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Council Of Churches USA To Meet In Denver

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  • Council Of Churches USA To Meet In Denver


    Thousand Oaks Acorn
    August 14, 2008

    Plans are underway for the annual General Assembly of the National
    Council of Churches USA and Church World Service in Denver from
    Nov. 11 to 13.

    The theme of the 2008 General Assembly is, "Jesus Said . . . Whoever
    is Not Against You is For You," from Luke 9:50.

    The theme focuses on the words of Jesus, a response to his disciple's
    complaints about a man they didn't know who was casting out demons
    in Jesus' name.

    The words invoke the brokenness of a world in which suspicion and
    distrust govern relationships and create obstacles to church unity.

    Topics planned for discussion at the General Assembly raise questions
    about the Christian obligation to be good neighbors: immigration
    reform, the meaning of Christian unity in a pluralistic era and the
    "phobias" that stand in the way of ecumenical unity, racial justice
    and interfaith dialogue.

    Registration and hotel information forms may be downloaded from

    The registration fee is $250 until Sept. 29, when the price increases
    to $275.

    The assembly will be presided over by the president of the National
    Council of Churches, H.E. Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, who represents
    the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern). The assembly
    is composed of delegates and visitors from the 35 member communions
    of the NCC and CWS.

    Young adults from member communions will gather in Denver prior to
    the General Assembly for an agenda that is in the planning process. As
    in past years, young adults will form a group of stewards to support
    the logistics and business of the General Assembly. An application
    form for stewards can be downloaded at the website listed above.

    In addition, a women's caucus and luncheon will be held early in the
    assembly schedule.