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AUA Celebrates Establishment of Southern California Office

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  • AUA Celebrates Establishment of Southern California Office

    August 21, 2008

    American University of Armenia Corporation
    300 Lakeside Drive, 5th Floor
    Oakland, CA 94612
    Telephone: (510) 987-9452
    Fax: (510) 208-3576
    Contact: Gaiane Khachatrian
    E-mail: [email protected]

    American University of Armenia Celebrates Establishment of Southern
    California Office

    The American University of Armenia (AUA) celebrated the opening of its
    Southern California office on Sunday evening, August 17. The cocktail
    party, attended by a number of board of trustees members, major donors and
    friends of AUA, also served to welcome University President Dr. Haroutune
    Armenian and his wife Sona to the Los Angeles area following their
    relocation from the Baltimore, MD area. The event also introduced AUA's new
    Director of Development, Daniel Maljanian and Administrative Assistant to
    the President, Marianna Achemian.

    AUA, an American accredited graduate university located in Yerevan, Armenia,
    offers degrees in engineering, health sciences, law, English, business
    management, and political science. It is affiliated with the University of
    California, with offices provided by UC in Oakland, in addition to the new
    Pasadena offices provided by the AGBU at 2495 E. Mountain St. The new
    office will enable AUA to engage more fully its Southern California
    constituents and raise the Armenian community's awareness of AUA's
    activities in Armenia. AUA seeks active support for its programs of higher
    education and the sustainable development of Armenia and the Caucasus

    Dr. Mihran Agbabian, board of trustee member and AUA President Emeritus,
    opened the evening's program by recognizing his fellow trustees Gerald
    Turpanjian, Sinan Sinanian and Edward Avedisian, who had traveled from
    Boston to be in attendance, along with Board Secretary Dr. Theony Condos.
    He then thanked the many AUA donors in attendance, and proceeded to
    introduce Dr. Armenian, who now divides his time between his Yerevan and Los
    Angeles area residences.

    After showing a short video on the soon-to-be-completed Paramaz Avedisian
    Building (PAB), Dr. Armenian thanked and introduced Edward Avedisian, who
    commissioned and has overseen the construction of the PAB. The state of the
    art building, which will enable AUA to more than double its teaching
    capacity, will add 100,000 square feet to AUA's existing facilities,
    including classrooms, seminar rooms, laboratories and research areas. Mr.
    Avedisian thanked the many people who had contributed to the building's
    design and construction, and informed the attendees that it is not too late
    to consider the room naming opportunities that are still available for
    donations of $20,000 and above.

    Dr. Armenian also announced AUA's upcoming seminars, which will be held in
    Southern California, highlighting AUA's involvement in Armenia's rural
    development, improvement of public health, and legal reform. More
    information about these seminars will be provided in the coming months.

    The program concluded with Dr. Armenian emphasizing the need for Armenia to
    excel in order to make a lasting contribution to the region. He emphasized
    that AUA, with its American accreditation and focus on academic excellence,
    free inquiry, scholarship, leadership and service to society, is a key
    participant in training the next generation of Armenia's leaders. Dr.
    Ruzanna Mkhitaryan, a 1997 graduate of AUA who was in attendance, stood up
    at the end and expressed her gratitude for the education that she had
    received and the hope that AUA had instilled in her during the darkest days
    in Armenia's recent history.

    ---------------------------------------- ----------------

    The American University of Armenia Corporation (AUAC) is registered as a
    non-profit educational organization in both Armenia and the United States
    and is affiliated with the Regents of the University of California.
    Receiving major support from the AGBU, AUA offers instruction leading to the
    Masters Degree in eight graduate programs. For more information about AUA,