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Russia To Keep Soldiers In Georgia

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  • Russia To Keep Soldiers In Georgia

    By Sergei L. Loiko and Borzou Daragahi

    Los Angeles Times
    Aug 21 2008

    Moscow plans to set up 18 checkpoints, some in Georgia proper,
    a Kremlin official says. The plan appears to violate the terms of
    a cease-fire.

    MOSCOW -- Russia plans to establish a long-term presence in Georgia and
    one of its breakaway republics by adding 18 checkpoints, including
    at least eight within undisputed Georgian territory outside the
    pro-Russian enclave of South Ossetia, a ranking Russian military
    official told reporters Wednesday.

    The checkpoints will be staffed by hundreds of Russian troops, the
    official said, and those within Georgia proper will have supplies
    ferried to them from breakaway South Ossetia.

    If implemented, the plan would in effect put under Russian control
    the border between Georgia and the South Ossetia region, which is
    seeking independence, as well as a small chunk of Georgia proper.

    "This is the essence of it," Col. Gen. Anatoly Nogovitsyn, deputy chief
    of the army general staff, told reporters at a briefing. He showed
    maps detailing the proposed Russian positions, one just outside the
    Georgian city of Gori, which lies along a crucial juncture of the
    country's main east-west highway.

    "The president ordered us to stop where we were," he said. "We are
    not pulling out and pulling back troops behind this administrative
    border into the territory of South Ossetia."

    The plans appear to violate the terms of a French-endorsed cease-fire
    deal signed late last week by the presidents of Georgia and Russia. It
    called for both country's troops and allied armed groups to move back
    to their positions held before hostilities between the two countries'
    troops led to a Russian military incursion early this month into the
    staunchly pro-U.S. Caucasus Mountains nation.

    Russian officials say the deal allows them to keep troops along the
    South Ossetia-Georgia border as well as within Georgia proper as
    part of a peacekeeping mission begun in the 1990s. The Russians say
    their peacekeeping mandate gives them access to a "security zone"
    along the border.

    At the United Nations, Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin on Wednesday
    circulated a draft resolution calling for the Security Council's
    endorsement of the cease-fire plan that had been promoted last week
    by French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

    U.S. Deputy U.N. Ambassador Alejandro Wolff made it clear that
    Washington opposed the Russian initiative. He said it is "designed
    to rubber-stamp a Russian interpretation" of the cease-fire that the
    West rejects.

    Western envoys at the U.N. supported a French draft resolution Monday
    calling for immediate Russian withdrawal from Georgia. But Russia,
    which wields a Security Council veto, blocked it. The 15-member
    council did not debate the rival Russian draft.

    Relations between the West and Moscow have plummeted to their
    lowest depths since the end of the Cold War, prompting fear that an
    economically invigorated Russia would strive to reestablish authority
    over what it views as its centuries-old sphere of influence, including
    Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Top diplomats of the North Atlantic
    Treaty Organization members said they would reconsider their relations
    with Moscow in light of its incursion into Georgia.

    In this month's fighting, at least 64 Russian soldiers were killed
    and 323 injured, Nogovitsyn said. Russians were outraged by what
    they called an unprovoked surprise attack by Georgians on Russian
    peacekeepers based in South Ossetia, as well as civilians in the
    breakaway region. Georgians have accused Moscow of provoking the
    fight as a pretext for sending troops into Georgian territory.

    Officials in Georgia, the U.S. and European nations have demanded
    that Russia pull its troops back to positions held before the fighting
    broke out Aug. 7.

    President Bush reiterated that message Wednesday during a speech at
    the Veterans of Foreign Wars national convention in Orlando, Fla.,
    and defended Georgia's claim to South Ossetia and Abkhazia, another
    pro-Moscow breakaway region.

    Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Wednesday that the presence
    of Russia's forces is "now having an effect" on Georgia's neighbors,
    Armenia and Azerbaijan, by making imports and exports difficult. She
    said Armenia is beginning to see shortages.

    Rice said that as of midafternoon, U.S. officials had seen no signs
    of a Russian retreat from Georgia. Another U.S. official said some
    movement suggested that some military units might be pulling back.

    In Moscow, Nogovitsyn said "time will tell" when Russians would pull
    troops out of areas they control in Georgia proper, including the
    key city of Gori. He called the proposed new checkpoints "observation

    Georgian officials voiced outrage over the continued Russian
    presence. The Georgian Foreign Ministry announced Wednesday that
    Russians had set up a new position along the highway between the
    Black Sea port city of Poti and Abkhazia.

    "Over the last seven days they've promised three times to leave,
    but they've yet to fulfill their promises," said Alexander Lomaia,
    Georgia's national security advisor, during an interview in downtown

    "We're here and we haven't seen any sign of them pulling out," he
    said. "There is the same number of checkpoints and the same severe
    rules for entering and exiting."

    The U.S. military flew in five loads of relief supplies, news agencies
    reported. It is also attempting to dispatch several military vessels
    from the Mediterranean to Georgia's Black Sea coast with additional

    [email protected]

    Loiko reported from Moscow and Daragahi from Gori. Times staff writers
    Paul Richter in Warsaw and Richard Boudreaux at the United Nations
    also contributed to this report.