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Sargsyan: Strategic relns with Russia Not a hundrance to other relns

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  • Sargsyan: Strategic relns with Russia Not a hundrance to other relns

    President of Armenia: Strategic relations with Russia have never
    hindered development of Armenia's efficient cooperation with regional
    and extra-regional countries and international organizations

    2008-08-23 21:15:00

    ArmInfo. "If we cast a look at Armenia's history, we'll see that
    friendship with Russia has never been a tool of necessity", Armenian
    President Serzh Sargsyan said in his interview with the Austrian
    newspaper "Der Standard", the Armenian presidential press-service

    "It is needless to say that friendship can't be forced, moreover,
    friendship can't be maintained by force. I don't want to speak instead
    of other countries, but at least in its relations with Russia Armenia
    is extremely open, sincere and consistent", the president noted. He
    stressed that the strategic relations with Russia never hindered
    development of normal, efficient cooperation with regional and
    extra-regional countries, as well as with international organizations.
    This is proved by a number of joint programs with EU and NATO, dynamic
    development of relations with European states, the USA and Iran,
    Sargsyan added.