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Armenia Offers Safe Haven For Fleeing Georgians

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  • Armenia Offers Safe Haven For Fleeing Georgians

    By Naira Melkumian in Yerevan and Bavra

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting

    Caucasus Reporting Service

    Thousands cross border, as opposition blames president for delay in
    returning from Olympics.

    Armenia, the closest country to the Georgian-Russian fighting,
    has opened its borders to thousands fleeing the conflict - but its
    political leadership has kept virtually silent throughout the crisis.

    Since the conflict in South Ossetia broke out last week, the customs
    checkpoint at Bavra at the Armenian-Georgian border has been the
    only safe crossing point for people wishing to leave Georgia. Most
    were Armenian tourists fleeing, but others were Georgians deciding
    to leave for a place of safety.

    "There is something terrible happening there, we saw burnt tanks
    on our way here...A bomb fell just a few metres away from us near
    the Suram Pass and the shrapnel damaged the door of my car," Alik,
    who was traveling with his wife and baby, told IWPR.

    "We left on August 8, the day the war started because we didn't think
    our visit to Georgia would be so dangerous," said Anna, who was with
    her husband and child. "We went to [the Black Sea resort of] Kobuleti,
    everything was calm there but the general atmosphere was very tense;
    what we feared most was the road, of course."

    The Armenian foreign ministry said that more than 10,000 people had
    crossed the Bavra crossing since the war began.

    Most came in their own cars, others in Georgian tourist buses and
    traveled on in buses sent to the border to bring them back to Yerevan
    for free.

    More than two thousand foreign citizens, staff and relatives of those
    working for embassies or international organisations also crossed into
    Armenia, heading for the nearest safe international airport in Yerevan.

    Thousands of Armenian tourists holidaying on the Black Sea were taken
    by surprise by the conflict.

    "On the night of August 8-9 we were woken by strange noises outside
    the building we were renting an apartment in," said Rita Karapetian,
    an IWPR contributor who was in Kobuleti.

    "The electricity went off in the whole city, television broadcasting
    had stopped before that. The neighbours in the yard said that a war
    has started, and the Russian air forces had attacked strategic targets
    in different cities of Georgia."

    Along with others, she cut short her holidays and headed for the

    That was not the case, however, with Armenian president Serzh Sarkisian
    who continued his vacation in China, where he has been attending the
    Olympic Games. Sarkisian finally returned home on August 14, almost
    a week after the crisis began.

    Armenia has tried to keep a low profile in the crisis. All statements
    on the crisis were made by Armenia's deputy foreign minister. "Armenia
    is very concerned about the situation in South Ossetia and expresses
    hopes that the parties will make efforts to settle the issues under
    dispute peacefully as soon as possible," read an official statement
    from the foreign ministry on August 8.

    Armenian and Georgian officials denied a report that Georgia had
    been attacked by planes from the Russian military base in Gyumri in
    northern Armenia.

    When President Mikheil Saakashvili called on other members of the
    Commonwealth of Independent States to quit the organisation in
    solidarity with Georgia, the Armenian foreign ministry declared
    publicly it would not do so, saying that staying in the CIS was
    Armenia's "long-term political choice".

    Sarkisian telephoned Russian president Dmitry Medvedev on August 13
    and offered his sympathies. He then called Saakashvili on August 14
    and offered condolences and humanitarian aid.

    Sarkisian's long silence drew sharp criticism from the Armenian
    opposition. The Armenian National Congress, led by former president
    Levon Ter-Petrosian, criticised what it called the president's
    "inadequate and dubious behaviour" and called on him to fly home.

    Opposition member of parliament Stepan Safarian said, "By offering
    condolences only to the president of the Russian Federation, Serzh
    Sarkisian violated a balance because condolences should have been
    sent to three sides, Russia, Georgia and South Ossetia."

    Armenians are watching nervously to see how the Georgian-Russian
    clash will continue. The landlocked country's economy is very reliant
    on both countries and experts believe the conflict will hurt trade,
    when the economy is already in a downturn.

    On August 7, the Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation cut supplies of
    Russian gas to Armenia by 30 per cent without prior warning, but
    prime minister Tigran Sarkisian later said that full supplies of 4.7
    million cubic metres of natural gas had been restored.

    Armenia is heavily dependent on Georgia's Black Sea ports for its
    trade and is also suffering because of the Russian blockade of the
    port of Poti.

    Businessman Hmayak Mnatsakanian said his freight consignment of fruit
    he had been planning to send out of Poti for five days ago had been
    stranded and he had only just managed to get it returned to Armenia,
    although he feared it was now all spoiled.

    "Each truck costs about 50 thousand dollars, and if the goods are
    damaged I'll face a huge debt, leaving aside the fact it cost two
    thousand dollars to send it to Georgia.

    "But the most important thing is I came home safe and sound. I can't
    believe I'm on home soil."

    Naira Melkumian is a freelance journalist and IWPR contributor.