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Levon Aronian: FIDE Must Reverse Its Decision! An Open Letter

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  • Levon Aronian: FIDE Must Reverse Its Decision! An Open Letter


    Chessbase News d=5059
    Dec 6 2008

    06.12.2008 - "I must request you to critically view and question the
    GA's latest decisions," writes Levon Aronian, the world's number seven
    ranked player, to the FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. "Why should
    we go through several tournaments over several years and fight for a
    place in a tournament that another player gets by losing a match?" The
    winner of the second Grand Prix sent us this open letter.

    Open letter

    Dear Mr. Ilyumzhinov and the FIDE Presidential Board,

    In the wake of recent events surrounding the FIDE Grand Prix and the
    General Assembly's decision to alter the current World Championship
    cycle, I feel obliged, as a participant and a leading chess player,
    to express my disappointment. I must request you to critically view
    and question the GA's latest decisions and the processes to which
    they came. I must stress that I am not one for scandals and do not
    wish to cause unnecessary fights - however I believe it is my duty
    to act as the voice of the players.

    Firstly, the decision to alter the World Championship cycle at this
    time is not in the spirit of fair competition. We can draw a parallel
    to the following example: the rules set before a race state that the
    marathon is 42km, and while the runners are still running, having
    already completed 20km, the rules are suddenly changed to make the
    marathon an 80km run. The runners thus lose motivation to run and
    consequently distrust the rule makers. This is comparable to the
    situation the participants of the FIDE Grand Prix will be in if the
    GA's decisions are made final.

    After severe criticism for many years over the World Championship
    cycle, FIDE finally created a promising new system, only now
    to self-impose new waves of criticism. When the initial World
    Championship cycle was set in place and the Grand Prix system was
    created for players to qualify legitimately for a chance to challenge
    the world champion, we had the belief that there was finally a fair
    and reliable system (which my federation also supported).

    With the GA's recent actions, it seems that there is a democratic
    deficit within FIDE. The GA did not consult the players currently
    taking part in the Grand Prix in their decision processes. Please keep
    in mind a very important point - these players, including myself, have
    a legally binding agreement with FIDE regarding the World Championship
    cycle and the Grand Prix. Therefore it is FIDE's duty to consult the
    other party of the contract - the participants.

    Does this mean that the chess players have lesser rights than
    others? The GA appears to act with no concern for the players. The
    decision to suddenly change the World Championship cycle has damaging
    effects on the career plans of leading chess players. It is also
    reasonable to ask: why should we go through several tournaments over
    several years and fight for a place in a tournament that another player
    gets by losing a match? The GA's decisions remove the motivation for
    players like myself to take part in the World Championship cycle.

    It should be noted that Mr. Mastrokoukos' reason to change the
    cycle because of the unforeseen events of two legs of the Grand Prix
    withdrawing is not convincing and does not reflect reality - because
    a Grand Prix event in Yerevan has already been announced by FIDE as
    a replacement. It is clear that the withdrawal of Doha and Montreux
    are not endangering the system, as he would have us believe in his
    letter to Mr. Carlsen.

    It seems that FIDE was on the right path towards a reliable World
    Championship cycle, which had the support of leading players and
    chess federations worldwide. However, with the GA's recent actions,
    FIDE has left the right path and will lose its credibility in the
    eyes of chess players world wide - not to mention, ruin its efforts to
    be recognized as a sport by the IOC. I hope that the above arguments
    will be heard before finalizing the decisions of the GA.

    Sincerely, Levon Aronian Frankfurt am Main December 6, 2008