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The Settlement Process Yet Far From Finish-Line

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  • The Settlement Process Yet Far From Finish-Line

    Lilit Poghosyan

    Azat Artsakh Daily
    06 Dec 08
    Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

    So, the session of the Council of the Foreign Ministers of
    OSCE member states launched on December 4 in Helsinki and the
    "optimistic" predictions to make the regular meeting in Minsk Group
    Co-Chairmen-Nalbandyan-Mamedyarov format previewed in the before
    mentioned framework historical and crucial, didn't go beyond "kind

    Though OSCE Chairman in office Alexander Strub hurried (or maybe hoped
    to preview to coming events), to announce that the Helsinki meeting
    of the Foreign Ministers of OSCE member states will most probably
    be marked by the adoption of the declaration on Nagorno Karabakh,
    nothing fatal happened in Helsinki.

    The "political and politological" circles that take at face value the
    announcements made by Azerbaijani and western officials over again
    became confident that not to appear in ridiculous situation it would
    be helpful to trust our local authorities as well. In this special case
    the conversation is about Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan,
    who, in the person of the Spokesman for the Foreign Ministry have
    unequivocally refuted the rumors about the adoption of the declaration.

    With their joint announcement the representatives of Minsk Group
    Co-Chairmen countries, the Russian, French Foreign Ministers and
    the US Deputy Secret ary of State one more time enshrined that
    "Karabakh Conflict can't have military settlement and they called
    the two parties to make efforts during the coming months "to finish
    their work around the main principles of the settlement and later
    to set about the elaboration of the bill of a universal peace treaty
    based on those principles" they reiterated their loyalty towards the
    peaceful settlement of the conflict.

    Nothing more.

    Thus the Minsk Group reiterated something that was clear, at least
    after the last visit of the Co-Chairman: that is to say it is not
    possible to record any "breakthrough" in the settlement process, at
    least at this refuge. The American Co-Chairman Mathew Brize, by the
    way, quite realistically stated this. He said that the regular meeting
    in the framework of Minsk Group was far not extraordinary. "It happened
    because we all were here and we were expecting a breakthrough".

    Of course, this time as well Brize remained loyal to the creation
    of a public livelihood around him. Firstly he made the Azerbaijani
    journalists happy, by saying that "the peace treaty must start
    from territorial integrity because that principle works all over
    the world. But the treaty can't exist without the points about

    To which Nalbandyan responded in a very rude manner: "I would like
    to think that Brize hasn't made similar ann ouncement, because it
    doesn't seem to be an announcement made on the level of a Co-Chairman,
    but rather a person who is not interested in the right course of
    the negotiations, who doesn't want the negotiations to continue. I
    hope he hasn't made similar announcement, maybe he wanted to say
    something else.

    The American diplomat "justified" the hopes of the RA Foreign
    Minister, as a rule over again refuted himself, saying that he
    hasn't said such a thing. What he really wanted to do was to make
    the Azerbaijani journalists understand that while Ilham Aliev insists
    on the principle of territorial integrity, Serge Sargsyan insists on
    the right of self-determination. And that in this case the settlement
    must be based on all the 3 Helsinki principles: territorial integrity,
    nations' right to self-determination and not using force.

    It is noteworthy that only one of the before mentioned principals:
    territorial integrity matches with Azerbaijan's aspirations, the
    other two: self-determination and not using force comply with the
    stance of the Armenian party.

    Thus the Helsinki process gave nothing new to the two parties or to
    the Co-Chairmen.

    The only new thing expressed by the joint announcement made by the
    Foreign Ministers of the Co-Chairman countries was the exhortation
    addressed to the parties to withdraw the snipers from the conflict zone
    as a manifestation of mutual trust, to save the lives of the innocent
    people and the soldiers and to establish stable cease-fire regime."

    We must underscore that this clause is addressed to Azerbaijan -
    if not absolutely at least mainly. Because it is Azerbaijan that
    time after time makes provocative actions in Armenian-Azerbaijani
    contact line. It is Azerbaijan that stubbornly hinders the efforts
    of the international community to hold monitoring linked with the
    breaching of the ceasefire. It is Azerbaijan's President that makes
    bellicose announcements recording with pride that Moscow declaration
    is far not an obstacle for re-starting military actions.

    If we add to all the before mentioned the "autonomous" announcement
    made by RF Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov saying that the Moscow
    declaration gave a powerful signal to the settlement process of
    Karabakh conflict, then it becomes clear that the Foreign Ministers
    of OSCE member states and the Minsk Group Co-Chairmen confessed their
    powerlessness in Helsinki to bring closer the diametrically different
    approaches of the two sides, around the document enshrining the main
    principles, which will be acceptable for the Co-Chairmen as well.

    For the simple reason that besides Karabakh status and Azerbaijan's
    territorial integrity they are mainly interested in deploying
    peacekeeping forces, the before mentioned is simply insolvable because
    of Russia-USA rivalry.

    And the fact that Karabakh is estranged from Minsk Group process and
    as Brize underscored it is not yet known when it will be "formally"
    involved in the negotiation format proves that the negotiations are
    far from the finish line.