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Give Russia respect it's due

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  • Give Russia respect it's due

    Houston Chronicle, TX
    Aug 24 2008

    Give Russia respect it's due

    Viewed through Moscow's eyes, the West's response to Georgia looks
    hypocritical. Remember Kosovo? Russia does

    By GALE STOKES Copyright 2008 Houston Chronicle

    Western political leaders have reacted with outrage attoward the
    Russian incursion into Georgia. But there is another way of looking at
    the situation, especially if we compare Western policies toward Kosovo
    and Russian actions in Georgia.

    >From the Russian point of view, Europe and the United States first
    militarily attacked Russia's ally Serbia on behalf of breakaway
    Kosovo, and then helped the Kosovars obtain their current state of
    independence. ButAnd yet, when Russia intervenes in South Ossetia to
    establish that breakaway region's independence from Western oriented
    Georgia, the United States and Europe react with shock and anger. In
    Russian eyes, the position of the United States seems to be that
    intervention is OK when we do it, but not when you do it.

    The tensions surrounding these events are greatly increased by
    America's recent agreements with the Czech Republic and Poland to
    place missile monitoring radars in those countries. Despite
    protestations by the United States that its intentions are purely
    defensive, one only needs to consider what any American government's
    reaction would be to the placement of Russian radars in Mexico to
    defend against a rogue Latin American state in order to grasp why the
    installations make the Russians nervous.

    During the decade after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United
    States did not take Russia seriously. Even today, we continue to
    chastise the Russians for human rights abuses, for "misusing" their
    oil and gas resources for political purposes and for obstructing our
    wishes in various international venues.

    What did we expect? That a great country with an educated work force
    just starting to feel its economic oats would be content to play
    second fiddle forever? It was just a matter of time before the
    Russians reappeared as a strong state on the international scene. They
    have now arrived, and it is in everyone's interest if we begin to deal
    with them like the great power they are.

    Indeed, European stability demands a stable relationship between
    Russia and the West. Punishing Russia for its incursion into South
    Ossetia by dropping it from G-8, for example, would only undermine

    There is a reasonable solution to the situation, however. Both
    Ossetians and Abkhazians, just like Kosovars, see no other solution to
    their political desires than independence, as they have shown in
    repeated (if flawed) referenda and elections. Ossetians constitute
    about two-thirds of the population of that region, with most of the
    rest being Russians. Abkhazians make up about the same proportion of
    Abkhazia, with most of the rest being Georgians. In other words, if
    the ethnic principle works in Kosovo (as it seems to have worked in
    France, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, etc.) why not in these regions?

    In fact, one of the primary threads of European history since 1850 has
    been the redrawing of state borders along ethnic lines. Georgia's
    position on the matter is much like Serbia's on Kosovo ' Georgians do
    not want to live in these areas, which are not particularly viable
    economically, but the government of Georgia cannot conceive of "giving
    up" territory, despite its inability to exercise its rule there. But
    just as stability will come to the Balkans as the Kosovo settlement
    becomes increasingly integrated into European structures, so the
    independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia would help with the
    stabilization process in the Caucasus.

    Such an outcome would not end ethnic strife there. Azeris and
    Armenians have been talking lately under Russian auspices, but
    relations remain fraught. And there is always the question of
    Chechnya. But agreement on South Ossetia and Abkhazia would be a step
    in the right direction.

    What are the outlines of a solution? However it might be presented in
    diplomatic language, it is basically this: the West accepts the
    independence of the two regions including Russian "peacekeepers"; and
    the Russians accept the independence of Kosovo, including a NATO and
    EULEX (European Rule of Law Mission) presence. The two entities enter
    the United Nations and Russia stops vetoing the Kosovo solution in the
    Security Council.

    The beneficiaries? Improved US/EU-Russian relations, increased
    stability in the Balkans and the Caucasus, and a resolution that the
    majority populations of Abkhazia and South Ossetia appear to want. al/outlook/5962082.html