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Non-Cash Payments Up 30% Per Year In Armenia

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  • Non-Cash Payments Up 30% Per Year In Armenia


    2008-08-19 15:10:00

    ArmInfo. Non-cash payments in Armenia for the second qt of 2008
    totaled 3.326 bln drams (1197719 payments) including payments on the
    Armenian CB payment systems for the 2nd qt of 2008 as compared to the
    same period of 2007 were up 1.3 times (by 438 bln drams) to 1.878 bln
    drams. The number of payments was up 1.5 times (by 184075 payments)
    to 506137 payments.

    Armenian CB press-service told ArmInfo that in the second qt of 2008 as
    against the same period of 2007, payments through CB payment systems
    were down 0.06 times (by 123 bln drams). The number of payment was
    up by 102466 (1.25 times).

    The source reports the average daily size of transfer through the CB
    payment systems for the period under review was 29 bln drams, which
    was by 6.8 bln drams more than the indicator for the same period
    of 2007. The number of payments was up 2878 to 7908. The share of
    payments for electricity consumption through CB payment systems was
    the largest - 54.5% of total non- cash payments (exclusive of stock
    exchange deals) and 96.42% of total number of payments. The source
    reports that 70% of payments for electricity was the share of Armenian
    commerce banks. The volume of non-cash transactions was up 29/6% per
    year (by 234 bln drams) and the number of transactions was up 57/5%
    (by 178152). Transfers under stock exchange deals totaled 2887 bln
    drams having grown 6.7 times for the period under review.

    By CB's data, the average daily size of e-payments for the 2nd qt
    of 2008 was at the level of last year - 16 bln drams and the number
    of e-payments totaled 7625, the annual growth being 1535. Transfers
    under stock exchange deals was 45 bln drams, the growth as against
    the same period of 2007 was 7 bln drams. Average size of an e-payment
    (exclusive of transfers under stock exchange deals) was down by 0.5
    mln drams to 2 mln drams as against 2nd qt of 2007. Average size of
    a stock exchange deal totaled 892 mln drams.

    Transactions on plastic cards totaled 73641 mln drams and 1541602
    transactions in the 2nd qt of 2008. Non-cash payments on cards totaled
    5846 mln drams including 500 mln drams Internet-transactions (the
    share of e-trade was 243 mln dram, transfers from card to card - 266
    mln drams). At the end of the 2nd qt of 2008, the number of plastic
    cards circulated in Armenia totaled 394251.The growth as against the
    1st qt was 1.15 times (by 51480 cards).

    Thus, the number of active plastic local cards ArCa in Armenia for
    the 2nd qt of 2008 as against the same period of 2007 was up 1.18
    times (by 27505 cards) to 183745 cards. Over the qt under review,
    the number of international cards in Armenia was up 1.13 tines (by
    23975 cards) including Visa - 1.11 times (by 14099 cards) to 147142
    cards and MasterCard - 1.2 times (by 5222 cards) to 31901 cards.

    Operations on ArCa active cards were up 1.6 times to 25366
    mln drams. The number of operations was up 1.4 times to 685842
    operations. Operations on Visa cards in Armenia were up 1.5 times
    to 30788 mln drams (508834 operations) and MasterCard - 1.6 times to
    734 mln drams (123074 operations).