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Speaking Of India, Armenia And Those Herculean Australians

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  • Speaking Of India, Armenia And Those Herculean Australians


    Los Angeles Times
    11:27 AM, August 12, 2008

    Even though Medals Per Capita trumps the fallacy of the standard Medals
    Table (as seen on the right-hand side of this page) and rightfully
    exalts smaller countries as a rule, let us take this opportunity to
    applaud India.

    This global colossus just harvested the first individual gold medal
    in its Olympic history when Abhinav Bindra won the 10-meter air
    rifle event, and while MPC certainly tilts toward the Lilliputians
    in exquisite fairness, that doesn't preclude some sympathy for a giant.

    MPC fully realizes that India, working with a staggering population
    of 1,147,995,898 -- one of only two three-comma populations in the
    world -- has an unforgiving road in the MPC standings, especially for
    a country that has never bothered with the Olympic oomph of China,
    the other billion-plus population.

    India finished 75th of the 75 countries that won medals at Athens
    2004, and now stands 46th of the 46 countries that have won medals
    so far in Beijing.

    Still, it's a giddy 46th at the moment, so let's say "hooray."

    At the other extreme, the gumdrop nation of Armenia won zero medals in
    2004, thus finishing in a 127-way tie behind even India. Well, let's
    applaud Armenia, which just grabbed two bronzes and ascended from below
    the charts all the way to No. 1 in the Tuesday MPC standings. Which,
    as usual, beat the mulch out of the paltry and inexcusably lazy Medals
    Table used in the Olympics.

    The Medals Table had the United States first at 22 and then China
    at 20, as if culling 22 medals from 303,824,646 citizens or 20 from
    1,330,044,605 constituted some sort of big whoop-dee-doo.

    After Tigran Gevorg Martirosyan's bronze in the men's 62-69kg
    weightlifting, and Roman Amoyan's bronze in the men's under-55kg
    Greco-Roman wrestling, Armenia had two medals among merely 2,968,586
    citizens, or one for every 1,484,293 Armenians.

    That surpassed even the Herculean Australians, who form arguably the
    world's most fibrous athletic nation, and already have pared their MPC
    rating to 2,060,086, despite having only 20,600,856 citizens, with
    the paring surely to persist. It also made the Armenians possibly a
    recurring threat to both the defending runners-up Australians and the
    defending champions the Bahamians (who tend to catch up when track
    and field begin).

    With a nod to another former Soviet republic, the sudden No. 4
    Azerbaijan, and to Koreans both North and South, here is the Medals
    Per Capita top 10:

    1. Armenia (2) - 1,484,293 2. Australia (10) - 2,060,086 3. Slovakia
    (2) - 2,622,375 4. Azerbaijan (3) - 2,725,905 5. Finland (2)
    - 2,727,704 6. North Korea (7) - 3,354,156 7. South Korea (12)
    - 4,102,737 8. Austria (2) - 4,102,767 9. The Netherlands (4) -
    4,161,328 10. Croatia (1) - 4,491,543

    (Some select bottom-dwellers):

    30. United States (22) - 14,467,840 40. China (20) - 66,502,230
    46. India (1) - 1,147,995,898

    -- Chuck Culpepper

    Culpepper is a contributor to The Times.

    Photo: Indian shooter Abhinav Bindra's mother, Babli, left, and father,
    A.S.Bindra, celebrate their son's Olympic gold medal on Monday at their
    residence in Zirakpur near Chandigarh, India. Credit: Associated Press