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The Most Terrible Thing For Karabakh Is To Feel Face To Face With De

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  • The Most Terrible Thing For Karabakh Is To Feel Face To Face With De

    Nano Arghutyan
    15:28:06 - 04/12/2008

    Amendments to the law on referendums which the Armenian parliament
    passed aroused a new surge of debate on the Karabakh issue. In
    addition, strangely this time the stance of Armenia is under
    consideration. In answer to the question of Member of Parliament
    Larissa Alaverdyan if the Armenian government has a common approach
    towards the settlement of the Karabakh issue the prime minister
    suddenly noted that there is no such an approach.

    Apparently there has never been one. Only recently has the minister
    of foreign affairs been instructed to work out a document which the
    government will rely on to respond to various issues.

    At first it is necessary to find out what a document the
    Armenian foreign ministry is working out for the Armenian
    government. Considering that yesterday the foreign minister asserted
    the intention to continue the talks on the basis of the principles
    of Madrid, it is going to be a document which will recommend the
    Armenian government to agree to the return of the territories
    adjacent to the former autonomous region of Nagorno-Karabakh, the
    return of the refugees, deployment of international peacekeepers and
    proclamation of NKR in the territory of the former autonomous region
    of Nagorno-Karabakh. Considering that the Armenian ministers are ready
    to follow the recommendations of the20foreign ministry without second
    thoughts, Armenia will start to promote these principles at all levels,
    even if our opponents do not demand that.

    But the most terrible thing is that the people who occupy high posts in
    Armenia and have the possibility to do politics have no distinct stance
    on the most important issue for the nation, on the solution of which
    the future of the Armenian state depends. First of all, it means that
    the people who rule in Armenia have an inadequate evaluation of the
    reality and lead the country in an inadequate direction. Apparently,
    it was the most terrible idea which occurred when the prime minister
    said the foreign ministry is just working out the "common points"
    on Karabakh. And it happened 20 years after the movement in Karabakh
    started. Although at that time everyone knew what they want.

    The second conclusion is that in Armenia someone thinks seriously that
    it is necessary to conduct a referendum on the Karabakh issue. First
    of all, it should be noted that holding a referendum on Karabakh
    in Armenia is extreme political illiteracy. Why should the fate of
    Karabakh be solved in Armenia?

    Even the international mediators do not offer holding a referendum in
    Armenia. On top of considering the possibility of holding a referendum
    on Karabakh in Armenia they also suppose that by its results, true
    or falsified, the public may vote for the return of Karabakh or the
    territo ries. They do not dream of such absurdity even in Azerbaijan.

    The attitude of Armenia towards the Karabakh settlement is highly

    However, it should get a corresponding form. A country cannot hold a
    referendum on the status of another country. Even though we assume that
    we all are Armenians, Armenia and Karabakh are different states. The
    issue of the referendum can be one in Armenia - does Armenia agree
    to the proposal of Karabakh to secede from Azerbaijan and unite with
    Armenia? Only in this case Armenia is authorized to hold a referendum.

    On the other hand, those who speak about a referendum should take into
    consideration an important factor. So far the co-existence of Armenia
    and Karabakh has not been described by serious clashes. Different
    things have taken place - from time to time, depending on the political
    conjuncture, anti-Karabakhi moods burst in Armenia, sometimes they
    say it is not easy for the Armenians of Armenia to integrate with
    the society in Karabakh. However, there has been no common approach
    towards the fate of Karabakh, an approach dictated by the instinct
    of self-preservation. Imagine, however, what may happen if the public
    in Armenia, even though as a result of a falsified referendum, speak
    for the return of at least one square meter of land? The people of
    Karabakh will lose their only ally. And if so far no crucial steps
    have been taken only because Armenia coul d suffer from that, the
    young Karabakh men on sentry duty at the border will have nothing to
    lose. They know what to do with the enemy.

    Apparently the protest potential of Karabakh is groundlessly ignored
    by the mediators and in Armenia. Many hope that Karabakh will have
    to agree to what the Armenian government or those who "persuade"
    the Armenian government will offer. However, this hope may "not come
    true" because unlike others the people of Karabakh live on this land,
    are fed by this land and defend themselves with the help of the
    land. To return or not to return is not a matter of national honor
    and mythology for them but a matter of life and death.

    Apparently, if the people of Karabakh do not speak about it often
    and in a sophisticated way, considering that it goes without saying,
    it makes a lot of people hope that Karabakh has run out of its protest
    potential. However, this is not so. Because when a person is left alone
    with death, the person can have two thoughts, to save and to carry
    along as many enemies as possible. At the moment, there is nothing
    more terrible for the Karabakhis than to feel face to face with death.