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As Russian Tanks Roll, Europe Reassesses

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  • As Russian Tanks Roll, Europe Reassesses

    By Judy Dempsey

    New York Times
    August 15, 2008
    United States

    News Analysis

    BERLIN -- The Russian tanks rumbling across parts of Georgia are
    forcing a fundamental reassessment of strategic interests across
    Europe in a way not considered since the fall of the Berlin Wall in
    November 1989 and the subsequent collapse of Communism.

    Skip to next paragraph Related News Analysis: No Cold War, but Big
    Chill (August 16, 2008) For nearly two decades, European capitals in
    concert with Washington have encouraged liberalization in lands once
    firmly under the Soviet aegis. Now, they find themselves asking a
    question barely posed in all those years: How far will or can Russia
    go, and what should the response be?

    The answer will play out not just in the European Union, but also
    along its new eastern frontier, in once obscure places like Moldova
    and Azerbaijan.

    Already, French leaders, acting on behalf of Europe, have firmly told
    the Russians they cannot insist on the ouster of Georgia's president,
    Mikheil Saakashvili, as a precondition for a cease-fire.

    Farther west, in Poland, a long-stalled negotiation on stationing
    parts of a United States missile defense system was quickly wrapped
    up, as American negotiators on Thursday dropped resistance to giving
    the Poles advanced Patriot missiles.

    The Poles, of course, had their own security in mind. "Poland wants
    to be in alliances where assistance comes in the very first hours
    of -- knock on wood -- any possible conflict," Prime Minister Donald
    Tusk said.

    "The reality is that international relations are changing," said
    Pawel Swieboda, director of demosEUROPA, an independent research
    organization based in Warsaw. "For the first time since 1991, Russia
    has used military force against a sovereign state in the post-Soviet
    area. The world will not be the same. A new phenomenon is unfolding
    in front or our eyes: a re-emerging power that is willing to use force
    to guarantee its interests. The West does not know how to respond."

    At stake 20 years ago was whether the Kremlin, then under Mikhail
    Gorbachev, would intervene militarily to stop the collapse of
    Communism. But Mr. Gorbachev chose to cut Eastern Europe free as
    he focused -- in vain -- on preventing the collapse of the Soviet
    Union itself.

    Communist bloc lands from the Baltic States in the north to Bulgaria
    in the south have since joined the European Union and NATO -- a feat,
    despite flaws, that in the Western view has made the continent more
    secure and democratic.

    But Russia never liked the expansion of NATO. In the 1990s, it was
    too weak to resist; today, in the Caucasus, Russia is showing off its
    power and sending an unmistakable message: Georgia, or a much larger
    Ukraine, will never be allowed to join NATO.

    The implications of Russia's action reverberate well beyond that,
    from the European Union's muddled relations with a crucial energy
    supplier, Russia, through Armenia and Azerbaijan in the south and east,
    to Ukraine and Moldova in the west.

    This region has everything that the West and Russia covet and
    abhor: immense reserves of oil and gas, innumerable ethnic splits
    and tensions, corrupt and authoritarian governments, pockets of
    territory that have become breeding grounds or havens for Islamic
    fundamentalists. As a result, the region has become the arena for
    competition between the Americans and Europeans on one hand, and
    Russia on the other, over how to bring these countries into their
    respective spheres of influence.

    The European Union -- as ever, slow and divided -- has offered few
    concrete proposals to bring the countries of what Russia calls its
    "near abroad" -- Belarus, Ukraine, the Caucasus and the Caspian --
    closer to Europe. Analysts say the 27 member states have not been
    able to separate their view of Russia from adopting a clear strategy
    toward the former Soviet republics on the union's new eastern borders.

    "The Georgia crisis shows that Russia is in the process of testing
    how far it can go," said Niklas Nilsson of the Central Asia-Caucasus
    Institute in Stockholm. "This is part of a much bigger geopolitical
    game. It is time for the Europeans to decide what kind of influence
    it wants in the former Soviet states. That is the biggest strategic
    challenge the E.U. now faces."

    NATO, led by the United States and several Eastern European countries,
    has reached out more actively. At a summit meeting in Bucharest,
    Romania, in April, Georgia and Ukraine failed to get on a concrete
    path to membership as they had sought, but did secure a promise of
    being admitted eventually.

    Georgia and its supporters say that NATO membership would have
    protected Georgians from Russian tanks. Western European diplomats
    by contrast note with relief that Georgia is not in NATO, and thus
    they were not required to come to its defense.

    The newly resurgent Russians, buoyed by oil and gas wealth and the
    firm leadership of Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin, have played
    their hand with less hesitation.

    Tomas Valasek, the Slovak-born director of foreign policy and defense
    at the Center for European Reform in London, says Russia has used
    the ethnic and territorial card to persuade some NATO countries that
    admitting Ukraine or Georgia would prove more dangerous and unstable
    than keeping them out. Georgia's incursion Aug. 7 into South Ossetia
    serves both these Russian arguments, as well as Moscow's passionate
    objections to the West's support for an independent Kosovo.

    Recognize Kosovo's break with Serbia, Mr. Putin warned last spring,
    and Russia will feel entitled to do the same with South Ossetia and
    Georgia's other breakaway enclave, Abkhazia -- where Mr. Putin needs
    stability to realize his cherished project of the 2014 Winter Olympics
    in nearby Sochi.

    Ukraine, bigger than France and traditionally seen by Russians as
    integral to their heritage and dominion, has been conspicuously
    quiet over the past week. Senior Ukrainian officials say that the
    weak European Union response on Georgia will only embolden Russia
    to focus even more on Ukraine, where many inhabitants speak Russian
    and, particularly in the eastern half, look to Moscow, not Kiev,
    for leadership.

    "The crisis in Georgia has clear implications for regional security,
    and of course Ukraine," said Hryhoriy Nemyria, deputy prime minister
    of Ukraine, who is responsible for European integration. "This crisis
    makes crystal clear that the security vacuums that have existed in
    the post-Soviet space remain dangerous."
    From: Baghdasarian