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Think-Tank Offensive

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  • Think-Tank Offensive

    James Morrison, [email protected]

    Washington Times
    Tuesday, August 12, 2008

    The crisis in the Republic of Georgia opened a new front in Washington,
    where foreign-policy analysts rattled the Internet with e-mail
    alerts on their solutions to stop Russian aggression against its
    tiny neighbor.

    >From the Atlantic Council to the Heritage Foundation, the think-tank
    offensive roared into action after Georgia confronted pro-Russian
    separatists in its breakaway region of South Ossetia last week,
    prompting Moscow to invade Georgia.

    Some analysts said Georgia gave Russia the excuse it was looking
    for to crush Georgia's pro-western government from seeking NATO
    membership. Others suggested Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili
    deliberately provoked Moscow to try to internationalize the dispute
    and pressure the United States into a more forceful defense of its
    strongest ally in the Caucasus region of Europe.

    The Atlantic Council urged a four-pronged diplomatic assault against
    Russia. It called for suspending Russia from the Group of Eight
    industrialized nations, discontinuing partnership and cooperation
    talks between Russia and the European Union and appealing to the
    International Olympic Committee to review Russia's qualifications to
    host the 2014 Winter Games. The council also called on other nations
    to reconsider participating in the Russian Olympics, which would be
    held in Sochi, about 35 miles from the Georgian border.

    Ariel Cohen, an analyst with the Heritage Foundation, said Russian
    Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is pursuing a policy of "regime change"
    to remove Mr. Saakashvili and install a pro-Russian president in

    "Russia is engaged in a classic combined arms operation," he said in
    a e-mail memo Monday. "The [Russian] Black Sea Fleet is blockading
    Georgia from the sea and likely preparing a landing, while Russian
    ballistic missiles and its air force are attacking Georgian military
    bases and cities."

    Mr. Cohen argued that Russia "has long-prepared its aggression"
    against Georgia's pro-western government to undermine Mr. Saakashvili
    and prevent Georgia from joining NATO.

    "Aggression against Georgia also sends a strong signal to Ukraine
    and Europe," he said. "Russia is playing a chess game of offense
    and intimidation."

    Brian Whitmore, in an analysis for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty,
    suspected Mr. Saakashvili's motives in attacking separatist forces
    last week.

    "The Georgian leader's strategy is clear," he wrote on "[Georgia's] small army is no match for the Russian
    military machine.

    "Saakashvili's only chance of success in his bid to regain control
    of the Moscow-backed breakaway region of South Ossetia, therefore,
    is to globalize the conflict and turn it into a central front of a
    new struggle between Moscow and the West."


    The U.S. Embassy in Georgia is evacuating Americans from the war zone
    and warning those who chose to stay to keep their heads down.

    The embassy Sunday organized a convoy from the Georgian capital,
    Tbilisi, to the Armenian capital, Yerevan. Diplomats planned a second
    convoy on Monday. The State Department on Saturday authorized the
    departure of relatives of American diplomats.

    "The [State] Department recommends that American citizens deter
    non-essential travel to Georgia and that American citizens remaining
    in Georgia review their security situation," the department said in
    a warning posted on

    It urged Americans who chose to remain in Georgia to monitor the
    embassy's Web site for further information.

    Meanwhile in Washington, the phone line to the Georgian Embassy
    transferred callers to a voice mailbox that was too full to take
    additional messages.