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Don't Write Russia Off Yet!

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  • Don't Write Russia Off Yet!

    By Sergei Markedonov

    Prague Watchdog 4-000003-000131&lang=1
    Aug 29 2008
    Czech Republic

    A response to Sergei Gligashvili's polemic article "An empire on the
    verge of collapse".

    Even a superficial acquaintance with the West's behaviour during
    the second half of the twentieth century is sufficient to stop one
    harbouring any illusions. The West has always noticed Russia (and
    formerly the USSR) when its interests are directly affected, and is
    ready to ignore or even indulge Russia if that is consistent with
    the national interest of the United States and the countries of Europe.

    Thus it was in 1941-1945 (as though America didn't know about the
    Stalin-era deportations). Thus it was in 1956 in Hungary and in 1968
    in Czechoslovakia, when the Soviet Union imposed order on its zone
    of influence and responsibility. Thus it was in 1991 in Riga and
    Vilnius. It was almost the same in 1996, when the election of Boris
    Yeltsin as president turned out to be of strategic importance for the
    United States and the countries of Europe. Who remembered Chechnya
    then? And after September 11 it was hard to find many supporters
    of "free Ichkeria" in Washington. The issue of Chechnya was only
    seriously raised in the West in 1999-2000, and then only because
    of the fact that Moscow's position on Kosovo was incompatible with
    the line adopted by the US and the EU - remember Yevgeny Primakov's
    famous U-turn over the Atlantic.

    It was for somersaults like this that efforts were made to teach Moscow
    a few lessons. But when it turned out that Moscow and Washington
    had more strategic interests in common than they had differences,
    "struggling Ichkeria" was simply forgotten.

    Meanwhile, one suspects that the fuss surrounding the Russian
    action in Georgia will soon die down - especially after the US
    presidential elections have been held. Today it is important to the
    US administration (and its heir-in-waiting John McCain) to convince
    ordinary Americans that Washington will support the "democratic little
    Georgia" about which they have been hearing from their television sets
    for the past four years. And so they need to create an atmosphere
    of fear and hysteria in order to show people that the United States
    and its faithful allies have foiled the Kremlin's plan to revive the
    Soviet Union. All that needed to be done was to sacrifice a couple
    of places called Abkhazia and South Ossetia (which are not even not
    visible on the map). As for the plans to reunify the Evil Empire,
    they fell through.

    It is strange that the "watchdogs of democracy" stubbornly refuse
    to notice that without Russia's participation it would today be
    physically impossible to resolve a large number of the most critical
    issues of world politics. There is Afghanistan (to which the transit
    route lies through Russia and Central Asia, where Russian influence
    is extremely strong and consistent with American interests). There is
    Iran, with which negotiations are sometimes simply impossible without
    Russia's involvement (otherwise Iran simply will not talk). There are
    the problems of North Korea and the Middle East, terrorism, and the
    full range of nuclear issues. Closer to the South Caucasus, there is
    above all Karabakh, where the positions of the US, Russia and France,
    the three mediating countries, are absolutely identical.

    And it can quite safely be asserted that the disintegration of a
    nuclear power into separate pieces has no part in the plans of the
    United States, any more than the U.S. intended to bring about the
    break-up of the Soviet Union. While there are plans to weaken Russia,
    complete collapse is not on the agenda.

    Regarding the question of standards and international law, any decision
    on recognition (or non-recognition) is taken - and not just by Russia -
    on the basis of national interest rather than abstract standards. The
    European Union and the United States opted for the right of nations to
    self-determination when they recognized the independence of Croatia,
    Slovenia and Kosovo, and did their utmost to defend the territorial
    integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Russia has
    fought separatism in Chechnya and regional particularism in the North
    Caucasus and the Volga region, but has recognized the independence
    of Georgia's two separatist republics. Turkey emphasizes that the
    principle of the territorial integrity of the states in the region
    is the aim of its Caucasus policy, and also does its best to fight
    Kurdish separatism. At the same time, Turkey was one of the first
    countries to recognize Kosovo and is still alone in recognizing the
    de facto Turkish Cypriot state.

    And here there is no contradiction, because this apparently illogical
    policy is built around one idea - the ensuring of Turkey's national
    interests and security. On the other hand, among experts in polite
    society it is considered simply indecent to talk about international
    law after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, and the
    Yalta-Potsdam system. International law is always related to history
    - it is produced in specific contexts, and not on the basis of
    abstract altruism. The Yalta-Potsdam system reflected the reality
    that developed after 1945. And as soon as it ceased to reflect them,
    it passed into history.

    Now to turn to the argument about the "Abkhaz boomerang," which is
    supposedly going to rebound against Russia (in Chechnya, Tatarstan
    or elsewhere). Mr. Gligashvili writes: "The Kremlin has given an
    impetus to processes that no one is capable of controlling. And it
    looks as though Russia may turn out to be the principal victim of a
    new world order, or - more precisely - disorder. At some point events
    will evolve spontaneously, since Moscow's recognition of Georgia's
    autonomous regions is setting in motion a mechanism that revises the
    basic principle of territorial integrity in the post-war world."

    It's a great pity that the expert has ignored numerous examples
    of the revision of the principle of "territorial integrity" in
    the world since 1945. Cyprus, Bangladesh, Eritrea, East Timor,
    fifteen republics of the former USSR, Slovakia, six republics and
    one autonomous province of the former Yugoslavia. And these are
    only the successful examples. There were also Biafra, Katanga, and
    three unrecognized republics of Yugoslavia. So it all began long
    before Kosovo. The Yalta-Potsdam system was built on the basis of
    two irreconcilable principles (territorial integrity and the right
    of nations to self-determination). These principles undermined the
    system from within, and finally toppled it. As for the process of
    recognition as an alleged factor in influencing a country's integrity,
    here too one should not try to create myths out of nowhere. Quebec did
    not break away from Canada just because Canada recognized Kosovo. When
    it recognized the ex-autonomy of Serbia, France did not automatically
    experience a Basque uprising or a Corsican secession. And so the
    main problem for a multi-ethnic society is not the recognition or
    non-recognition of separatist territories, but the creation of a
    competent domestic policy and the building of national status.

    If the dissident Georgian nationalist movement began its struggle for
    power with the slogan "Georgia for the Georgians", the demand for the
    abolition of national autonomous regions and a ban on participation
    in elections by the Georgian regional parties (Adamon Nykhas and
    Aydgylara), then one should have had no illusions about how the
    Abkhazians and Ossetians would feel about the "Georgian State"
    project. None of Russia's presidents (for all their failures,
    stupidities and crimes) has ever called the Chechen people "trash
    that has to be swept out through a tunnel". For that is what Georgia's
    first President Zviad Gamsakhurdia said about the Ossetian people at
    a rally in the village of Eredvi in 1989.

    One can argue about whether what happened in South Ossetia was
    genocide or not. The claim is probably an exaggeration founded on
    propaganda. But the fact that the city of Tskhinvali was stormed
    four times in seventeen years (twice in 1991, once in 1992 and most
    recently in 2008) - is an obvious fact. During the Georgian-Abkhaz war
    of 1992-1993 3,000 Abkhazians out of a pre-war population of 93,000
    died in the fighting. The failure of the creation of a Georgian nation
    state became the spur to separatism in the former autonomous regions.

    I am not going to remain silent about the Russian excesses in
    Chechnya. But the conflict in that republic is very different from
    anything that has taken place in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. In
    Chechnya, military clashes began long before the entry of Russian
    troops into its territory in 1994. In 1992 Grozny fought with the
    forces of Nadterechny district, and then the republican government
    began another confrontation (using heavy armour) with the Grozny city
    authorities. There were several conflicts in Chechnya throughout the
    whole of the 1990s.

    The conflict between Moscow and Grozny was only one of those. There
    were also conflicts between nationalists, supporters of secular
    democracy and Islamists, between Sufis and Salafists, between
    supporters of secession and their opponents (the Avtorkhanovites,
    for example). Russia has always had its allies in Chechnya. In 1996,
    Alu Alkhanov defended Grozny's railway station from the guerrillas
    and in 1999 Beslan Gantamirov and Said-Magomed Kakkiyev stormed it
    together with Russian troops. And behind these leaders there were
    always armies and a certain degree of strength. Georgia has not faced
    "its Abkhazians" for sixteen years.

    There is much else that could be said about Chechnya. About Chechen
    business activity in Moscow, which continued even during the two
    military campaigns, about the migration of Chechens to Russian regions
    (for some reason there is no Abkhazian business activity in Tbilisi,
    and in August 2008 the Ossetian refugees fled to Vladikavkaz rather
    than the Georgian capital). Thus Moscow's recognition of Abkhazia
    and South Ossetia is unlikely in itself to become a challenge to the
    country's unity. If the Russian state is able to conduct an effective
    campaign against corruption and the privatization of power, which is
    happening in Kadyrov's Chechnya, it will not collapse like a house
    of cards. But if the Kremlin is not able to alter those negative
    domestic tendencies, then that is what will be fatal for Russia,
    and not the recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

    Andrei Dmitriyevich Sakharov was right when he referred to Georgia
    as a "little empire". It is precisely the inadequacy of its own ideas
    concerning its role and place in world politics that has led Georgia
    to a natural collapse. Georgia should have been more realistic and
    cut its cloth to suit its cloak, rather than trying on suits made in
    Washington. Then it would not have had to go looking external causes
    for the secession of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and bring political
    storms against its the northern neighbour, the country from which
    only recently "the sun rose on Georgia." But nota bene: it wasn't
    Moscow's politicians who talked such nonsense!

    Sergei Markedonov is a senior researcher at the Institute for Political
    and Military Analysis, Moscow.