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Finding 'Peace' In Iran

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  • Finding 'Peace' In Iran

    By Mark D. Tooley

    August 14, 2008

    The long-time Religious Left and pacifist Fellowship of Reconciliation
    (FOF) is dispatching a battery of clergy/activist delegations to Iran
    to forestall the suspected impending U.S. war against the mullahs'
    nuclear program.

    Horrified by America's bellicosity, the earnest peace pilgrims are
    struggling to forge friendship with the Iranian "people."

    One FOF visit was in May, one is currently ongoing through mid-August,
    another will be in November, and still another early next year. There
    have been six other FOF pilgrimages to Teheran since 2006. So far,
    the Iranian people are receiving the earnest FOFsters with warmth and
    appreciation. The Iranians are supposedly learning from FOF that not
    all Americans are hateful, militaristic and eager for war against Iran.

    "We are convinced that there should be a group working to oppose a
    war or attack or invasion of Iran," explained United Church of Christ
    (UCC) minister Patricia de Jong of Berkeley, California. "We would
    love for the UCC to take leadership in building this movement." After
    returning from the FOF's May trip to Iran, she explained to the UCC's
    news service: "As Christians, we just cannot allow ourselves to be
    part of any attack or invasion by our government." She and another
    UCC clergy who went to Iran are preparing a resolution for their
    denomination's convention next year opposing any U.S. action against
    Iran's nuclear activities. No doubt the resolution will go through
    the UCC jamboree like greased lightning.

    The Iranians are a "loving and welcoming and kind people," the
    FOF delegation from May is reporting back after an extensive
    investigation. "The thing that was most striking for me," de Jong
    breathlessly shared, "is that the governments of our two countries are
    not necessarily where the people of our two countries are. The Iranian
    people we met were eager to know us, eager to open their lives to us,
    eager to find out who we are and eager to be friends."

    Another FOFster on the May Iran trip was the Rev. de Jong's husband,
    author and fellow clergy Sam Keen, who wrote Faces of the Enemy,
    which naturally was turned into an "award-winning" public television
    series. "Before the beginning of the Iraq War, U.S. churches fell
    down on the job," Keen fretted to the UCC news service. "This time,
    if we don't get ahead of this issue of waging war, if we allow war
    to happen without severe, severe protests, we in the church will lose
    all kinds of moral authority."

    Missouri peace activist Lily Tinker Fortel was still another FOF
    delegation member who gushed about Iran's hospitality. The savvy
    Iranians whom FOF met in May readily understood the difference
    between Americans and its sinister government, showing " wisdom
    and understanding, [and] an absence of blame for the horrendous
    things Iran has gone through since the US was engaged in a covert
    CIA operation to overthrow their democratically elected government
    under the leadership of President Mosaddeq in 1953."

    For the Religious Left, all of the Iranian regime's monstrosities,
    including the tens of thousands of its opponents whom it has murdered,
    are inconsequential compared to America's supposedly sinister
    role in Mosaddeq's overthrow 55 years ago. In the Religious Left
    pseudo-cosmology, the United States replaces human sinfulness as the
    ultimate explanation for all earthly turmoil.

    In this vein, Fortel implored: "We must work to recognize that the
    current conflict between our governments should not trump our human
    ability to care for each other and to see past the stereotypes and
    generalizations that we are too often presented with in the lead-up
    to war." She met "hundreds of Iranians" during her FOF trip, and they
    all demonstrated "love" and "understanding," despite the "current
    political climate between our two governments."

    Fortel was amazed by the color and life of Iranian street life,
    including the "the stylish tunics on young women, the way they
    wore their scarves; we were amazed at the fashion of young men;
    we saw our first gas station and the cars lined up waiting to fill
    up with their weekly ration of fuel." She didn't explain why an oil
    exporting country was rationing gasoline, which might have despoiled
    the wonderment of her narrative. Fortel preferred to discuss the
    "delicious kabobs" at Tehran's Hotel Howeyzeh.

    The FOFsters met with the Armenian Church's Archbishop in Teheran. He
    reported that since Iran's 1979 Islamist revolution, "migration
    has become an unfortunate phenomenon." Why are Armenian Christians
    leaving Iran? Fortel, in her blog, did not elaborate, and probably
    FOF has little interest in that topic. FOF was more interested in
    the Archbishop's criticism of Israel and the United States. "Iraq has
    become another Vietnam for the United States," Fortel reported him as
    saying. "The Bush administration is playing a tragic role, bringing
    war and hatred." No doubt, all the eagerly listening FOFsters nodded
    vigorously. "Tea was served," Fortel concluded of the meeting with
    the Archbishop. "Then, delicious pastries."

    There was some acknowledgment among the FOFsters that Iranians are not
    entirely at liberty to speak their minds to visiting foreigners. "These
    people have suffered hugely from government policies and the Iran-Iraq
    war," admitted Mennonite peace activist Susan Mark Landis. "We know
    people's cell phones are tapped and their Internet usage watched,
    that arrests are arbitrary and the prison horrendous, that talking
    too much is costly."

    FOF's May trip to Iran was led by Jewish Rabbi Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb,
    who reported that Iran's Jewish community "appears to be doing well,
    worships freely, and sponsors six day schools with a population of
    five hundred children attending." But she admitted there is among
    "many people a desire for more freedom and it has been difficult to
    wear hijab, and at the same time, I am finding Iran a very vibrant
    and sophisticated society composed of people who want to be seen as
    human beings able to determine their own future."

    Before leaving for Iran, Rabbi Gottlieb condemned Senator Hillary
    Clinton for suggesting decisive action against Iranian nukes. "I am
    deeply concerned that Senator Clinton, a national political figure,
    discussed the prospect of military action against Iran and even
    stated, 'we would be able to totally obliterate them'," Gottlieb
    complained. "This is a time for finding common ground between our
    two nations, not threats. When our elected leaders choose belligerent
    rhetoric over dialogue, it is up to us as everyday Americans to serve
    as civilian diplomats."

    FOF claims a "distinguished history of successful 'behind the
    scenes' friendship and solidarity delegations to regions in political
    conflict." Such successes included multiple trips to the old Soviet
    Union, to Vietnam during the 1960s; to Central America in the 1980s
    and "Palestine/Israel" more recently. Currently FOF is also sending
    regular delegations to Colombia, "the most militarized nation in
    Latin America."

    Over its 90 year history, FOF has strenuously upheld a consistent
    record of naivety and mindless anti-Americanism, finding favor
    with an endless and unsavory gallery of tyrants and warlords, FOF's
    pacifism notwithstanding. Iran's mullahs, and countless other rogues,
    can be grateful.