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"Georgia Lost All Hopes"

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  • "Georgia Lost All Hopes"


    [07:06 pm] 26 August, 2008

    An interview with Arman Grigorian, member of the Central Office of
    the Armenian National Congress.

    Mr. Grigorian, as I understand, you are an expert on conflicts,
    including on internal conflicts and interventions. I also know that
    you have dealt with the conflicts in Georgia in your work. What is
    your assessment of the situation in Georgia?

    The situation can only be characterized as an unmitigated disaster
    for Georgia. I think Georgia has lost all hope of ever regaining
    even nominal control of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, its military
    capabilities and infrastructure have been severely crippled, Russian
    forces control Poti, as well as the strategic highway connecting the
    Eastern and Western parts of Georgia, which gives them tremendous
    leverage at the negotiating table, and finally, the war has made it
    painfully clear how much help Georgia can count on from the West, which
    is not that much. Despite the high pitch anti-Russian rhetoric in the
    US, President Bush and the Secretary of Defense Robert Gates had to
    assure the American people that the US will not go to war with Russia
    over Georgia, removing much of the calculated ambiguity regarding
    the true level of American commitment to Georgia's security. In
    sum, I think this is one of the darkest times in the modern history
    of Georgia.

    By all indications it was the Georgian government that decided to
    escalate in South Ossetia. Given the catastrophic results for the
    country, why do you think Sahakashvili and his government made such a
    decision? Was it simple incompetence and irrationality that drove them?

    That is indeed one of the most interesting questions about this
    conflict. Ultimately, Sahakashvili's policy has failed, and it
    was a predictable failure, therefore it is not too unfair to call
    Sahakashvili's competence into question. But we should resist the
    temptation to see it as just incompetence, because even incompetent
    governments don't start wars all the time. So there is usually more
    to such decisions than that. What is behind Sahakashvili's decision in
    my view? Before answering that question, however, I would like to say
    a few words about the official Georgian argument. According to that
    argument, Georgia was not the initiator of the conflict. The conflict
    rather was initiated by the Ossetes who had been shelling Georgian
    villages prior to the Georgian escalation. The spokesperson of the
    Georgian Foreign Ministry, in fact, called Washington on August 6 - one
    day before the launch of the operation - to tell that Georgia was under
    attack, and that the government had to protect its people. I don't buy
    the Georgian government's argument for two reasons, even if we take
    its claim that Ossetes were shelling Georgians villages at face value.

    First, the evidence suggests that the ultimate aim was the ethnic
    cleansing of the Ossetian population of South Ossetia rather than
    suppression of fire, which means that the alleged Ossetian shelling
    was a pretext rather than the cause that triggered the Georgian
    move. Second, the fact of Ossetian shelling, if indeed it is a fact,
    may serve as a moral justification as to why Georgia had to respond,
    if we forget the scale of that response for the moment, but not an
    explanation for why it did, because the Georgian response was very
    likely to trigger a Russian intervention. Georgian leaders must have
    considered the possible Russian reaction independent of the moral case
    of their position and somehow concluded that either Russia would not
    intervene, or that Georgia would have sufficient support from the US
    to fight Russia off if it did.

    Could Georgians have possibly thought that Russia would not intervene,
    and could such a prognosis be reasonable under any circumstances?

    Obviously, we don't know whether this is the conclusion that
    Saakashvili's government reached. If it is, the reasoning behind it
    would be problematic to say the least, but it would not be totally
    irrational despite the explicit Russian threats of intervention in case
    of a Georgian attack on South Ossetia and Abkhazia. I say this because
    this is the first time that Russia has done something seriously at odds
    with American preferences in 20 years. Russia has made many threats
    in this period - in response to the two rounds of NATO expansion,
    the abrogation of the ABM treaty, the attack on Serbia, etc. - and I
    cannot recall a single case where any of those threats were carried
    out. Russia has been so weak and so concerned about projecting
    a non-aggressive image that it has chosen to give in every time,
    rather than react when its interests were infringed upon. This has
    seriously eroded the credibility of Russian threats. That this time the
    Russian threat was going to be carried out, therefore, was subject to
    considerable and justified skepticism, as reckless as it looks after
    the fact. Nonetheless, I think it is unlikely that Sahakashvili and
    his team had completely bet on Russian inaction when they made their
    decision. More likely, they thought that Russia would intervene, but
    they catastrophically misjudged two things - the ferocity and scale
    of the Russian intervention, i.e. the prospect that Russia would push
    beyond South Ossetia instead of simply restoring the status quo ante;
    and the likelihood of getting support from the Unites States in case
    of that limited Russian intervention.

    But how could they think that the US was going to help them? Could
    they really have expected that the US was going to go to war against
    Russia for Georgia? Isn't such an expectation itself evidence of
    Georgian leader's utter incompetence?

    I am reluctant to see it as nothing more than Sahakashvili's
    incompetence. I would like to emphasize again that we should try
    to see the logic of his decision as a composite of two elements -
    the expectation of a limited intervention and the expectation of
    American help in case of such an intervention, not necessarily in the
    form of initiating a shooting war against Russia. Sahakashvili and
    his government predicted in all likelihood that Russia would throw
    the Georgian army out of South Ossetia and stop. If simultaneously
    they thought South Ossetia was going to be lost anyway in case of
    doing nothing, doing something would start to look at least no worse
    than doing nothing, provided the assumption is that of a limited
    intervention. I think they also predicted, not unreasonably, that the
    escalation would sharpen the Russian-American antagonism over Georgia,
    which would draw Americans closer, increase their military presence
    in Georgia, increase their military aid to Georgia, and improve the
    likelihood of Georgia's membership in NATO. All of this in turn would
    increase the pressure on Russia to be more conciliatory in both South
    Ossetia and Abkhazia.

    I think this was a terrible theory of victory, but a tempting one,
    since as I said Russia has not come out on top in a single dispute
    with NATO in the last 20 years. Thinking that this time would be
    different apparently required a little more imagination than the
    Georgian leaders had. And Georgians are not the only ones who thought
    along these lines. In a very interesting article that was published
    during the war, the Los Angeles Times had quoted David Phillips,
    who is a well-connected analyst in Washington, saying that "the last
    thing Russia wants is a war with the West. If they came eye to eye
    with NATO warplanes, they would retreat." I can assure you that in
    the US Phillips is not the exception to the rule in this regard.

    What do you think was the exact role of the USA in all of this? More
    specifically, there is an opinion, sometimes voiced in the Russian
    media, that Sahakashvili was either prodded by the Americans to attack
    South Ossetia or that he at least had a green light from them. Do
    you think that opinion is justified?

    The answer to that question cannot be unequivocal. There is
    considerable evidence that the Secretary of State Rice urged restraint
    on Sahkashvili and warned against doing anything too bold more than
    once. At the same time, however, I think the US government did not
    do enough to restrain him. Even worse, Sahakashvili did receive some
    mixed signals.

    Can you elaborate on this a little more?

    Sure. The signals were mixed in two ways. First, the same group of
    people would tell Sahakashvili not to do anything reckless, but then
    would make extremely strong public statements designed to reassure
    Georgia and to contain Russia. Certain doors were opened in Washington
    for Sahakashvili that would be opened for very few leaders. Most
    importantly, Americans were supplying and training the Georgian
    military. Such shows of support could legitimately be interpreted
    as indicators of a very high degree of Washington's interest in
    protecting Georgia. They also intentionally or unintentionally
    staked the American reputation on defending Georgia, even if they
    did not imply any legal obligations. As a result, Sahakashvili
    could have thought that the US would intervene to protect its own
    credibility as an ally, even if the Secretary of State was telling
    him behind closed doors that he should behave himself. There was a
    second way in which the signals were mixed, and it has to do with
    the incoherence that sometimes characterizes the working of the
    American government. Often we think of it as a perfectly ordered,
    hierarchically structured set of institutions, which acts as a single,
    coherent unit with a centralized decision-making mechanism. That is
    not how it always works, however. There are issue areas and cases,
    where the White House, the CIA, the State Department, and the Pentagon
    all have their different policies. Something along these lines in all
    likelihood was happening in the case of Georgia, where vice-president
    Cheney and his office, according to several major American newspapers,
    were far more encouraging of Sahakashvili's belligerence than the
    State Department. Given this picture, and the fact that the current
    American vice-president is a particularly powerful individual, I
    can easily imagine how Sahakashvili chose to read only the signals
    coming from him and his office, since those signals confirmed his
    biases. Such selective reading of signals is actually a very general
    cognitive defect, which to some degree affects us all.

    Now I would like to move from explaining the conflict to speculating
    on its consequences. Do you think this will lead to a new cold war
    between the US and Russia?

    If we look at both the American and Russian strategic interests,
    the answer should be no. Indeed, Russia and the USA should have
    been close partners a long time ago, because their interests overlap
    in a number of areas - nuclear proliferation, the struggle against
    radical Islam, Russia being a an alternative to the Gulf as an energy
    supplier, the rise of China, etc. But strategic interests are not
    what always drive American foreign policy. Especially in good times,
    and the last 20 years have been good times for the US, foreign policy
    becomes hostage to special interests, which is the only explanation
    for the American elites' reluctance to establish a more cooperative
    relationship with Russia. The American defense-industrial complex,
    which is in a desperate search of a serious enemy since the early
    1990's to justify its massively oversized existence, the myriad ethnic
    lobbies, which have all kinds of grudges against Russia, the gigantic
    army of experts and bureaucrats suffering from Cold War nostalgia,
    etc., all have interests that are quite distinct from what I think
    the American strategic interests are, and which have successfully
    imposed their agenda on the American people up to this point. These
    special interests remain very powerful and practically unchecked
    today by any counterlobbies, which does not bode well for the future
    of American-Russian relations. I also fear that after having watched
    its ally get pounded by Russia, the US is going to try to punish
    Russia somehow in order not to let the Russians think that they can
    throw their weight around now. Russia, meanwhile, has regained some of
    its strength and is definitely going to demand more respect from now
    on. A new cold war, therefore, is at least a possibility. I should add,
    however, that this time much will depend on the policies of Germany and
    France, which do not want a cold war, as well as on the developments
    in Iraq, Afghanistan, and soon probably in Pakistan, which may make
    a new cold war with Russia excessively costly for the US.

    Finally, I would like to know your opinion about the consequences of
    this war for Armenia, as well as its likely effects on the settlement
    for the Karabagh conflict.

    First about the effects on the Ossetian war on the Karabagh
    conflict. One positive result is that the likes of Vafa Gulizade in
    Azerbaijan have stopped praising the Georgian policy and advocating
    a similar approach to "solve" the Karabagh conflict, which they
    were doing at very high decibels during the first couple of days of
    the war. The outcome in Ossetia must have had a sobering effect on
    Gulizade and others of his ilk, and that is a very good thing. At
    the same time, I don't think the outcome in South Ossetia, and the
    related fact that Russia is considering the de jure recognition of
    both South Ossetia and Abkhazia, has markedly increased the chances
    of Karabagh's de jure recognition by Russia, which is a prospect some
    people now consider very likely. As for the general effects of the
    war, my answer is quite simple and straightforward: a war between
    the two most important countries for Armenia cannot possibly be good
    news. Georgia is Armenia's lifeline, and the military alliance with
    Russia is Armenia's main security guarantee. The deepening of their
    hostility is going to make the maintenance of the very difficult
    balance between them that much more difficult, especially if the
    US-Russian relations deteriorate further and Americans get more
    closely involved.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress