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The Impact Of The Crisis Grows

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  • The Impact Of The Crisis Grows

    Vasak Tarposhyan

    Azat Artsakh Daily
    05 Dec 08
    Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

    Export Suffers In The First Place

    It is evident that this year Armenia's economic growth will stop
    being two-digit. According to the data of the previous 10 months
    it was 9.2%, as compared to the 13,3% of the same period of a year
    before. The economic growth became slower in the conditions of the
    world financial crisis.

    Though at this stage the crisis passed round Armenia's banking system,
    anyhow it is having a greater impact on our economy. In the first place
    it is expressed on the foreign-oriented branches. In parallel with
    the decrease of demand in the foreign market, non-payments are also
    noticed, which will simply lead to the emergence of new difficulties
    in the organization of the reproduction sphere.

    To mitigate the fall created as a consequence of the economic crisis,
    in December the Central Bank reviewed its re-funding interest rates. It
    was reduced by 0,5%.

    >From the beginning of the year it is the first attempt of reducing the
    re-funding interest rates. Before that, to mitigate the impact of the
    unprecedented increase of prices in the world goods-markets on the
    internal market and not to allow a greater level of price increase,
    almost every month the Central Bank raises the re-funding interest
    rates: from 4,5% it reached 7,75%.

    We should a lso underscore that this way the quantity of money
    regulates in the internal market. The decrease of interest rates
    assumes devaluation of money, which, being conditioned by the
    mitigation of the pressure of foreign price-increase, meanwhile has
    positive impact on the economy, as cheaper financial resources are
    being involved.

    While the government and the Central Bank are taking actions to
    mitigate the influence of the world crisis it gradually swallows new
    branches of economy.

    After mining-industry export-orientated companies are also starting
    to face the same problem, for example Vanadsor chemical factory, the
    production of which was successfully realized in the foreign markets.

    The majority of corundum and carbide, around 95%, was realized
    in foreign countries. During the recent times, because of almost
    double collapse the company has decided to quit the production of
    these stuffs, because in the condition of the existing prices it is
    not beneficial. Though by now they have managed to avoid job cuts,
    the company has sent 350 employees to an obliged leave.

    Because of the fall of prices in the international market more than 300
    employees were sent to an obliged leave in Alaverdy copper-reprocessing

    The companies engaged in the export sphere have already collided with
    the problem of non--payment, which will also lead to the reduction
    of volumes. The entrepreneurs can't get their money on time for the
    exported goods, which makes difficult the organization of re-production
    and creates lack of financial means.

    Gradually the production of drinks is appearing in the same
    situation. This product is mainly exported to Russia, where as we
    know financial crisis is profound and has already had a very strong

    New companies are emerging in the sphere of information technologies
    that have direct connection with the foreign markets, which due to
    the absence of order either don't work or have appeared in obliged
    leave. This sphere, which is striking for the high salaries, has
    started job cuts.

    These tendencies have serious grounds to become more profound in
    the different spheres of economy, which can lead to social tension,
    if they don't take actions to create new working places. Especially
    because the crisis firstly has a bearing on macro entrepreneurs,
    with lots of employees.

    Around 8 thousand people work only in four factories of the sphere
    of mining industry, which due to more than dual fall of the prices
    of copper and molybdenum have appeared in a critical situation.

    The existing economic situation has direct influence on export. Only
    in October the export has reduced by 15%.

    There is a reduction of demand in the internal market as well. If
    in the beginning of the year, even in the conditions of the abrupt
    price-rise the import in Armenia increased by 20-30%, at the moment the
    grow th has stopped. In October the import almost didn't increase. And
    this is in case when every year beginning from that month the importers
    are getting prepared for New Year trade and they import big amount
    of goods.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress