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Baku: Ilgar Mamedov: "Baku's Support To Tbilisi Actions Was Lower Th

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  • Baku: Ilgar Mamedov: "Baku's Support To Tbilisi Actions Was Lower Th


    13 August 2008

    Day.Az interview with famous political scientist Ilgar Mamedov.

    - Does Azerbaijan occupy a right position in the situation around
    conflict in South Ossetia?

    - If we compare it with Armenia, which has not voiced a single word
    during the growing tensions between Russia and Georgia, Azerbaijan was
    closer to Georgia. We have supported Georgian leadership at least on
    the level of the spokesman for the Foreign Ministry. But on the whole,
    Baku's support to Tbilisi's actions was lower than the current level
    of partnership and interaction between Georgia and Azerbaijan. Baku
    should have supported its ally more strongly.

    Both Azerbaijanis and Armenians on the public level projected the
    new round of confrontation between Russia and Georgia on the Karabakh
    problem and in the result almost all Azerbaijanis supported Georgia,
    while most Armenians was searching for new chances for themselves in
    Russia's actions.

    - Which lessons from the situation around the armed clash in Georgia,
    can Azerbaijan draw?

    - See how hard it was for Georgia to get US and Europe's support,
    despite the country was consistently western oriented and firm in
    its adherence to democratic principles.

    If Azerbaijan counts on the support of the west, it should attain
    radical democratization of the political system. Evem the open western
    oriented course is not enough to gain sympathies of the world society
    for our interests in the similar Karabakh conflict with Armenia
    and Russia.

    As for the military lessons, you should better ask military
    experts. Anyway, it is obvious that Russian troops got an advantage
    only owing to separate factors, including aviation, a free passage
    via the Rok tunnel, the quantitative advantage. It had extremely
    great losses. This means that it is possible to fight Armenia and it
    will be led by the same Russian troops in case the Karabakh conflict
    is resumed.

    - If Azerbaijan initiated the military actions for return of the
    annexed lands immediately, will it be possible to state that Russia,
    which is now closely watched by the world society, would not interfere
    with this conflict in order not to worsen its position? Aren't we
    missing a chance in this issue?

    - If our army is really on the level, declared by the government,
    Azerbaijan could take an advantage of the moment, ensured by Georgia's
    decisive policy. But it did not happen. Though Azerbaijan will further
    have favorable geopolitical conditions for attracting the factor of a
    strong army to the efforts on restoration of its territorial integrity.

    - How can Azerbaijan help Georgia as an ally and a GUAM member-state?

    - At least, the level of public support could have been higher
    than the press service of the Foreign Ministry. It could have been
    possible to call on the Georgian Azerbaijanis for active assistance
    of the government in resisting external aggression. It should be
    noted that despite the absence of such signals from official Baku,
    Azerbaijanis in Georgia have been active and most volunteered in the
    time when mobilization was declared.

    Moreover, efforts could have been taken for a more independent covering
    of conflicts on our TV channels. Instead of all this, our police have
    dispersed a small picket near the Russian embassy. Is it correct to
    do so?

    - Why did the events in South Ossetia start today? What did the
    Georgian officials rely on? Georgian officials seemed to be aware
    that Kremlin will not reject its "pie" in this clash. Why did the
    Georgian powers deliberately risked the deterioration of the conflict?

    - The current round of the conflict have been provoked by the
    Kremlin. Within several hours Moscow sent several hundreds of military
    facilities to Georgia, which is impossible without a long-lasting
    planning. If you remember, Russia railway troops have restored a
    railroad in Abkhazia allegedly for peaceful purposes. It is now
    obvious that it was done for the accelerated transfer of military
    technique. In other words, whatever Saakashvili did, the large scale
    armed conflict was inevitable, which really occurred.

    But Russia has lost. Today NATO countries do not doubt the expediency
    of the soonest accession of Georgia and Ukraine to the alliance. After
    it Russia have lesser chances to influence the region. It is possible
    to say with confidence that Russia is losing the South Caucasus.