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"The Air Force Will Play The Determining Role In Provision Of Milit

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  • "The Air Force Will Play The Determining Role In Provision Of Milit

    Nikolai Poroskov

    WPS Agency
    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    December 3, 2008 Wednesday

    IN THE TROOPS; So far, the "new look" of the Russian Armed Forces
    is very vague. Which changes are prepared for the Air Force that has
    already included the frontline and the army aviation, the long-range
    and military transport aviation, air defense aviation, air defense
    missile troops and electronic reconnaissance troops? Military observer
    of Vremya Novostey, Nikolai Poroskov, addressed these and other
    questions to Air Force Commander, Colonel General Alexander Zelin.

    So far, the "new look" of the Russian Armed Forces is very vague. Which
    changes are prepared for the Air Force that has already included
    the frontline and the army aviation, the long-range and military
    transport aviation, air defense aviation, air defense missile troops
    and electronic reconnaissance troops? Military observer of Vremya
    Novostey, Nikolai Poroskov, addressed these and other questions to
    Air Force Commander, Colonel General Alexander Zelin.

    Question: What is the role of the Air Force in implementating the
    concept of airspace defense of Russia approved by President Dmitry

    Zelin: The airspace defense system of a state should be built under the
    general supervision of the general Staff. However, direct supervision
    of the entire practical work on its formation, commanding of troops
    and forces should be done by the Air Force commander. The subsystem
    of reconnaissance and warning about airspace attack and subsystem
    of suppression of airspace attack means of foreign countries will
    be formed from the units and formations of aviation and air defense
    units of the Air Force and missile space units that are within the
    Space Forces now.

    Question: What is your vision of the prospects of the Air Force proper?

    Zelin: They are outlined in the plan for the buildup of the Air Force
    until 2016. The main thing is rearmament with new and modernized
    armament and military hardware and development of infrastructure. We
    plan to increase the operational capabilities for deterrence of
    possible aggression in potentially hazardous direction on account of
    preserving of potential of the airborne nuclear deterrence means and
    increase of the quantity of military units of permanent readiness.

    Question: What is the united air defense system of the CIS like?

    Zelin: Today, the united air defense system includes the air defense
    forces of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan,
    Uzbekistan and Ukraine. We conduct joint air defense combat duty
    together with Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan
    and interact with the forces on duty of Ukraine.

    The united air defense system of the CIS includes working systems of
    control and mutual exchange of information about air situation, joint
    air defense combat duty, joint operational and combat training. We are
    accomplishing re-equipment of control posts with new automation systems
    and their technological interfacing. According to an order of the
    coordinating committee for air defense issues, research institutions
    of the Russian Defense Ministry together with industrial enterprises
    develop a unique set of means for the automation of command posts
    and staffs.

    Question: What is prepared for the troops of the special-purpose
    command that guard the sky above Moscow and the central industrial
    region of Russia?

    Zelin: Practically all supreme bodies of state power and military
    command and a significant part of industrial and research potential
    of the country is concentrated in the zone of responsibility of the
    special-purpose command. The first regiment armed with newest air
    defense missile systems S-400 was put on combat duty in August of
    2007. In the near future, a few other air defense missile regiments
    will be armed with these systems. We will modernize the S-300P
    currently in service.

    Question: The threat of terrorist acts with use of aircraft
    remains. Which corrections are made in the algorithm of actions of
    the special-purpose command because of this?

    Zelin: I have already spoken about the missile systems. Electronic
    reconnaissance troops are armed with radars of new types and automated
    interaction with the Federal Aero Navigation Service will be organized
    for better control of the air situation. Already in the near future
    all combat units of the special-purpose command will be transferred
    to the category of units of permanent readiness.

    Question: Flights of long-range aviation for patrolling above the
    Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific oceans and Black Sea were restarted in
    August of 2007. Will their geography be broadened?

    Zelin: More than 150 air patrolling sorties were already performed. The
    quantity of flights of strategic airplanes of long-range aviation in
    the areas of active seafaring, fishing and commercial activities of
    our country will be increased in accordance with resolution of the
    President of Russia. We are considering flights of strategic airplanes
    to the Indian Ocean with interaction with the Navy.

    Question: Unfortunately, changing the generations of aircraft is going
    on very slowly in our country. Nevertheless, what is your vision of
    the future airplanes?

    Zelin: The future aviation system of long-range aviation (PAK DA) will
    be able to fulfill tasks in a conventional and in a nuclear war and
    to use a broad range of strike and defensive kinds of armament. Along
    with this, it will have high survivability in flight, autonomy of
    combat use and high combat readiness. The planned combat efficiency
    of PAK DA will exceed that of American counterpart airplane B-1B.

    The future multifunctional fighter will embody super agility, high
    intelligence of onboard systems, circular information field, low
    signature, all-aspect ability to attack targets in close-in air combat,
    multi-channel use of weapons, ability of simultaneous attacking of
    air targets and ground objects with precision-guided weapons, powerful
    onboard defense system, high combat efficiency and flight safety.

    We develop light military transport airplane of the next generation,
    IL-112V. In comparison to its predecessor, it will possess broadened
    capabilities regarding transportation and landing of light models of
    armament and military hardware, improved fuel efficiency and lower
    costs of the life cycle. We are also working on development of future
    medium military transport airplane. From the conceptual standpoint
    the new properties of such airplane will include inter-regional
    delivery of armament and military hardware between theaters of
    combat operations, transportation of future models of armament and
    military hardware on the basis of combat infantry vehicle BMP-3 and
    combat airborne vehicle BMD-3, reduction of time of cargoes delivery,
    compliance with the international level of fuel efficiency and use 80%
    of the airfield network of Russia.

    For improving combat capabilities, first of all, survivability,
    mobility and application we do research and development related to
    round-the-clock all-weather versions of combat helicopters Mi-28N
    and Ka-52.

    We develop new helicopters for various purposes: jammers, air command
    posts, aerial tankers, reconnaissance helicopters for combat engineers
    and chemical troops, search and rescue helicopters etc. Much attention
    has been paid lately to development of multipurpose helicopters of
    light class with a cargo capacity of approximately 1,000 kg. This
    will be the base for creation of special-purpose helicopters in the
    interests of various branches of Armed Forces: training, electronic
    reconnaissance, medical etc. As an example I can mention training
    helicopters ANSATU and Ka-60U.

    In the future we plan to buy more than 60 helicopters Mi-8 MTV5,
    Mi-28N and Ka-52. Between 2011 and 2015, it is planned to supply more
    than 100 new helicopters Mi-28N, Ka-52 and Mi8 of new modifications
    to the troops. Helicopter regiments armed with new helicopters will
    become the basis of the airmobile reserves of special-purpose units
    and mountain brigades.

    Broad use of unmanned aerial systems will be one of the general lines
    of development of aviation of the future.