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Getting Russia Into Proportion

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  • Getting Russia Into Proportion

    Paul Taylor

    Dec 8 2008

    General, 2008 campaign, Barack Obama, credit crunch, dmitry medvedev,
    gas monopoly, global financial crisis, missile shield, putin, Russia,
    russian investors, russian tanks, russian union, soviet satellite -
    Paul Taylor is a Reuters columnist. The opinions expressed are his
    own -

    It's time to get Russia back into proportion.

    Moscow's resurgence as a major power, determined to be treated with
    respect and to stamp its influence on its neighborhood, has been one
    of the big stories of 2008.

    The sight of Russian tanks rolling into Georgia in August, coupled
    with a Kremlin drive to extend its control over energy supply routes
    to Europe, sent shivers through former Soviet satellite countries
    and drew loud condemnation from Washington.

    President Dmitry Medvedev's threat to site short-range missiles
    in Kaliningrad aimed at Poland if Warsaw deploys part of a planned
    U.S. missile shield raised the rhetorical stakes.

    Yet the global financial crisis, the collapse of oil prices, the
    aftermath of the Georgia war and U.S. President-elect Barack Obama's
    victory have all cast doubt on Russia's real weight.

    The credit crunch has hit Russia harder than other emerging economies,
    hammering confidence in its stocks, bonds and the rouble and forcing
    the central bank to spend some of its huge foreign currency reserves
    to stabilize the financial system.

    Foreign portfolio investors have fled and many Russian investors have
    parked more of their money in foreign currency abroad, at least partly
    due to heightened political risk since the military action in Georgia.

    State gas monopoly Gazprom (GAZP.MM: Quote, Profile, Research,
    Stock Buzz), feared in many parts of Europe as a predator seeking
    a stranglehold on the continent's gas supply, has lost more than
    two-thirds of its market capitalization since May.


    With oil prices down from a peak of $147 a barrel in July to below $50
    now, the heavily oil-and-gas-dependent economy looks more vulnerable,
    especially since Russia needs Western technology to boost its energy

    Alexander Shokhin, president of the Russian Union of Industrialists
    and Entrepreneurs, says that after a 10-year boom, growth will fall
    to between 0 and 3 percent next year.

    Russia remains a lucrative market for Western consumer goods, but
    concerns about state meddling in business, widespread corruption and
    shortcomings in the rule of law have contributed to its failure to
    diversify away from hydrocarbons and minerals.

    Compounding the weakness of its non-energy economy, Russia's
    demographics are among the worst in the world, with a life expectancy
    of just 67 (60 for men) and the combination of a low birth-rate,
    an aging population and a public health crisis.

    The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
    projects the population could shrink by nearly one-third by 2050 to
    100 million from 143 million.

    Diplomatically, Russia overreached itself after its lightning military
    victory in Georgia by recognizing the breakaway regions of South
    Ossetia and Abkhazia as independent.

    Only Nicaragua followed suit. Major allies such as China and India,
    fearing the precedent, pointedly declined.

    The European Union, the main customer for Russian gas, has responded by
    accelerating efforts to reduce its dependency, planning an alternative
    supply corridor through Turkey and seeking new suppliers in Africa,
    the Middle East and Central Asia.

    Other former Soviet republics, including Azerbaijan, Belarus and
    Turkmenistan, have sought closer ties with the West.

    True, the U.S.-led NATO alliance has gone no further toward giving
    Georgia and Ukraine a roadmap to membership -- the issue is off the
    agenda for now -- and it has now resumed some frozen contacts with
    Russia, as has the EU.

    But Moscow's efforts to reshape the security architecture of Europe,
    sidelining the role of the United States and of the Organization for
    Security and Cooperation in Europe, loathed by Moscow for its election
    monitoring, have gained little traction.


    Russian analysts insist the Georgia war was a defensive action
    responding to pro-Western Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili's
    bid to retake control of South Ossetia by force.

    "Russia is a status quo power, not a recidivist aggressor on the
    prowl," says Dmitry Trenin, head of the Moscow office of Carnegie
    Endowment for International Peace.

    Moscow has taken a number of steps recently to suggest it wants
    peaceful solutions to other "frozen conflicts" in its neighborhood,
    brokering the first summit talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan over
    Nagorno-Karabakh, and seeking a deal between Moldova and its breakaway
    region of Transdniestria.

    In Ukraine, the biggest former Soviet republic where a democratic
    "Orange Revolution" in 2004 infuriated the Kremlin, Russia has other
    political and economic levers it can pull to maintain influence
    without having to use force.

    Getting Russia into proportion does not mean ignoring Moscow or its
    security interests. Its location and the fact it supplies 40 percent
    of Europe's gas imports mean it cannot be neglected.

    The United States and the EU have an interest in binding Moscow
    rapidly into rule-based international bodies such as the World Trade
    Organization and the OECD, although they put both processes on hold
    in reprisal for the Georgia war.

    Some Western analysts believe a weak Russia could be more dangerous,
    if mishandled, than a strong one.

    In NATO circles, some see a risk of the "Weimarisation" of Russia,
    comparing it to Germany's economically enfeebled Weimar Republic that
    was swept away by the rise of Hitler's Nazi party.

    Political humiliation and economic instability could lead to a surge
    of aggressive nationalism.

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, wags branded Boris
    Yeltsin's rump Russian Federation "Upper Volta with nukes," capturing
    the paradox of a failed state with a ruined economy sitting on a huge
    arsenal of atomic weapons.

    When Vladimir Putin succeeded Yeltsin in 2000, he was determined
    to restore Russia's power and pride after a decade in which many
    Russians felt the West ignored their interests by expanding NATO in
    ex-communist eastern Europe.

    Today, it sometimes seems that Russophiles and Russophobes in Europe
    and the United States have become objective allies in exaggerating
    the importance of or the threat from Moscow.

    A more self-confident Europe and a less unilateralist America need
    to find a way of engaging with Russia according to its true weight,
    without treating it as a giant.