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The Sad Destiny Of Project-States

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  • The Sad Destiny Of Project-States

    Armen Tsaturyan

    Hayots Ashkharh Daily
    20 Aug 2008

    Many people argue about the issue of "why did Georgian president
    Mikhail Sahakashvily invade South Ossia just before the Olympic games
    in Beijing?" But it is a big question whether the Georgian President
    takes decision by himself.

    Actually if we observe the results of the invasion of the Georgian
    army into South Ossia from the point of view of Georgian nationalist,
    then we will come to a conclusion that Sahakashvily is either a
    Russian agent or he has mental problems.

    Judge yourselves the recent Georgian military drive led to the
    following: South Ossia got rid of its Georgian inhabitants, Abkhazia
    occupied Kodor gorge, and finally the Russian troops appeared in
    Georgian territory - in Gory and Zugdidy. Which means that Russian
    "hawks" fulfilled their dream of forcing Georgia to its knees.

    We can find certain logic in the recent steps taken by Georgia, if we
    observe them in the context of the orders received from its backer -
    the US leadership.

    It is not a secret that the US made great use of the results of
    South-Ossian developments, by isolating its rival Russia in the
    international arena. The meeting of NATO member country Foreign
    Ministers, organized yesterday, was aimed at the before mentioned,
    which put forward serious demands for Russia.

    Later the USA and its20 allies can use this fact to deprive Russia
    from the right of organizing 2014 Olympic games.

    But this will not change anything for thousands of Georgians, who
    over again appeared in the role of refugees.

    Georgia is really a "special" country, as it is accepted in the present
    international language, it is a project-state and the decisions are
    taken in quite different places. By the way Ukraine is also considered
    a project-state.

    For the implementation of the recent bizarre decisions taken by the
    Georgian leadership, all the means - arms and techniques and even the
    "advisers" were imported from overseas. The last proof is the armaments
    abandoned by the Georgian army, which has been found in South Ossia
    and Kodor gorge, which costs hundred million dollars. The quantity
    of those armaments was so big that Abkhazian leadership even intended
    to officially thank Georgian President M. Sahakashvily.

    But neither the latter nor the Georgian servicemen are concerned
    about it because they are far not responsible for the recruitment of
    their arsenals.

    Moreover, recently Swedish journalist Wolfgang Hanson and Matthias
    Carlson clarified that because of the recent developments in
    South-Ossia Belgian PR-consultant Patrick Worm, who is also the
    consultant of Aspect Consulting PR-Company visited Tbilisy to organize
    a propaganda PR-campaign against Russia. Most of his partners in Aspect
    Consulting are in NAT O's headquarter in Brussels at the moment and
    the preparation works of this propaganda campaign has started still
    in November of this year.

    It is quite understandable that in this sphere as well Georgia and
    its people are in the role of simple puppets, because they don't have
    any idea from where this information comes and why they sow this much
    hatred towards the neighbor countries and peoples.

    It turns out that Georgia is, in reality, a virtual state, which
    gets orders to attack South Ossia, to use certain amount of armaments
    in order to completely annihilate Tskhenvaly, and later retreat, so
    that their Western backers can have the possibility to hue and cry,
    and spread misinformation by the help of their PR-Consultant who has
    long ago visited Tbilisy from Brussels.

    It is not excluded that tomorrow this virtual state, to be more
    precise, those who lead this country, will come to a decision to
    partake in US's new geopolitical initiatives - against Russia, Iran
    and other countries of the region. And every time we will record the
    fact that Georgian people suffer over and over again having no idea
    of the reasons.

    American project-states, Georgia in South Caucasus and Ukraine in
    Eastern Europe have turned into the sources of permanent instability,
    for their neighbors.

    But in our view the wars deriving from those countries are not as
    dangerous as the threat of the export of20the political systems formed
    in those countries.

    It is especially dangerous for a small state like Armenia, which,
    being located in the crossroad of serious geopolitical interests is
    rather motivating for the superpowers, which create virtual states
    by means of "colored revolutions".

    Can you imagine what was going to happen in our country had they
    managed to realize the "colored revolution" during the previous
    presidential elections? No doubt in that case our country will also
    be involved in Sahakashvily's adventurousness with all the negative
    consequences deriving from it.

    By becoming the eyewitnesses of the sufferings and senseless victims
    of the Georgian people we can come to a conclusion that sensible
    nations learn on the mistakes of their neighbors and never allow
    others to make their country a project-state that gradually turns
    into a shabby tool for geopolitical games.