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60 Years On, Genocide Convention Still Prompts Debate

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  • 60 Years On, Genocide Convention Still Prompts Debate

    Kerstin Schweighofer

    Deutsche Welle,,3858014 ,00.html
    Dec 8 2008

    The genocide in Rwanda set legal precedents with life sentences for
    many perpetrators

    Sixty years ago, the UN adopted the Convention on the Prevention and
    Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. This week, historians, lawyers
    and politicians discussed the convention's future at a conference in
    The Hague.

    Why is it that a massacre, as horrific as it may be, is not considered
    genocide? At what point can we begin using the word genocide to
    describe the worst crime committed human beings can perpetrate
    on each other? These were the types of questions being posed at a
    conference in the Hague on Monday to mark 60 years since the United
    Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 260, better known as the
    convention on genocide.

    Among the guest speakers was Chief Prosecutor of the International
    Criminal Court, Luis Moreno Ocampo. And it's no coincidence that
    the conference is being held in The Hague, which, due to its many
    international courts, has developed into the "legal capital of the
    world," former UN General Secretary, Boutros Gali, once said.

    Among the program points was a discussion about the definition of
    genocide as it was laid down in the UN Convention on December 9,
    1948. The most important criterion is the intention to completely
    obliterate an entire race. That's why genocide doesn't always involve
    massacres -- a single murder will do. Even if all the women of a
    certain population are to be made infertile, or all the children are
    to be kidnapped, it can still be genocide if the purpose is to wipe
    out that population. It's the most decisive criterion, and for the
    prosecutors, the hardest to prove.

    The Polish-Jewish lawyer Raphael Lemkin -- a pioneer in the field of
    international justice -- coined the term genocide. He was responding
    to the mass murder of Armenians at the hands of the Turks in 1915 --
    a massacre that even today, is not legally classified as genocide.

    This also applies to the Holocaust. It was never explicitly defined
    as genocide before a court, and not a single defendant has ever been
    found guilty of genocide towards the Jews. The usual verdict was
    "crimes against humanity."

    Rwanda, Yugoslavia set legal precedents

    Only in the last 15 years have courts ever found defendants guilty
    of genocide, in two cases -- Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia. In
    the judges' opinions, the mass murder of the Tutsis and the murder
    of thousands of Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica were clear cases of
    genocide. At the Rwanda tribunal, a large number of political leaders
    were given life sentences in prison.

    Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:
    Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic faces charges of
    genocide Whether the same will happen at the Yugoslavia tribunal
    with war crimes suspect Radovan Karadzic remains to be seen. Former
    Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic died in prison before he could be
    sentenced, and Karadzic's wartime military leader, Ratko Mladic, still
    remains at large. Then there's the new international criminal court,
    the ICC. Last summer, Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo indicted
    Sundanese President Omar el Bashir on charges of genocide in Darfur.

    Because of the small number of convictions, recently, the voices of
    those who would loosen the criteria for genocide have been growing
    louder. It's a subject that was up for debate at the conference in
    The Hague, but for Dutch historian and director of the Amsterdam
    Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Wichert ten Have, it's
    out of the question.

    "I don't think this is the right way to go," he said. "It was hard
    enough to get all the countries to accept the current definition
    60 years ago. Just because jurisprudence has to be created and the
    world is waiting for verdicts is no reason to start revising this

    Not a word to be used lightly

    Another topic for discussion at the conference was misuse of the word
    "genocide." The prominent indictments against Karadzic and El Bashir
    have had the effect of popularizing the term, to the extent that it's
    now even being used by animal activists describing the suffering of
    animals. Politicians also more frequently use the term in order to
    justify violence and military engagement.

    "The bloody conflict between Russia and Georgia is a perfect example,"
    said Ten Have. "Both sides deliberately spoke of genocide, even though
    in this case, it really wasn't applicable. We have to keep the term
    pure -- both legally and politically speaking. And we have to accept
    that it shouldn't be used lightly."

    --Boundary_(ID_EbTOv9VWcvBbTnYMK17 hvw)--