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Armenian President and Canadian Prime Minister Exchange Messages

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  • Armenian President and Canadian Prime Minister Exchange Messages

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of Canada
    Contact: Dn. Hagop Arslanian, Assistant to the Primate
    Tel; 514-276-9479 (ext. 3)
    Fax; 514-276-9960
    Email; [email protected]
    615 Stuart Avenue, Outremont-Montreal
    Quebec-CANADA H2V 3H2

    * * *

    Armenian President and Canadian Prime Minister Exchange Messages

    The Right Honorable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, sent a
    message to H.E. Mr. Serzh Sargsyan, congratulating him on his
    inauguration as President of the Republic of Armenia. In his letter
    the Prime Minister particularly stresses that `Canada has long
    supported democratic development as one of its international
    priorities. We were pleased to note that Armenia's presidential
    election showed further progress towards internationally accepted
    electoral standards'. Mr. Harper further notes that `Canada has been
    enriched by the presence of a large community of Armenian heritage,
    who I know will also be heartened by Armenia's democratic progress,
    both in the parliamentary elections of last May and in the recently
    concludedpresidential election.'

    In his reply message the President of Armenia thanked the Prime
    Minister ofCanada for his congratulations, stressing that `our mutual
    commitment to universal human values and Canada's active and efficient
    involvement in the resolution of the most urgent global issues provide
    a solid basis for productive bilateral and multilateral cooperation'.

    The two leaders also exchange m essages on the forthcoming 12th
    Conference of Heads of State and Government of Countries Using French
    as a Common Language in Quebec (Sommet de laFrancophonie). Responding
    to the Canadian Prime Minister's invitation to participate in the
    Francophonie Summit, the President of Armenia wrotethat `l'Arménie
    accorde une grande importance à l'Organisation Internationale de la
    Francophonie l'adhésion à laquelleen tant qu'observateur a donné un
    nouvel élan aux riches traditions de la francophonie dans notre
    pays. Désireux d'amplifier la dimension francophone de l'Arménie qui
    partage profondément l'ensemble desvaleurs et principes fondateurs
    formulés dans la Charte de la Francophonie, la République Arménie a
    présenté la demande officielle de devenir membre associé de
    l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, et cette demande va
    être examiné au Sommet du Québec'. President Sargsyan expressed
    hope that Canada would support Armenia's desire to become associated
    member in the International Organization of Francophonie.

    The forthcoming Francophonie Summit was also the subject of messages
    exchanged between President of Armenia, Mr. Serzh Sargsyan, and Prime
    Minister of Quebec, Mr. Jean Charest.