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Does Nationalism Play Role In Georgia Conflict?

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  • Does Nationalism Play Role In Georgia Conflict?

    By Peter Fedynsky

    Voice of America
    14 August 2008

    The conflict in Georgia involves competing territorial,
    economic, political and cultural claims of Georgians, Ossetians and
    Russians. Underpinning those claims is ethnic identity, which is shaped
    by language, history, culture and kinship. Taken to extremes, ethnicity
    can turn into nationalism, which elevates the ethnic awareness and
    interests of one group above all others. VOA Moscow Correspondent
    Peter Fedynsky examines the role nationalism has played in the recent
    violence in the Caucasus.

    Russian soldier, left, talks to Georgian police officers on the
    outskirts of Gori, northwest of Tbilisi, Georgia, 14 Aug 2008 Complex
    migrations and demographic changes, through many centuries, put
    Ossetians and Georgians on a collision course that has resulted in
    varying degrees of friction between them, most recently the current
    conflict in the Caucasus.

    Language can be powerful motivating force

    Ossetians and Georgians speak different languages. They do not even
    have the same name for the territory that both seek to control. What
    Ossetians refer to as South Ossetia, Georgian authorities prefer to
    call the Tskhinvali region.

    Alexander Rondelli, president of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic
    and International Studies in Tbilisi, notes that language is a
    powerful and often dangerous motivating force in many societies,
    around the world.

    "It's a very strong feeling; very strong feeling, because it
    mobilizes people. It's vernacular mobilization, I would say," said
    Rondelli. "It's something which keeps people together. And, it's
    something for which people are really ready to be killed."

    Accusations of ethnic cleansing

    And, in Georgia they are being killed. Although casualty figures are
    difficult to confirm, both sides are accusing each other of ethnic
    cleansing. Human Rights Watch, an international non-governmental
    organization, reports Ossetians have attacked Georgian villages. Russia
    accuses Georgia of outright genocide against Ossetians, a small
    ethnic group that straddles the border of northern Georgia and
    southern Russia.

    Hasan Dzutsev, professor of sociology at the North Ossetian Institute
    of Humanitarian and Social Research in Vladikavkaz told VOA all
    Ossetians seek reunification.

    Quest for reunification

    >From left, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Abkhazia's President
    Sergei Bagapsh, and leader of South Ossetia's rebel government,
    Eduard Kokoity in Moscow, 14 Aug 2008 Dzutsev says reunification is
    an age-old dream, noting that until 1922, Ossetians lived together on
    one territory, but in Stalin's time, they were artificially divided
    when Southern Ossetia was transferred to Georgia and the North was
    given to Russia.

    Alexander Rondelli says Northern and Southern Ossetia were two of
    many autonomies created across borders of former Soviet Republics,
    with the intention of fomenting ethnic tensions in a classic divide
    and conquer tactic. Today, Russian troops claim a peacekeeping role
    in South Ossetia. Georgians call them invaders and fear the Kremlin
    is seeking to destroy their fragile democracy.

    Russian interest in Ossetia

    In Moscow, independent Russian political analyst Alexander Konovalov
    says huge industrial projects during the communist era changed the
    ethnic composition of Soviet republics, as large numbers of Russian
    speakers were sent to construct, for example, a nuclear power plant
    in Lithuania or a cotton mill in Central Asia. Konovalov says this
    created an ethnic time bomb, which exploded after the collapse of the
    Soviet Union, as various peoples of the USSR sought to reclaim their
    languages and ethnic identities. Konovalov notes that many Russians,
    himself included, do not feel a need to affirm their ethnic identity.

    The analyst says there were many Russians in the Soviet Union and that,
    as a rule, large ethnic groups tend to ignore the identity of other
    peoples and do not overly concern themselves about their own. He says
    there is no need for affirmation, because it is clear that Russians
    are Russians.

    Russian tanks on the outskirts of Gori, northwest of capital Tbilisi,
    Georgia, 14 Aug 2008 However, smaller ethnicities are sensitive to
    the possibility of subjugation and even extinction. There are about
    500,000 Ossetians; roughly 70,000 of them in Georgia. Hasan Dzutsev
    says South Ossetians fear complete annihilation by Georgians -
    a charge Tbilisi says is without basis.

    What is driving conflict?

    Alexander Konovalov says the conflict in Georgia involves two
    fundamental but competing principles of international relations,
    which he says poses a threat to global security.

    Konovalov says the first principle is the inviolability of
    international borders established by the United Nations and the Final
    Act of the 1975 Helsinki Agreement. He says there is also the principle
    of self-determination of peoples enunciated by U.S. President Woodrow
    Wilson's "14 Points" in 1918. Konovalov says, without exception,
    one side or the other of every ethnic conflict cites one or the
    other principle.

    The analyst says international law has not established which of these
    principles should take precedence. Thus, the need one ethnic group
    has for independent territory to allow its language and culture to
    bear political and economic fruit collides with another group which
    needs that same territory to protect its vital interests.

    Each analyst interviewed for this report cited examples of multi-ethnic
    societies that work, such as Switzerland and Canada. The Caucasus
    is a place where ethnic animosities have exploded in bloodshed. In
    recent times, Chechens fought Russians, Ingushetians struggled against
    Ossetians, Armenians battled Azeris and the Abkhazians competed with
    Georgians. The war that has erupted between Ossetians and Georgians
    is an ethnic struggle that has global implications for oil, democracy
    and political influence in the post-Soviet world.