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Prominent Armenian Scientist Dies in Los Angeles

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  • Prominent Armenian Scientist Dies in Los Angeles
    14:10 23/08/2008

    Prominent Armenian Scientist Dies in Los Angeles

    On 20 August, Armenian famous mathematician Sergey Mergelyan, founder
    of Calculation center of Academy of Science passed away in his house
    in Los Angeles were he used to live over past several years.

    In the view of this great loss for our country, President Serzh
    Sargsyan sent a letter of condolence to the family, students and
    colleagues of the famous academician.

    `With great grief have I learnt about the death of prominent Armenian
    scientist Sergey Mergelyan. He has made a great contribution to the
    development of Armenian science. No doubt, that future generation will
    remember S. Mergelyan as great scientist, prominent coordinator and
    excellent pedagogue,' the letter says.

    Indeed, Sergey Mergelyan made a great achievement in 50-ies of the
    past century by creating new discipline in applied mathematics and
    calculation sciences. This in its turn made a great fame to Armenia as
    well. It was under conduction of S. Mergelyan that Yerevan institute
    of scientific studies was founded and the production of contemporary
    processor technologies began.
