda. First, while vilifying Russia they
    are not going to take strong measures against it. Second, the need
    for negotiations is still being stressed. Third, German Foreign
    Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier's statement on the events in South
    Ossetia suggests that it is still unclear who is to blame. If his
    real position was unequivocally anti-Russian, he, or anyone else,
    would not have said that.

    Besides, intelligence is at work everywhere and there are independent
    experts in Europe and America. I assure you that their assessment of
    Saakashvili is anything but positive. I think Bush himself learned
    about it with a feeling of dismay. But in this situation every leader
    has a certain role to play from which he cannot depart because it is
    built into his global policy. In this case, formally and officially,
    they have to criticize Russia. They have a pretext for this. Russia
    is indeed fighting outside its own territory. And I should say that
    Russia has gone a bit too far. Let us hope that it too has something
    to do with emotions. However, in my opinion, it is time to hold
    negotiations. It is time to call a halt to hostilities, otherwise
    the West may toughen its position in earnest.

    A few words about the media are in order. Our television provides
    very convincing coverage: not cynical, professional and very precise
    and competent even in terms of propaganda. If only our reports could
    reach the Western audience. The images that people in Georgia and the
    Western public get are far less compelling than ours. But will we be
    able to bring our point of view home to the world community? I think
    it is important today.

    Most importantly, it is time to put an end to the fighting.

    All wars, as we know, end in peace sooner or later. The question is
    who will get what dividends from the war. At present one can only
    speculate on that score. I don't think what happened has soured the
    relations between the West and Russia all that much, especially if
    our side is ready for talks.

    My guess is that NATO is distancing itself from Georgia. What
    use is Georgia to the alliance if the price for it will be so
    high? In that sense Saakashvili has lost. But a solution to the
    Georgia-Ossetia-Abkhaz-Russian conundrum is only delayed. Especially
    if one bears in mind that only last spring there were active talks
    about mediators and possible softening of positions. The hopes were
    well justified. Now the negotiation process has been thrown back.

    I think that after this war there can be no serious talk about the
    CIS. No matter what pictures Russian television carries and how real
    the nightmare in and around Tskhinvali may be, Russia will be looked
    on with suspicion not only in Ukraine but everywhere in the CIS. The
    post-Soviet era is over. I think what happened underlined it.

    Another point, that so far can be mentioned only parenthetically, is
    that the future of the 2014 Olympics is under a big question mark. Let
    us hope that the situation will change for the better by that time.

    It is a pity that a precedent is being set up. In the midst of
    negotiations it suddenly turns out that one of the conflicting parties
    may take a risk, whether due to stupidity or some clandestine plan. And
    you cannot help looking at the neighbors, Armenia and Azerbaijan:
    the precedent is there....

    As a result, one gets a feeling that all talks are useless.

    Alexei Malashenko is a member of the scientific council at the Carnegie
    Moscow Center.

    The opinions expressed in this article are the author's and do not
    necessarily represent those of RIA Novosti.