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'Scream Bloody Murder': CNN's Unblinking Look At Genocide

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  • 'Scream Bloody Murder': CNN's Unblinking Look At Genocide

    By Tom Shales

    Washington Post
    Dec 5 2008

    Offered perhaps as a grim antidote to all the chirpy, cheery holiday
    specials glutting the airwaves this time of year, "CNN Presents: Scream
    Bloody Murder," a definitely unflinching history of genocide, premieres
    tonight on CNN. The network's chief international correspondent,
    Christiane Amanpour, conducts the class, calling genocide "the world's
    most feared crime."

    Genocide might also be called the unthinkable inevitable, since it is
    always condemned when discovered and yet continues to recur, wiping
    out entire populations, entire generations, entire cultures. The word
    was not invented until 1944, Amanpour says, but of course, there were
    examples of genocide long before it was identified.

    The vilest, most infamous and most organized commission of this
    ultimate crime was, inarguably, Adolf Hitler's attempt to eliminate
    all Jews from Europe during World War II. Amanpour says the United
    States and its allies were aware of the slaughter but "refused" to
    bomb the death camps or, as many people advocated, destroy the railroad
    tracks leading to them. A Holocaust survivor says Hitler's anti-Semitic
    rampage "wasn't a priority" for the Allies -- although after the war,
    the crime and some of the criminals were dealt with at Nuremberg.

    Elie Wiesel is the world's best-known authority on the Holocaust, but
    he is also an advocate for other cultures wracked by genocide. He is
    seen early in the program during a segment on the genocide in Cambodia
    at the end of the Vietnam War. "Nobody believed us," an anguished
    priest laments, and Wiesel understands. "Better not to believe,"
    Wiesel says, "because if you believe, you don't sleep nights." The
    nightmare that the Turks visited upon the Armenians is also covered,
    though briefly.

    Later, Amanpour takes George Herbert Walker Bush and his administration
    to task for failing to intercede when Saddam Hussein rained terror
    down on Iraq's own citizens, the Kurds, in the late 1980s. Bush later
    turned the proverbial blind eye to mass murder in Bosnia, Amanpour
    says, with the president growling at a news conference that "we are
    not going to get bogged down in some guerrilla warfare."

    Although Bush ignored the slaughter of the Kurds, he grabbed a saber
    and began rattling it when Saddam invaded Kuwait -- and thus threatened
    the flow of oil and wealth out of the Mideast. Now that was going
    too far! Oil-rich Kuwait plucked at Bush's heartstrings as the dying
    Kurds had not: "We're dealing with Hitler revisited," he declared,
    adding one of his trademark threats, "This will not stand."

    But Amanpour is just as hard on Bill Clinton for his response to Rwanda
    when the military was found to have murdered "hundreds of thousands" of
    men, women and children there. The Clinton administration's policy was
    "a failure," Amanpour says, and she includes a scene from a Clinton
    news conference in which he treats one of her accusations snidely:
    "There have been no 'constant flip-flops,' Madame," he huffs. His
    indignation seems false and hollow now.

    CNN is celebrating 25 years of reports by star reporter Amanpour,
    although to attach a documentary on genocide to anything resembling a
    "celebration" is not very good form. Nor is it encouraging to hear
    Amanpour implicitly praising herself and her own courage when dealing
    with genocide of recent years: "Day after day, I reported the story,"
    she says of one crisis -- and later, she notes of the shelling of
    Sarajevo, "I was there, reporting on the scene."

    The use of a dramatic musical score, though restrained, comes across
    as another unnecessary intrusion; pictures as dramatic as those showing
    the victims of genocide don't need any underscoring or audio hype.

    Amanpour ends the program with a look at the United Nations and its
    role in preventing and condemning genocide throughout the world, a role
    she contends the organization has seldom embraced with zeal. In fact,
    Amanpour says, "the United Nations is powerless to force its members
    to act even in the face of mass murder." The special is timed to the
    upcoming 60th anniversary of the U.N. convention on genocide.

    Some may find the program tough to take at holiday time, but in fact
    it seems especially powerful during a season in which "peace on Earth"
    and "good will toward men" are being extolled from street corners.

    "Scream Bloody Murder" isn't subtle, but then the subject rather
    precludes subtlety -- and instead demands the kind of doggedly powerful
    approach that Amanpour brings to it.