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Russian bombs, Georgian fragments

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  • Russian bombs, Georgian fragments d_entertainment/the_tls/article4522162.ece

    August 13, 2008

    Russian bombs, Georgian fragments

    A timely new book attempts the impossible: a history of the Caucasus
    Donald Rayfield

    It is a bold historian who writes a history of the Caucasus, as events
    of the past week have made all too clear. The region may not be much
    bigger than England and Wales, but its history involves three unrelated
    indigenous groups of people - the Abkhaz and Circassians in the
    north-west, the Chechens, Ingush and Dagestanis in the north-east, the
    Kartvelians (Georgians, Mingrelians and Svans) in the south - and
    representatives of many Eurasian groups (Iranian, Turkic, Armenian,
    Semitic, Russian) who have settled there over the past 2,000 years.

    Some forty mutually unintelligible languages, of which a handful are
    established literary languages and several others have only a precarious
    recent literary status, are spoken. Worse for anyone trying to present a
    coherent narrative, these disparate peoples have very different
    histories, and only two, the Georgians and Armenians (some would add the
    Azeris), have a history of statehood consistent enough to be retold as
    one would retell the history of a West European country. Worst of all,
    the frequent ravages of invaders, from Arabs in the seventh century,
    Mongols in the thirteenth, Iranians in the sixteenth to eighteenth
    centuries and Russians over the past 300 years, have not only destroyed
    and driven out whole states and peoples, but burnt the records of their
    very existence. Even the year of death and the place of burial of the
    greatest of Caucasian monarchs, the Georgian Queen Tamar, is uncertain.
    Historians of the Caucasus have on the one hand to have at their command
    an immeasurable range of expertise, from archaeology to the folklore of
    dozens of different languages, and on the other the imagination and
    verve to bridge the gaps in chronology and in any other verifiable
    sources. It is a task that would daunt even the teams that produce the
    Cambridge Histories of, say, Russia or India.

    Charles King, a specialist in Romanian, with a good reading knowledge of
    Russian, but not of any Caucasian language, has crossed the Black Sea
    and fearlessly attempted the impossible. The focus of his book is
    similar to that of Susan Layton's Conquest of the Caucasus (1995,
    republished 2005), in that King sees the Caucasus through the eyes of
    Russian conquistadors and imperial dreamers, as they romanticize and
    demonize the lands they occupied (or, in the case of Georgia,
    "liberated") when the grip of Ottoman and Iranian empires weakened. Thus
    the different reactions of Caucasian nations to the conquests of the
    early nineteenth century - complicity and acceptance by the Georgians,
    relief by the Armenians and Ossetians, desperate surrender or flight by
    the Circassians, resistance to the death by Chechens and Dagestanis -
    are the best insight that King can offer into the diverse cultures that
    were incorporated into the Russian Empire or wiped out by it.

    Equally interesting is the anthropological and linguistic research,
    mostly by German scholars working for the St Petersburg Academy, that
    preceded, accompanied, or followed Russian military conquest and which
    aroused a respect for, and bewilderment at, the complexity and
    scientific importance of the now vulnerable belief systems and languages
    encountered. A Collection of Materials for A Description of the
    Locations and Peoples of the Caucasus, some eighty volumes published
    between 1884 and 1915 in Tiflis, show the extraordinary wealth of
    information that was gathered. (Unfortunately, there is no complete set
    of this Collection in any library in the United Kingdom, and it does not
    appear in King's bibliography.) Like the British in India, Russians
    began to feel a perverse admiration for the tribes (whether Pathans or
    Chechens) that hated them as conquerors, and contempt for the nations
    (whether Tamils or Armenians) that decided to integrate with them.
    Today, of course, as the southern Caucasus has achieved some sort of
    statehood and the north Caucasus has been crushed and demoralized,
    Russians feel a paranoiac hatred for all "blacks" (or "persons of
    Caucasian nationality").

    If King's narrative has a fault, it is over-simplification. His account
    of the role of Islam in Chechnya and Dagestan ignores the fact that
    pagan beliefs underlie all Caucasian codes of conduct, and that in the
    highlands Islam in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was like
    Christianity in the tenth century (as the ruins of Byzantine churches in
    Chechnya and Circassia show), used as a rallying flag and a means of
    gaining support from outsiders. Once the Caucasus highlanders were left
    in peace, they reverted to animism: this is demonstrated by the Georgian
    words for "icon" and "deacon" acquiring the meaning of "pagan shrine"
    and "shaman" among the Khevsur clans.

    Nevertheless, King offers new perspectives: for instance, Western
    romanticizing of the Caucasus as a region for new mountaineering
    exploits and as a source for a real supply of the Circassian maidens of
    Byron's poems. This romanticizing underlies attitudes to the new states
    of the southern Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia, where a
    hard-headed desire to have a route for oil and gas that cannot be cut
    off by Putin and Medvedev is glossed as an aspiration to encourage
    European Union-standard human rights and democracy. The discussion of
    Georgia's emergence from "failed state" status under a tired Edvard
    Shevardnadze, mired in corruption, like the account of Azerbaijan under
    its dynasty of ex-KGB Alievs, and of an Armenia run by violent
    nationalists and thinly disguised Soviet-style Communists, is more than
    competent. One would wish only for a little more cynicism: Mikeil
    Saakashvili may have the suave exterior of a Columbia University lawyer,
    but there are a lot of questions not posed, let alone answered here. The
    initial connivance of the Russians at the Rose Revolution, which got rid
    of the Ajarian warlord Aslan Abashidze as well as of Shevardnadze, two
    figures particularly hated by Putin, is unmentioned, and the mysterious
    sequence of murders and unexplained deaths of Saakashvili's rivals and
    opponents needs to be discussed as proof of the continuity of a
    specifically Caucasian way of politics.

    In a book dealing with "the ghost of freedom" one would expect a more
    thorough exploration of the Caucasus's little Kosovos, where ethnic
    groups such as the Abkhaz and South Ossetians try to break away from a
    newly independent Georgia only to find themselves international pariahs,
    whose only refuge is a return to the Russian embrace. Here Putin's
    salami tactics for reincorporating lost Soviet territory meet with no
    adequate or even intelligent response by the principal victims, for
    instance the Georgians, or from the European Union and United States who
    have already tied themselves into knots over the former Yugoslavia, and
    can only wring their hands as they see Russia, with the help of its
    heavily armed "peacekeepers", turning Abkhazia back into its own private
    recreation zone. King ends with a vague hope that Europe's "inexorable
    march" towards liberal values can proceed in the Caucasus, but not much
    of the evidence supports him. For over a thousand years the Georgians
    and Armenians have appealed to Europe for support as fellow Christians,
    as Europeans by culture, if not by geography, and after being strung
    along by Crusaders, by Louis XIV, by various Popes, by Presidents
    Wilson, Roosevelt and both Bushes, can still not believe that the answer
    they get will always be a perfunctory apology that deeper interests of
    state force the West to take sides with its major trading partners, not
    its cultural and spiritual brothers. Ghost of freedom, indeed. Given the
    present crisis, as Russia backs Ossetia's separatists with bombs and
    shells, our politicians' vacillations and our diplomats' complacency may
    not be remedied in time, even if a group of experts were hurriedly
    assembled to follow up Charles King's reconnaissance and produce and
    analyse in full the history of the Caucasus.

    Charles King
    A history of the Caucasus

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress