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Russian incursion sounds regional alarm

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  • Russian incursion sounds regional alarm

    Chicago Tribune, IL
    Aug 23 2008

    Russian incursion sounds regional alarm

    West-allied former Moscow dominions fear they're next

    By Alex Rodriguez | Chicago Tribune correspondent
    5:24 PM CDT, August 23, 2008

    TBILISI, Georgia ' The bombs dropped by Russian planes fell in
    Georgia, but the shudder also coursed through nearby nations that once
    existed under Moscow's thumb during the Soviet era.

    For countries like Ukraine, Azerbaijan and the Baltic nations of
    Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Russia's invasion and occupation of
    West-allied Georgia is rekindling haunting memories of a Soviet-era
    Kremlin that used its military might to keep its Eastern European
    populations in lock step with Moscow.

    Today, former Soviet republics and East bloc nations that long ago
    switched alliances westward have been watching the events in Georgia
    with alarm, wondering whether they might be next in line.

    "This conflict in Georgia is a kind of 9/11 for Russia's neighbors, an
    event that changed all the security-related thinking in our
    countries," said Kadri Liik, director of the International Center for
    Defense Studies in Tallinn, Estonia's capital.

    >From 1999 to 2004, the Kremlin watched helplessly as 10 nations once
    ruled by Moscow joined NATO, the Western military alliance that
    shields its members with "attack one, attack all" armor. Since then
    the Kremlin has rebounded on the shoulders of record oil prices and
    has solidified Europe's dependence on Russian oil and natural gas.

    Russia has been ready to flex its newfound geopolitical might for some
    time, experts say, and the conflict with tiny Georgia, a nation led by
    a U.S.-allied president the Kremlin despises, gave Moscow the perfect

    Now Russia's neighbors worry that the Kremlin may expand that
    arena. Countries that have adopted pro-West policies, such as Ukraine
    and Azerbaijan, lie within what used to be the Soviet sphere of
    influence that Moscow yearns to regain.

    Ukraine under threat

    Ukrainians have especially watched with trepidation as events unfolded
    in Georgia. Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko has been pursuing
    NATO membership for his country in the face of Moscow opposition,
    including a threat last year from former President Vladimir Putin that
    Russia would re-aim nuclear missiles toward Ukraine if it ever joined

    If an underlying aim in Russia's incursion into Georgia was to warn
    Ukraine and other former Soviet states about the perils of aligning
    with NATO, the strategy may have backfired, experts say.

    "Russia's disproportionate actions in the Caucasus have raised a lot
    of concerns here, and the concerns are growing," said Alexei Haran, a
    political science professor at Kiev-Mohila Academy in Kiev. "The
    number of supporters of the idea of joining NATO is likely to

    Former Soviet states that already have joined NATO, such as Estonia,
    Latvia and Lithuania, did so partly because they feared a day when
    Russia would try to re-exert its influence on its former
    satellites. As in Georgia, which is pursuing NATO membership, those
    countries' populations were united in their desire to join the

    Ukrainians, however, are deeply divided by the question of joining
    NATO. The country's eastern and southern provinces are staunchly

    Russia has tried to exploit that rift by actively supporting Ukrainian
    opposition leaders, and experts believe the Kremlin will continue to
    do so. Russia's best leverage in Ukraine, says Haran, may be its Black
    Sea naval fleet, which under a lease agreement is allowed to be based
    in the Ukrainian port of Sevastopol in Crimea until 2017.

    When Yushchenko recently suggested Ukraine should restrict movements
    of those ships in the wake of the Georgian conflict, Russian President
    Dmitry Medvedev issued his own warning. "They must not tell us how to
    behave," Medvedev said. "Interference in these issues will not lead to
    anything good."

    Residents anxious

    On the streets of Kiev, Ukraine's capital, anxiety runs high over the
    Kremlin's actions in Georgia.

    "If Russia ever attacks Ukraine, the world will know the truth'that
    Russia is a real armed monster," said Elena Titova, 32, an
    accountant. "That's why we should hurry up and stay close to NATO."

    In Azerbaijan, citizens who embrace President Ilham Aliev's decision
    to align his country more closely with Washington and Western Europe
    now worry that the Kremlin will search for ways to force him to
    reverse course.

    One tack Russia could pursue against Azerbaijan is to derail its
    burgeoning energy relationship with the U.S. and European
    countries. Azerbaijan ships Caspian Sea oil to Western markets through
    a pipeline operated by British energy giant BP.

    That pipeline runs through Georgia, and Georgian officials have
    accused Russia of targeting the pipeline during its bombing raids on
    Georgian territory. Georgia also accused Russia of bombing a key
    railroad bridge outside the town of Kaspi that was used to ship
    Azerbaijani oil to Western markets.

    "It's clear that the events in Georgia infringe on Azerbaijan's
    interests directly and make Azerbaijan very wary," said Rasim
    Musabayev, a foreign affairs analyst based in Baku, Azerbaijan's

    Like Georgia, Azerbaijan wrestles with separatists in a frozen
    conflict that has endured for years and makes Azerbaijan vulnerable to
    Kremlin interference. Azerbaijani officials have accused Russia of
    arming Armenian separatists who control the enclave of
    Nagorno-Karabakh in western Azerbaijan.

    Though Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are all members of NATO and the
    European Union, their populations have watched with alarm as Russia
    pushed its troops deeper into Georgia. A report in The Times newspaper
    in London quoting unnamed Russian sources as saying the Kremlin is
    considering arming its Baltic naval fleet with nuclear weapons has
    only heightened anxiety in the Baltics. Russian officials called the
    report baseless.

    An Aug. 15 poll by a Tallinn-based survey group found that 83 percent
    of Estonians believed the Kremlin's actions in Georgia endangered
    Russia's neighbors.

    "People are indeed worried," Liik said.

    Researchers Olga Manmar in Kiev and Talekh Guliev in Moscow
    contributed to this report. world/chi-russia_neighbors_bdaug24,0,4269541.story