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Azerbaijan Publishes Its Principles Of Karabakh Conflict Settlement

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  • Azerbaijan Publishes Its Principles Of Karabakh Conflict Settlement


    Noyan Tapan
    Dec 5, 2008

    HELSINKI, DECEMBER 5, NOYAN TAPAN. During the OSCE ministerial meeting
    in Helsinki, the Azerbaijani delegation spread "Azerbaijan's Region
    of Nagorno Karabakh and the Principles for Peaceful Settlement of the
    Conflict around It". According to Mediamax news agency, the document
    says that "Azerbaijan will never make its territorial integrity a
    subject of compromise and will not recognize the "fait accompli"-based
    decision that the Armenian side is trying to impose on it".

    It is indicated that "the conflict can be resolved only based on the
    respect for Azerbaijan's territorial integrity, the inviolability of
    its internationally recognized borders, and the peaceful co-existence,
    within Azerbaijan, of the Armenian and Azerbaijani communities making
    full and even use of the benefits of democracy and prosperity".

    According to the Azerbaijani delegation, the final goal of the
    settlement process is the development and determination of the
    model and legal framework of Nagorno Karabakh's status as part of
    Azerbaijan. "Any process of status determination should pass in
    peaceful conditions, with the direct, full and even participation
    of the whole population of the region, that is, the Armenian and
    Azerbaijani communities, and with their constructive cooperation with
    Azerbaijani government - exclusively within the framework of a legal
    and democratic process," is said in the document.

    It is indicated in "The Principles" that "a number of important
    steps should be taken in order to pass to the stage of negotiations
    on Nagorno Karabakh region's status of autonomy within Azerbaijan".

    Among these steps, the Azerbaijani delegation notes the following:

    "The factor of military occupation should be taken out of the context
    of the conflict settlement. Armenia should fully withdraw its troops
    from all the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. A delay in the return
    of territories may complicate this difficult process";

    "The internally displaced persons should return safely and with dignity
    to their former places of residence in Nagorno Karabakh region and
    the adjacent areas";

    "Special programs should be initiated for reconciliation of the two
    communities of Nagorno Karabakh region with the aim of promoting

    "All the communication routes in the region should be open for
    mutual use";

    "After Azerbaijan's territories are freed, the restoration and economic
    development of the region should start".

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress