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Armenia-India Business-Forum In New Delhi

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  • Armenia-India Business-Forum In New Delhi


    2008-12-03 17:51:00

    ArmInfo. Armenia-India Business-Forum was organized at the Federation
    of Industry and Commerce Chambers of India (FICCI) in New Delhi on
    1-2 December at the initiative of Armenian Embassy in India.

    Armenian Foreign Ministry press-service reported that FICCI Deputy
    Director General Rajan Kohli, First Deputy Minister of Agriculture
    of Armenia Samvel Avetisyan, Armenian Ambassador Ashot Kocharyan,
    Deputy Minister of Economy of Armenia Mushegh Tumasyan, business and
    government representatives delivered speeches at the plenary session
    of the forum on 1 December.

    Armenian and Indian businessmen had separate meetings.

    First Deputy Minister of Agriculture Samvel Avetisyan and Deputy
    Minister of Economy Mushegh Tumasyan met with the State Minister of
    External Affairs of India E. Adamed and Secretary of Textile Ministry
    A.K. Singh. The sides discussed issues related to the opening of an
    Indian information center in Armenia, plantation of Armenian apricot
    trees in India, and the agenda of the meeting of the Armenian- Indian
    inter-parliamentary commission scheduled for the first half of 2009
    in Yerevan, as well as the prospects of cooperation in the textile,
    agriculture and food industry sectors.

    S. Avetisyan met with the administration of Agri Machinery and
    Tractors, EXCORTS Limited in Faridabad. In addition, youth chess
    national teams of Armenia and India played a friendly match at the
    Russian Cultural Center.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress