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'Ashtarak - Kat' To Use Diary Farmers Of Tavush Region

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  • 'Ashtarak - Kat' To Use Diary Farmers Of Tavush Region


    2008-08-22 12:41:00

    ArmInfo. Three milk collection centers have been established in
    Varagavan, Nerkin Karmiraghbyur and Tovuz Rural Communities of Tavush
    marz, Armenia. Implementing partners are United Nations Development
    Programme (UNDP), Center for Agribusiness and Rural Development
    (CARD), rural municipalities, Ashtarak-Kat CJSC.

    As Arminfo was informed from UNDP, project goal is to assist dairy
    farmers from Varagavan, Tovuz and Nerkin Karmiraghbyur as well as from
    around 10 neighboring rural communities of Tavush marz through the
    establishment of locally based milk collection and marketing units
    and thus to contribute to the sustainable growth of the marz.

    As part of this one-year project milk collection centers were
    established in Varagavan, Nerkin Karmiraghbyur and Tovuz rural
    communities of Tavush marz. With support from UNDP the respective
    buildings provided by the rural municipalities were fully renovated
    and two trucks were purchased to organize daily milk collection in
    the communities. From its part, CARD provided contemporary cooling
    and testing equipment which was installed in each center. To organize
    and supervise the work of the milk collection centers three local
    milk marketing cooperatives were created titled Varagavan, Vardashen
    and Tavush.

    The project was identified and prioritized by all the three communities
    and subsequently carried out as a result of the application of
    performance-based budgeting model at the local level. UNDP has been
    working with these and other Armenian communities to introduce
    the new budgeting methodology through its Performance Budgeting
    Project. Performance budgeting provides for a higher level quality
    management of community resources and also for participatory budget
    planning and execution.

    In compliance with the signed Memorandum of Understanding, Ashtarak-Kat
    private dairy producing enterprise will purchase the milk produced
    and collected in the communities on a daily basis. The company will
    also deliver on-spot consultations on improving of milk quality and
    maintenance of sanitary-hygiene standards.