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Book review: The Stone Woman by Tariq Ali

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  • Book review: The Stone Woman by Tariq Ali
    August 22, 2008 Friday 2:01 AM EST

    Book review: The Stone Woman by Tariq Ali

    by Vinod Joseph

    Aug. 22, 2008 ( delivered by Newstex) -- The Stone Woman is the third
    book in Tariq Ali?s Islam Quintet. Set at the turn of the twentieth
    century as the six hundred year old Ottoman Empire slowly flickers
    out, the Stone Woman revolves around the family of Iskander Pasha, who
    live in a remote palace ?

    not too distant from Istanbul?. Iskander Pasha is a retired diplomat
    who had once graced the French court and the salons of Paris and is
    the descendent of Yusuf Pasha, a courtier at the Ottoman court.The
    novel derives its name from an ancient rock in the palace garden,
    roughly shaped like a veiled woman, probably once worshipped by pagans
    as a goddess. Ali has each of his main characters make their way to
    the Stone Woman and pour out their feelings and emotions. In that
    sense, the Stone Woman is a collection of various personal tales of
    the various members of the cast. Unlike the first two books in the
    Islam Quintet, the Shadows of the Pomegranate Tree and the Book of
    Saladin (, there is no single strand of storyline that runs from
    beginning to the end.The Stone Woman gives its readers a feel of
    Ottoman society as it existed then. Iskander Pasha?s family cannot be
    classified as commoners, and just as in the case of the Shadows of the
    Pomegranate Tree , aristocrats and their servants form the main
    cast. Ali tells us of a dying empire where the Sultan and the mullahs
    or the ?beards? are in control and where innovation is frowned
    upon. Not just the printing press, but even clocks have been banned.

    The muezzin?s call to prayer is the only means of knowing the
    time. The reader is forced to wonder, can this be the same Ottoman
    Empire which in 1453 captured Constantinople (or Istanbul) from the
    Byzantines using the most advanced cannon of those times? The Ottomans
    were definitely the masters of innovation then. Tolerant Sunnis, they
    managed to run an inclusive empire where Arabs, Turks, Kurds,
    Armenians, Bedouins, Greeks and Slavs were all invited to the party.In
    the course of telling his tale, or rather collection of tales, Tariq
    Ali makes references to various historical events. The increasing
    animosity between the Kurds and the Armenians (which would later lead
    to the massacre of 2 million Armenians during the First World War) is
    brought out very well. To start with, it?s a simple case of the
    Armenians having some of the best land and the Kurds coveting the
    land. The inception of the Young Turks movement is also built into the
    storyline. A young officer named Kemal Pasha makes a few cameo
    appearances. The Young Turks have contempt for the decadent Ottomans.
    They want to create a pure Turkish state where there will be no place
    for Armenians or Greeks. Some of the minor stories are not really
    relevant to this story, but they are interesting as well, such as the
    rivalry and differences between the Ommayads and the Abbasids and the
    reasons for the defeat of the Ottomans at Vienna in 1683.The main or
    rather only the problem I have with this story is the same problem I
    had with the Shadows of the Pomegranate Tree and the Book of Saladin
    . In this story, Ali?s cast lead a life that would be called ?liberal?
    by even modern-day standards. Iskander Pasha?s brother Mehmed and his
    gay partner, a German Baron, have an open relationship. Iskander?s
    third wife is Sara, a Jewish woman. Sara was in love with Suleman,
    another Jew, but could not marry Suleman. After she was betrothed to
    Iskander, she made sure she became pregnant with Suleman?s child
    before marrying Iskander. Iskander eventually gets to know of this,
    but does not really mind, because he is a man for whom ?blood
    relations don?t matter in the least?. Iskander loves Sara?s daughter
    Nilofer as much as any of his biological children. For the same
    reason, when Iskander gets to know that woman he had an affair with in
    France (during his diplomat days) had his child, he does not
    particularly want to meet that child.Nilofer is allowed to marry
    Dmitri, a Greek school teacher. Nilofer?s love for Dmitri cools after
    a few years and she abandons him for her father?s palace. When Nilofer
    is at the Palace, she has an affair with Selim, the family barber?s
    son. At that time, Dmitri who is alone in Konya, is killed by Turkish
    fanatics. Very soon, Nilofer marries Selim (who made an officer in the
    army by her brother, a senior army officer) and they seem to be all
    set to live happily ever after. One of Nilofer?s brothers marries a
    Coptic Christian in Cairo and another brother marries a Shia
    Muslim. Also, in the course of the story, when Iskander Pasha loses
    his voice (please read this book to find out how and why) and later
    regains it, he thanks August Comte and not Allah.I am not too sure if
    families as liberal as the one described in this story ever lived in
    the Ottoman Empire at the turn of the twentieth century. May be they
    did. If they did, Ali would have done well to have told his readers
    the source of his information.