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Russian Forces In The Georgian War: Preliminary Assessment And Recom

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  • Russian Forces In The Georgian War: Preliminary Assessment And Recom

    by Ariel Cohen, Ph.D., James Jay Carafano, Ph.D. and Lajos Szaszdi, Ph.D.
    Aug 21 2008

    While all the facts of last week's Russian-Georgian war are not clear,
    enough information--including eyewitness accounts--has been reported
    in the media to draw initial conclusions about the performance of
    Russian military forces and the implications of these operations for
    U.S. defense policies. Unquestionably, the war is a reminder that
    "conventional" military operations as an instrument of modern combat
    are far from obsolete. The U.S. and its allies must retain a robust
    conventional capacity to deter aggression and assist in the defense
    of its treaty obligations to NATO and other allies.

    Lightning War

    While terrorism remains a 21st century scourge, the Russian incursion
    serves as proof that the age of conventional warfare is far from
    over. After weeks of mortar attacks and shootings by rebel forces in
    secessionist South Ossetia targeting Georgian villages and outposts,
    hostilities escalated on the evening of August 7 with a Georgian
    artillery and rocket barrage against rebel positions. On August 8,
    Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili ordered forces into Tskhinvali
    to put an end to the South Ossetian fire and to restore control over
    the rebel capital. That same day, Russian mechanized forces began to
    pour into South Ossetia. Operation "Clear Field" pushed back Georgian
    military forces from South Ossetia. The number of Russian military
    involved in the operation--reportedly as high as 25,000 troops
    backed by over 1,000 armored vehicles, artillery, rocket forces,
    and airpower[1]--overwhelmed Georgian forces.

    On August 13, Russian land forces advanced from South Ossetia and
    entered Gori, south of South Ossetia and straddling Georgia's main
    central highway and railway line. The conflict quickly expanded into
    Georgia's rebel region of Abkhazia along the Black Sea coast. There,
    the Russian forces, with the help of Abkhazian irregulars, marched
    south. By August 18, Russian forces established positions only 40
    kilometers from the Georgian capital. The Black Sea Fleet blocked
    Georgia's main commercial port of Poti, and Russian airborne troops
    coming from Abkhazia occupied the port, effectively closing the
    main entry point for imports not just for Georgia but also for
    Armenia and Azerbaijan. A Russian armored column then advanced
    to within 50 kilometers of Kutaisi, the country's second largest
    city. Using overpowering force, the Russian incursion faced no
    effective opposition.

    Assessment of Russian Military Operations

    The war appears to reflect comprehensive and systematic planning
    by the Russian general staff. As a result of this planning, the
    combined operations were well prepared and well executed, employing
    combat, support, and logistical forces as well as pre-positioned
    ships and planes. Most likely employing deception to mask operational
    preparations, the Russian offensive achieved a strategic surprise. The
    Russian army conducted a two-pronged offensive against Georgia from
    South Ossetia and Abkhazia. By conducting more than one offensive
    operation, the Russians prevented the Georgians from concentrating
    their forces, a military tactic representative of classic Russian
    operational art.

    The main Russian ground forces involved in the invasion of Georgia
    belonged to the 58th Army and are veterans of the 1999 invasion and
    ongoing occupation of Chechnya. Ground forces also included elite Guard
    divisions and "special forces" such as airborne troops and Spetsnaz
    (special operations forces). Many of the tanks, armored personnel
    vehicles, and armored personnel carriers used by the 58th Army are
    older Soviet models but were employed in overwhelming numbers. Some
    of the older tanks, like the T-62, have been photographed with recent
    bar armor to protect against anti-tank rocket propelled grenades,
    while T-72 tanks have been provided with explosive reactive armor
    protection. Several units were made up entirely of professional
    soldiers--as opposed to conscripts--and most likely represented a
    test of all-contract soldier units in major military operations. (For
    force structure, see table below.)

    The air force carried out close air support operations, primarily
    using SU-25 ("Frogfoot") fighter-bombers--which belong to Front
    Aviation--to neutralize Georgian forces on the ground. Other missions
    included the bombing of strategic targets such as Georgian air
    and military bases, radar and communications sites and civilian
    buildings and the failed attempts to bomb the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    (BTC) oil pipeline. Supersonic Tupolev Tu-22M3 ("Backfire") strategic
    bombers--belonging to the Long-Range Aviation--also participated in
    the bombing raids. Transport Aviation ferried airborne forces and
    supplies to the theaters of military operations.

    Russia's Black Sea Fleet carried out operations with the participation
    of the fleet's flagship, the guided-missile cruiser Moskva. Fleet
    units reportedly sunk a Georgian patrol boat in combat. The Russian
    military has blown up eight Georgian naval ships at the port of
    Poti. According to Georgian sources, Russia used amphibious landing
    ships to transport troops to Abkhazia. In addition, logistic support
    ships were reported to have transported relief supplies for refugees.

    The Russian military has used over a dozen of Tochka-U (SS-21 "Scarab")
    short-range ballistic missiles and possibly Iskander SRBM (SS-26
    "Stone") on targets throughout the Georgian theater, including the
    BTC pipeline and the town of Gori.

    Along with the use of conventional weapons, Russia conducted
    information and psychological warfare, though the full extent of these
    operations remains unclear. Georgian officials reported cyberattacks
    on government websites as well as Internet servers. Allegations of
    widespread efforts to spread disinformation, intimidate the population,
    and foster criminal activity (such as looting, rape, kidnapping,
    and ethnic reprisals) have also been made.

    Lessons Learned

    The age of conventional warfare is far from over. For the U.S. and NATO
    to maintain both a credible conventional deterrent and the capacity
    to aid friends and allies, each must retain the "traditional" robust
    capacity to meet conventional threats, including the following:

    Marshalling the "strategic enablers" that allow for the projection
    of military power including gaining and maintaining sea control, air
    supremacy, rapid strategic transport, expeditionary logistical support,
    and the means to defeat "anti-access" strategies that seek to prevent
    the deployment of forces into a theater; Improving the capability to
    rapidly strike mobile armored forces; Developing the means to defeat
    mortar, artillery, rocket, and missile forces that can be targeted at
    both military forces and civilian populations; and Sufficient forces
    to meet multiple deployment requirements on short notice.

    In addition, instead of preparing for "asymmetrical" or
    "unconventional" threats (such as terrorism and cyberwarfare) as
    alternatives to conventional conflict, the U.S. and NATO defense
    policies must recognize that future conflicts could well be an
    admixture of both. Thus, military modernization and readiness should
    not sacrifice preparation for conventional conflicts in order to
    plan for new ways of war. Modern militaries must prepare for both. In
    particular, NATO and the U.S. must each:

    Improve capacity to conduct both offensive and defensive cyberwarfare;
    and Place renewed emphasis on psychological operations, deception,
    and other forms of information warfare in all types of conflict.

    Next Strategic Steps

    Revitalizing the conventional capabilities of NATO forces to be part
    of an integrated geo-strategic effort sends an unequivocal message
    that naked territorial aggression is unacceptable against members of
    the alliance and other friendly and allied countries.

    As President George W. Bush has stated, "aggression should not
    stand." Subsequently, the U.S. should do the following:

    Rebuild the unity of NATO by bringing together all members with shared
    defense concerns; Proceed with the building of a missile defense system
    in Central Europe; Accept Ukraine's offer to include its early warning
    radars into the ABM system; and Proceed with issuing NATO Membership
    Action Plans (MAPs) for Georgia and Ukraine.

    After an almost 20-year hiatus, the United States and NATO allies
    may once again prioritize Russia as a potential threat to the common
    European security. NATO should send a strong signal to Moscow that
    its aggression will not stand. This should be done through diplomacy,
    international organizations, and inventive economic measures. The
    U.S., its allies, and Europe must do everything possible to reverse
    Russian aggression against Georgia and to prevent hostile action
    against European countries.

    Ariel Cohen, Ph.D., is Senior Research Fellow in Russian and Eurasian
    Studies and International Energy Security and James Jay Carafano,
    Ph.D., is Assistant Director of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis
    Institute for International Studies and Senior Research Fellow for
    National Security and Homeland Security in the Douglas and Sarah
    Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies, a division of the Kathryn
    and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies at The
    Heritage Foundation. Lajos Szaszdi, Ph.D., is a consultant at the
    Davis Center.

    [1] Jenny Percival and James Meikle, "Georgia agrees
    to ceasefire with Russia," The Guardian, August 15, 2008, at rgia.russia2?gusrc=rss&feed=networkfront
    (Augu st 19, 2008).

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress