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ANKARA: Turkish Intellectuals Give Personal Apology For 1915 Events

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  • ANKARA: Turkish Intellectuals Give Personal Apology For 1915 Events


    Today's Zaman
    Dec 5 2008

    A group of Turkish intellectuals have apologized for the "great
    disaster that Ottoman Armenians suffered in 1915" but have fallen
    short of calling on the state to do the same.

    A petition initiated by a group of intellectuals, including professors
    Baskın Oran and Ahmet İnsel, journalists Ali Bayramoglu and Cengiz
    Aktar, personally apologizes for the events.

    The group is asking other people to sign the petition, which reads
    as follows: "I cannot conscientiously accept the indifference to
    the great disaster that Ottoman Armenians suffered in 1915, and its
    denial. I reject this injustice and acting of my own will, I share
    the feelings and pains of my Armenian brothers and sisters, and I
    apologize to them."

    The organizers of the campaign have underlined that first they will
    collect signatures from intellectuals and they will then open a secure
    Web site to collect signatures.

    Oran pointed out that they had written the text for individuals since
    the tragedy was very human. "We are searching for human beings. We
    thought about urging the state to apologize but we decided to let
    individuals act according to their conscience. This call is for
    everybody," he said.

    The petition, which has already become the target of nationalists,
    has led to criticism from other intellectuals.

    Aytekin Yıldız, the coordinator of the Confrontation Association
    (YuzleÅ~_me Dernegi), pointed out that the Armenian community was
    already aware of the fact that there are many people in Turkey of
    conscience, and the important thing was not to declare what is already
    known. "It is a good starting point, but not enough. Firstly, what do
    they mean by 'great disaster'? Let's name it, it is genocide. Secondly,
    the state has to apologize," Yıldız pointed out.

    Historian AyÅ~_e Hur said apologizing is the duty of those who were
    responsible for the act, or for those who share their arguments. "It
    seems that a very elite group discussed that petition, because I
    learnt about this petition from the media and I was surprised," she
    said, and added: "I approach these types of events as a scientist, as
    a historian, not as a member of the Turkish nation. For me, all these
    events were the fault of Turkish nationalism flourishing at that time,
    and personally, I don't identify with it, so I do not feel the need
    to apologize personally."

    She also pointed out that the petitioners are concentrating only on
    1915; however, she says there were events after and before. "There is
    a state tradition which legitimizes all these events and prevents any
    discussion about them. Firstly, the state has to ensure a suitable
    atmosphere to discuss all these things; then it has to apologize on
    behalf of the perpetrators and for itself, because it has legitimized
    their actions through the years."

    Another figure, a prominent intellectual who wanted to remain
    anonymous, said to apologize is not the responsibility of the
    individual but that of the state. He said Defense Minister Vecdi
    Gönul's remarks at a speech he gave in November were not acceptable.

    In that speech, the minister suggested that the "success" of the
    republic lay in the nation-building process. "If there were Greeks in
    the Aegean and Armenians in most places in Turkey today, would it be
    the same nation-state? I don't know what words I can use to explain
    the importance of the population exchange, but if you look at the
    former state of affairs, its importance will become very clear,"
    Gönul said. He added that in those days, Ankara was composed of
    four neighborhoods -- Armenian, Jewish, Greek and Muslim -- and
    claimed that after the nation-building process, it became possible
    to establish a national bourgeoisie.

    The Lausanne Treaty, signed in 1923, set in motion a population
    exchange between Greek Orthodox citizens of the young Turkish Republic
    and Muslim citizens of Greece, which resulted in the displacement
    of approximately 2 million people. The Armenian population that was
    in Turkey before the establishment of Turkish Republic was forced
    to emigrate in 1915, and, according to some, the conditions of this
    expulsion are the basis of Armenian claims of genocide.

    --Boundary_(ID_zR9f+kPorpd7wCqkTFP/6A)- -