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Turkey Decries Toronto School Board Genocide Course

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  • Turkey Decries Toronto School Board Genocide Course

    By Michelle Collins

    EuropeNews, Denmark
    Aug 27 2008

    The killings of 1.5 million Armenians in 1915 is being taught alongside
    the Holocaust & 1994 Rwandan genocide

    In a letter to Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty and the province's
    Ministry of Education, the Turkish Embassy has voiced strong objections
    to a Toronto District School Board decision to teach students that
    the killing of 1.5 million Armenians in 1915 was genocide.

    The lessons will come in a new course entitled "Genocide: Historical
    and Contemporary Implications" that will be launched with the start
    of the new school year in September. The course's three case studies
    include the Ottoman's killing of Armenians in 1915, the Holocaust
    and the 1994 Rwandan genocide.

    Although the Canadian Parliament approved a motion in 2004 recognizing
    the killings as genocide, the Turkish government has long disputed
    the description.

    The idea of teaching a course on genocide was first raised three years
    ago by a Toronto board trustee, but has since been met with controversy
    on all sides. Aside from Turkish objections, the Ukrainian Canadian
    Congress advocated that the Holodomor should be included in the course,
    and the Muslim Canadian Congress accused the board of religious bias.

    As the controversy escalated over what was and wasn't included in
    course material, the school board decided earlier this year to strike
    a review committee. After a few public meetings, the panel concluded
    that the course reading list would need to be approved by a panel of
    historical experts.

    It's unclear how the Armenian killings were included in the Toronto
    school board course proposal, but the inclusion of one book in
    particular, Extraordinary Evil: A Brief History of Genocide by Barbara
    Coloroso, sparked outrage.

    At one point the review committee had agreed to remove Ms. Coloroso's
    book from its reading list, which in turn prompted outcry from the
    literary community and a letter from Penguin Canada president David
    Davidar to the school board defending Ms. Coloroso's credentials as
    an educator.

    This past June, after months of debate, committee and public review,
    the school board decided to include Ms. Coloroso's book as a text
    examining the psychology of genocide, and on June 2 gave final approval
    for the course to go ahead in 11 Toronto high schools, reaching about
    300 Grade 11 students.

    Turkish Outrage

    That has prompted a backlash from the Turkish Embassy as well as
    members of the Turkish community.

    "This is a pedagogical thing and goes against traditional Canadian
    principles of objectivity, and this is a matter of history...which
    should really be immune to political pressures," said Yonet Tezel,
    first counsellor at the Turkish Embassy. "That's something for
    Canadian educational institutions to consider themselves, we don't
    need to remind them of that.

    "The school board's decision to go ahead anyway and teach it as
    genocide, it's very objectionable, that's why Turkish parents are
    concerned, and I sympathize with them."

    Mr. Tezel said the Turkish Embassy has communicated its concern to
    colleagues at the Department of Foreign Affairs and to provincial
    officials that as the school year commences, Turkish Ambassador
    Rafet Akgunay will continue to raise his concerns through diplomatic

    The Council of Turkish Canadians has also expressed its disapproval,
    especially of the inclusion of Extraordinary Evil.

    Lale Eskicioglu, executive director of the Council of Turkish
    Canadians, launched a formal complaint against the Toronto District
    School Board in November. Ms. Eskicioglu also started a petition,
    which she said has collected 12,000 signatures.

    "It cannot be taught as genocide," she said. "You can teach it as a
    dispute or under Ottoman history maybe, but you cannot teach it in
    the same category with Holocaust and Rwanda. This is a very serious
    crime. You cannot accuse a nation or its people of that which amounts
    to slander and hate propaganda because it's not correct."

    For Ms. Eskicioglu, this is a personal plight, and a situation in
    which she feels she and her fellow Turks have been wronged.

    "Why should my daughter, alongside with her Armenian friends, sit in
    the same classroom and hear one-sided inaccurate versions of history,
    which is categorized with the worst crime in the world?" Ms. Eskicioglu

    Although the course has been approved, she said she plans to pursue the
    matter further, and that she and other parents will closely monitor
    the course teachings and materials used. Fearful that children of
    Turkish descent will face discrimination, Ms. Eskicioglu also said
    they are prepared to take legal action if any (...)