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BAKU: Ahmedoghlu: "Armenians can lose in a referendum in NK"

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  • BAKU: Ahmedoghlu: "Armenians can lose in a referendum in NK"

    Today.Az, Azerbaijan
    Dec 4 2008

    Mubariz Ahmedoghlu: "Armenians can lose in a referendum in Nagorno
    Karabakh, which they suggest to hold"

    04 December 2008 [15:36] - Today.Az

    The issue of holding a referendum in Nagorno Karabakh is not dangerous
    for Azerbaijan, said head of the Center of Political Innovations and
    Technologies Mubariz Ahmedoghlu.

    He considers that if theoretically we imagine that Azerbaijan agrees
    to hold a referendum, the results can be negative for Armenians, who
    offer them.

    "Armenians consider that there are more Armenians than Azerbaijanis in
    Nagorno Karabakh. But a simple calculation shows that it is not like
    that. According to them, there are 137,000 Armenians in Nagorno
    Karabakh and jist 65,000-70,000. They should realize that no one will
    allow them to hold a referendum with results to be defined by the
    50%+1 vote principle. They adopt the law which says that the results
    of the referendum must be held by the 2/3 principle", said he.

    Ahmedoghlu considers that in such a situation the results of the
    referendum can be in Azerbaijan's favor. He said of 137,000 of Nagorno
    Karabakh Armenians, 20,000 are Armenian servicemen.

    "Moreover, of 137,000 we must also deduce 20.000 people, who come from
    former Shaomyan. In this case there are 90,000 Armenians who can not
    make 2/3 of majority against 70,000 Azerbaijanis", considers the
    political scientist.

